


分量小,与“重(zhòng )”相对:~重。~型。~便(biàn )。~于鸿毛。~尘栖弱草(喻人生渺小短暂)。程度浅,数量少:年~。工作~。用力小:~放。~声。~闲。~描淡写。负载少,装备简省:~装。~骑。~锐(轻装的精锐部队)。认为容易,……


人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:qīng shēn







5.空身。 6.指独身,单身。 7.身体轻盈。 8.指分娩。



  1. 道教谓使身体轻健而能轻举。

    《史记·留侯世家》:“ 留侯 乃称曰:‘……愿弃人閒事,欲从 赤松子 游耳。’乃学辟穀,道引轻身。” 裴駰 集解引 徐广 曰:“一云‘乃学道引,欲轻举’也。” 宋 赵彦卫 《云麓漫钞》卷八:“ 后魏 嵩山 道士 寇谦之 修 张道陵 之术,以其教太冷淡无所得,自言遇 老子 降,授以辟穀轻身之法及《科戒》二十卷。”

  2. 指飞升,登仙。

    明 屠隆 《綵毫记·游玩月宫》:“灵光保得长明皎,万里秋毫。早则个轻身慾界超。”

  3. 谓不尊重自身。

    《孟子·梁惠王下》:“何哉,君所为轻身以先於匹夫者?” 明 刘基 《春秋明经·公子结媵陈人之妇于鄄遂及齐侯宋公盟》:“大夫轻身以亲浅事,而专命以抗公侯,《春秋》书之,所以责其重以失己而又轻以失人也。” 明 陆采 《怀香记·池塘晤语》:“轻身自许,端为恁蕙质兰情。”

  4. 犹轻生。

    宋 司马光 《奏弹王安石表》:“盖以立君朝者当励己以去邪,食君禄者必轻身而为国。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷六:“今若轻身一死,有许多不便。” 清 宣鼎 《夜雨秋灯录三集·李老》:“其母哀痛迫切,几致轻身。”

  5. 空身。

    《初学记》卷二一引 南朝 陈 周弘正 《学中早起听讲》诗:“未解轻身去,唯应下第归。”《儒林外史》第八回:“此时潜踪在外,虽这一点物件,也恐被人识认,惹起是非,如今也将来交与世兄,我轻身更好逃窜了。”

  6. 指独身,单身。

    《宣和遗事》前集:“ 公弼 昔居 平州 ,愿轻身见 张瑴 ,諭以 金国 招徠之意。” 明 李日华 《南西厢记·回春柬药》:“我想起来,是我前日将他奚落那场,因此病越重了。本待轻身救疗,只怕遗臭闺门。”

  7. 身体轻盈。

    唐 李白 《阳春歌》:“ 飞燕皇后 轻身舞,紫宫夫人絶世歌。”

  8. 指分娩。




  1. Bank: Grade of lightweight writing and printing paper used for correspondence, multi-part sets, etc.


  2. Manifold paper : A thin, light-weight paper used for duplicating work with carbon paper or for air mail letter.


  3. Airmail paper Light-weight, high grade writing papers invariably made from rag for strength. One of the common usages is for aerogramme.


  4. The class's feats are inspired by Oriental adventures, with items like meditation, purity of body, slow fall and still mind among the list.


  5. Antique feather-weights: Any good bulking, light weight paper with a rough surface.


  6. We're going to take minimalist travel to the next level.


  7. Think traveling light, or moving to a new city without too much stuff.


  8. Ancient records, fungus, "Qi is not hungry, are light strong annals. "


  9. Objective To investigate the effect of Qingshenjiangzhiyin on blood lipid and hemorheology in patients with atherosclerotic of carotid.


  1. 轻身减肥片

    Dexfenfluramine Hudrochlorid.

  2. 这条狗轻身一跃跑了。

    The dog pranced off.

  3. 做这种气功可使您轻身延寿。

    It will help you reduce the Body weight and prolong your life to do this kind of Qigong.

  4. 轻身延寿的秘诀是活络筋骨, 疏通经络。

    The secret of reducing the Body weight and prolonging life is to exercise the Bones and muscles and dredge the channels and collaterals.

  5. 山花轻身散防治单纯性肥胖的实验研究

    The Experimental Study on Prevention and Cure of Shan Hua Qing Shen San to Simple Obesity Disease

  6. 高级打字纸轻身的书写和印刷用纸的一类。

    Bank Grade of lightweight writing and printing paper used for correspondence, multipart sets, etc.

  7. 这位练武得老人已经70岁了, 还轻身如燕。

    The old man who practices wushu is already 70 years old, but is still as slim as a swallow.

  8. 这位练武的老人已经70岁了,还轻身如燕。

    The old man who practices wushu is already 70 years old, but is still as slim as a swallow.

  9. 这位练武的老人已经70岁了,还轻身如燕。

    The old man who practices wushu is already 70 years old, but is still as slim as a swallow.

  10. 那骑师用手一按马背轻身跃上了马鞍。

    The jockey vaulted lightly into the saddle.

  11. 他是个轻身重情义的好人,大家喜欢和他相处。

    He is a good man who is humble but thinks much of the ties of friendship, so people like to be with him.

  12. 他是个轻身重情义的好人,大家喜欢和他相处。

    He is a good man who is humble but thinks much of the ties of friendship, so people like to be with him.

  13. 目得建立轻身减肥片中原儿茶醛得含量测定方法。

    Objective To set up a method for determining the protocatechuic aldehyde in Qingshenjianfei tablets.

  14. 以此给大家一个轻身经历的人的角度看待这个事情

    to convey the inside view.

  15. 中等至轻身酒体, 富黑加仑子及樱桃味道, 单宁柔和。

    Mediumlight body red wine with black currant , cherry and light tannin texture.

  16. 薄而轻身的纸。作空邮信纸或连同碳纸作为写文件用。

    Manifold paper A thin, lightweight paper used for duplicating work with carbon paper or for air mail letter.


  1. 问:轻身拼音怎么拼?轻身的读音是什么?轻身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:轻身的读音是qīngshēn,轻身翻译成英文是 To make one's body light and healthy.; To a...