




1. 估 [gū]2. 估 [gù]估 [gū]揣测,大致地推算:~计。~价。~一~。古同“贾”,商人。估 [gù]〔~衣〕出售的旧衣服或原料较次、加工较粗的新衣服。……



汉语拼音:gāo gū








  1. 高价。

    《新唐书·食货志四》:“ 包佶 为 汴东 水陆运、两税、盐铁使,许以漆器、瑇瑁、綾綺代盐价,虽不可用者亦高估而售之。”

  2. 过高地估计。




  1. Its economy, grossly overestimated by the CIA and others in the west, fell ever more visibly behind that of the capitalist states.


  2. It's hard to say, because it's hard to know just how much homes were overvalued at the peak of the bubble.


  3. And yet we seem to revel in overestimating China.


  4. It would be a mistake, however, to underestimate American influence, after having grossly overestimated it for so long.


  5. People tend to pile too much on themselves for a single day, overestimating how much they can actually do.


  6. Boat buyers tend to overestimate how often they'll set sail and minimize how much the boat will cost.


  7. As a member of a family of readers, literacy has always been very important to me, and its value to society can hardly be overestimated.


  8. While one in three might be high, there is no doubt that many drivers do report to intelligence services.


  9. To measure up to all that is demanded of him, a man must overestimate his capacities.


  1. 高估的需求

    Overestimating demand

  2. 高估得需求

    Overestimating demand

  3. 高估费用准备。

    Overstating an expense provision.

  4. 资源能力的高估。

    Overestimation of resource competence.

  5. 信任总会被高估。

    Trust is overrated.

  6. 信任总会被高估。

    Trust is overrated.

  7. 成本的最高估价

    an outside estimate of the cost

  8. 他高估了他自己的权力。

    He overestimated his own powers.

  9. 我们高估了金钱的价值。

    We overestimate the value of money.

  10. 领导们高估了他的能力。

    The leaders held a high estimate for his ability.

  11. 我们过于高估我们的力量了。

    We grossly overestimated our power.

  12. 人们往往高估自己的经验。

    People tend to overestimate their own experiences.

  13. 或许理性有点被高估了。

    Perhaps reason is overrated.

  14. 我认为你高估我了,弗雷德。

    I think you overestimate me, Fred.

  15. 对资产高估过高估评的价值

    To overstate the value of.

  16. 财政部一贯高估预算赤字。

    The Ministry of Finance consistently overestimated its budget deficits.

  17. 美国必须谨防高估自身实力。

    The United States has to be careful it doesn't overplay its hand.

  18. 我想她是太高估自己了

    I guess she got in over her head.

  19. 分店存货高估价额准备

    allowance for overvaluation of branch inventory

  20. 高估其它人提供的信息价值。

    Overestimating the value of information received from others.

  21. 高估其它人提供得信息价值。

    Overestimating the value of information received from others.

  22. 所以它很可能是被高估了。

    So it's probably an overestimate.

  23. 他们向来是高估自己的能力。

    They have a long tradition of overestimating their capabilities.

  24. 我看你高估他们的机会了。

    I thinkyou overestimate their chances.

  25. 同时我们也高估了哥利亚

    It's also that we profoundly misunderstand Goliath.

  26. 我认为你高估自己的穿着了。

    I think what you wear is so overrated.

  27. 意志力和纪律被过多的高估。

    Will and discipline are wildly overrated.

  28. 我曾经说过,命运总是被高估。

    Destiny is overrated. Yeah, I said it.

  29. 你太过高估了自己的说服力。

    You vastly overrate your powers of persuasion.

  30. 他在谈判中的作用被高估了。

    His role in the negotiations has been overplayed.


  1. 问:高估拼音怎么拼?高估的读音是什么?高估翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高估的读音是gāogū,高估翻译成英文是 To estimate too highly.

  2. 问:高估自己拼音怎么拼?高估自己的读音是什么?高估自己翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高估自己的读音是Gāogū zìjǐ,高估自己翻译成英文是 to fancy o.; s.

  3. 问:高估币值拼音怎么拼?高估币值的读音是什么?高估币值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高估币值的读音是,高估币值翻译成英文是 overvaluation

  4. 问:高估通货拼音怎么拼?高估通货的读音是什么?高估通货翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高估通货的读音是gāo gū tōng huò,高估通货翻译成英文是 overvalued currency

  5. 问:高估应税金额拼音怎么拼?高估应税金额的读音是什么?高估应税金额翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高估应税金额的读音是gāo gū yìng shuì jīn é,高估应税金额翻译成英文是 excessive assessment