







汉语拼音:wú jì






  1. 无穷;不尽。

    唐 李迪 《锻破骊龙珠赋》:“酌斯事之为言,繄可以用之而无既。” 清 恽敬 《吴城万寿宫碑铭》:“ 张角 、 宋子贤 、 刘鸿儒 妄作訞讹,毒流无既。”《儿女英雄传》第三七回:“﹝ 安老爷 ﹞便説道:‘ 驥儿 承老夫子的春风化雨,遂令小子成名,不惟身受者顶感终身,即愚夫妇也铭佩无既。’”



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  1. 既无音韵又无情节

    neither rhyme nor reason

  2. 既无外债又无内债

    free of both foreign and internal debts

  3. 他家既无房子又无地。

    His family owned neither land nor house.

  4. 他既无审美感又无智慧。

    He is inaesthetic and unintellectual.

  5. 既无内债又无外债的国家

    country without internal and external debts

  6. 附近既无河流也没小溪。

    There is neither river nor stream nearby.

  7. 这封信既无热情又无感情。

    The letter was devoid of warmth and feeling.

  8. 这部电影既无希望,也无水平。

    The filming was hopeless incompetent.

  9. 这部电影既无希望,也无水平。

    The filming was hopeless incompetent.

  10. 气体既无一定的体积, 又无一定的形状。

    Gases have neither definite size nor definite shape.

  11. 气体既无一定得体积,又无一定得形状。

    Gases have neither definite size nor definite shape.

  12. 攀登科学高峰, 既无捷径又无坦途。

    There are neither shortcuts nor easy paths to the heights of science.

  13. 这个传说既无事实依据, 也无历史依据。

    There is neither factual nor historical basis for this legend.

  14. 这本最新选集既无风格, 又无创意。

    This latest collection lacks style and originality.

  15. 她既无父母又无兄弟姐妹, 她是个孤儿。

    She has no parents, nor sisters nor brothers. She an orphan.

  16. 他既无谋略又无个人魅力来鼓舞人。

    He has neither the policies nor the personal charisma to inspire people.

  17. 这家旅馆既无网球场也没有游泳池。

    There were neither tennis courts nor a swimming pool in the hotel.

  18. 这个新部委正在筹建,既无资产也无负债。

    This new ministry was being created with zero assets and zero liabilities.

  19. 那时既无剧院,又无电影院,也无咖啡馆,死气沉沉。

    There were no theatres, no cinemas, no coffee bars. It was dead as anything.

  20. 玛丽孤身一人,既无朋友又无处安身。

    Marie was entirely alone, without friends or refuge.

  21. 像我这种既无靠山, 爹妈又不行的?

    Who didn't have the right nobby background or the right parents ?

  22. 具有直立断层面的断层既无上盘,也无下盘。

    A vertical fault has neither a footwall nor a hanging wall.

  23. 他既无听觉, 又无发声力, 因此, 他不能唱歌。

    He has neither ear nor voice , hence he cant sing.

  24. 一般而言, 人里面既无持久性也无意识。

    Apply the same permanence to love, and its no wonder that early passion can gel so quickly into enduring commitment.

  25. 植物既无神经又无肌肉, 但它们照样活动着。

    Plants have neither nerves nor muscles but they are working.

  26. 这些问题既无党派之分, 亦无意识形态之别。

    These questions have nothing to do with party or ideology.

  27. 他仍在混日子,既无正当职业,又无任何志向。

    He's still drifting along, without a proper job or any sense of purpose.

  28. 我认为,把港元贬值既无必要,也不利於香港。

    I do not believe we need to devalue the Hong Kong Dollar.

  29. 她意识到他的目光里既无怜悯, 也无轻蔑。

    She realizes that his eyes hold neither pity, nor scorn.

  30. 他既无工作又无钱,只好在野外露宿数月。

    Jobless and penniless, he had to sleep rough in the fields for several months.