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汉语拼音:sǒng jiān
唐 韩愈 《石鼎联句》序:“道士哑然笑曰:‘子诗如是而已乎?’ 印 袖手耸肩,倚北墻坐。” 洪深 《戏剧导演的初步知识》上篇三:“嘣嘣花旦,眼珠乱射,连连耸肩,表示轻狂。”
Instead of shrugging off the next joke your friend tells or trying to top a story, laugh.
当你的朋友说下一个笑话或者故事时,不要耸耸肩,你应该大笑起来。When he didn't - when the Lakers decided against giving him a contract extension by Friday's deadline - Odom shrugged and went back to work.
但是他没有——湖人决定拒绝在周五截止日之前为他提供一份续约合同——奥多姆只能耸耸肩回去继续他的工作。I didn't say anything. I shrugged my shoulders. He looked at me for a moment and then he nodded.
我什么也没说,只是耸了耸肩。他望了我一会儿,然后点了点头。And he kind of shrugged and said well, 'cause it looks cool And that's not really gonna be a very compelling reason, right?
他耸耸肩,说,哦,这样做使它看起来很酷,这真的不是一个能令人信服的理由,不是吗?The better she got to know China, she said, the less she expected to be able to get to the bottom of anything.
她耸了耸肩说道,越是了解中国,就越是不可能看得清楚。"I'm a lousy gambler, " he said with a shrug. "But maybe I'll do better now, knowing there's nothing to lose. "
“我是个烂赌鬼,”他耸耸肩,“这样也许反而更好,因为我没什么可再失去的了。”In a different society, your disappointment due to the final grade B might be something you could shrug away. But not in ours.
换一个地方,你或许可对自己由于身居二流所产生的失落耸肩了之,但此地不行。It's just as natural for him to pick up the thing as fou you to throw it away!
翻译耸耸肩说:别在意,他捡这玩意儿跟你扔这玩意儿一样自然!He looked over his shoulder at me, put his hands in the air and shrugged, so I put mine in the air and shrugged back.