







汉语拼音:guī jiāo






  1. But during one of her experiments, Patty noticed that an inflating drake's penis could burst through a silicone model of an oviduct.


  2. It has no reaction to chemistry of the body, 100% silicone toys are completely inert.


  3. with regard to metal material, the head-face model can be manufactured into a silica gel model to be cast.


  4. The silicon iPad case shows a space for a rear-facing camera at the top, and a speaker grille on the bottom rear side.


  5. The sight is protected from misting by a filter of silica gel, which dries the air as it enters an inlet at the bottom of the sight.


  6. Before then, Butler practiced in North Carolina. So far, he said none of their patients has experienced any problems.


  7. The gas mask made by high grade silica gel, endure the aging, avoid allergy, durable, easy to clean.


  8. My latest bad-news boyfriend had just suggested I get silicone implants; suddenly, I was ready to supplant him.


  9. If you wish to test your silicone toy with silicone lube use the bottom of the flanged base and do a test square.


  1. 硅胶硫酸酯

    silica sulfate.

  2. 硅胶管植入

    Annular silicone.

  3. 超薄硅胶膜

    Thin silicone membrance.

  4. 硅胶吸附管

    Silica gel sorbent tube.

  5. 硅胶整体柱

    monolithic silica column.

  6. 硅胶套蓝色

    Apple iPod Nano Silicone Skin Case Blue.

  7. 优质硅胶奶嘴

    Premium silicone nipple

  8. 硅胶试验方法

    test method for silica gel.

  9. 硅胶吸附色谱

    silica adsorption chromatography.

  10. 硅胶吸附蛋白质

    Silica eluent protein

  11. 硅胶负载氧化锆

    silica gel loaded with zirconium oxide

  12. 硅胶层析柱

    Silica gel column.

  13. 球头硅胶管

    Silicone tube with spherical end.

  14. 有机硅胶粘剂

    silicone adhesive

  15. 酞菁键合硅胶

    phthalocyanine bonded silica gel

  16. 高孔隙度硅胶

    high porosity silica

  17. 硅胶管植入术

    silicone intubation.

  18. 多级孔道硅胶

    hierarchical silica.

  19. 硅胶管流动腔

    Silicone tube flow chamber.

  20. 硅胶表面改性

    silica surface modification.

  21. 高强度硅胶垫

    High Strength Silicon Rubber Sheets

  22. 变压吸附硅胶

    Pressure swing adsorption silica gel.

  23. 硅胶固载硫酸铈

    cerium sulfate supported on solica gel

  24. 硅胶固载硫酸镓

    gallium sulfate supported on silica gel

  25. 环形硅胶管植入

    Annular silicone intubation

  26. 导尿管硅胶涂层

    Catheter with Silicone Rubber Coating

  27. 粗孔硅胶微球

    wide hole silica gel

  28. 疏水多孔硅胶

    hydrophobic porous silica.

  29. 键合硅胶固定相

    stationary phase

  30. 微孔和中孔硅胶

    Micropore and mesopore silica gels


  1. 问:硅胶拼音怎么拼?硅胶的读音是什么?硅胶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硅胶的读音是,硅胶翻译成英文是 Silica gel

  2. 问:硅胶基拼音怎么拼?硅胶基的读音是什么?硅胶基翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硅胶基的读音是guī jiāo jī,硅胶基翻译成英文是 silica based

  3. 问:硅胶板拼音怎么拼?硅胶板的读音是什么?硅胶板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硅胶板的读音是guī jiāo bǎn,硅胶板翻译成英文是 silica gel plate

  4. 问:硅胶漆拼音怎么拼?硅胶漆的读音是什么?硅胶漆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硅胶漆的读音是guī jiāo qī,硅胶漆翻译成英文是 silicate paint

  5. 问:硅胶珠拼音怎么拼?硅胶珠的读音是什么?硅胶珠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硅胶珠的读音是guī jiāo zhū,硅胶珠翻译成英文是 silica gel bead

  6. 问:硅胶球拼音怎么拼?硅胶球的读音是什么?硅胶球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硅胶球的读音是guī jiāo qiú,硅胶球翻译成英文是 silica gel sphere

  7. 问:硅胶粉拼音怎么拼?硅胶粉的读音是什么?硅胶粉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硅胶粉的读音是guī jiāo fěn,硅胶粉翻译成英文是 silica-gel powder

  8. 问:硅胶干燥剂拼音怎么拼?硅胶干燥剂的读音是什么?硅胶干燥剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硅胶干燥剂的读音是guī jiāo gān zào jì,硅胶干燥剂翻译成英文是 silica gel drier

  9. 问:硅胶色谱板拼音怎么拼?硅胶色谱板的读音是什么?硅胶色谱板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硅胶色谱板的读音是guī jiāo sè pǔ bǎn,硅胶色谱板翻译成英文是 silica gel chromatoplate

  10. 问:硅胶阴道环拼音怎么拼?硅胶阴道环的读音是什么?硅胶阴道环翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硅胶阴道环的读音是guī jiāo yīn dào huán,硅胶阴道环翻译成英文是 elastic vaginal rings

  11. 问:硅胶冷气系统拼音怎么拼?硅胶冷气系统的读音是什么?硅胶冷气系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硅胶冷气系统的读音是guī jiāo lěng qì xì tǒng,硅胶冷气系统翻译成英文是 silica gel system

  12. 问:硅胶薄层层析拼音怎么拼?硅胶薄层层析的读音是什么?硅胶薄层层析翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硅胶薄层层析的读音是guī jiāo báo céng céng xī,硅胶薄层层析翻译成英文是 silica gel thin layer chromatography

  13. 问:硅胶薄层色谱法拼音怎么拼?硅胶薄层色谱法的读音是什么?硅胶薄层色谱法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硅胶薄层色谱法的读音是guī jiāo báo céng sè pǔ fǎ,硅胶薄层色谱法翻译成英文是 silica gel thin layer chromatography