













汉语拼音:xué xí xīn lǐ xué






  1. In this book, including human nature, learning psychology, individual differences and the reasons of three parts.


  2. Social learning psychologist Albert. Bandura's studies suggest that people have an extraordinary symbol of the use of a symbolic capacity.


  3. The result of the probe shows: the psychological health level of the college students in P.


  4. Learning motivation is an important problem of educational psychology and learning psychology.


  5. Colin skipped two grades in public school and began taking psychology, history and other courses at UConn when he was 9.


  6. They learn psychologic theories as well as techniques for planning lessons, teaching concepts, and managing classrooms.


  7. In recent years, Attribution has become one of the hot subjects in the field of educational psychology and learning psychology.


  8. so , in my doctoral program , i completed all of the courses in learning psychology that i could.


  9. The chapter analyses the learning behavior in the Tongzi sacrificial rites from psychological standpoint.


  1. 应用学习心理学

    applied psychology of learning

  2. 科学学习心理学

    The Psychology of Learning Science

  3. 他正在学习心理学和哲学。

    He's studying psychology and philosophy.

  4. 数学学习心理学的现代研究

    The Modern Research of Mathematics Learning Psychology

  5. 学习心理学的一个新学派

    A new school of learning psychology.

  6. 她可以花费她全部的时间来学习心理学。

    She can spend all her time studying psychology.

  7. 学习策略是学习心理学研究的重要课题之一。

    Learning strategy is an important subject of learning psychology.

  8. 信息加工的学习理论已成为研究学习心理学的主流。

    The learning theory about information processing has become the mainstream in study of learning psychology.

  9. 因此她在闲暇时间学习心理学,期待有朝一日能够转行。

    So in her spare time she studies psychology, in anticipation of switching professional tracks.

  10. 后来就到了美国学习心理学 我开始探寻幸福之本源

    Then I came to this country to study psychology and I started trying to understand these roots of happiness.

  11. 行为主义与认知心理学学习理论的异同

    The Similarities and Differences of Learning Theory of Behaviorism and Cognize Psychology

  12. 岳修平。教学心理学学习的认知基础。台北远流。

    Gagne, E.D., et al The cognitive psychology of school learning.

  13. 学习医学心理学可以促进医学生心理健康。

    Conclusion Learning medical psychology could improve mental health of students.

  14. 概念学习的心理学研究成果及新进展

    Outcome and New Development of Psychological Research on Concept Learning

  15. 学习医学心理学对医学生心理健康的影响

    The effect of learning medical psychology on mental health of students.

  16. 关于从错误中学习的心理学我们也开始了解的越来越多。

    We are also starting to learn more about the psychology of learning from mistakes.

  17. 浅析体育技能学习中的心理学因素

    Analysis of the Factors of Psychology in learning Skill of Physical Education

  18. 类别学习是认知心理学的一个重要领域。

    Category learning is an important field of cognitive psychology.

  19. 学习理论与个人心理学

    Theories of learning and the psychology of the individual

  20. 二。学习理论与个人心理学

    Theories of learning and the psychology of the individual

  21. 科学学习与化学教学心理学基础

    The Psychology of learning Science and Teaching Chemistry

  22. 合作学习是当今学校心理学的研究热点。

    Today cooperative learning is the focus of school psychology research.

  23. 学习分类是教育心理学的基本理论之一。

    Learning classification is one of the basic theories of educational psychology.

  24. 学习动机是教育心理学领域的一个重要概念。

    They are significant concepts in the field of Educational Psychology.

  25. 提高高校英语学习困难学生学习质量的教育心理学对策

    Educational Psychology Strategies to Improve the Qualities of the Students Poor at College English Learning

  26. 内隐学习是目前教育心理学领域的一个研究热点。

    Implicit learning is one of the study hotspots in the field of educational psychology.

  27. 通过本科四年的学习,我对心理学产生了浓厚的兴趣。

    Through four years of undergraduate course, I have grumous interested in psychology.

  28. 学习和记忆的认知心理学研究

    Cognitive Psychology of Learning and Memory

  29. 明年我将学习一段时间得心理学。

    Next year I'll study psychology time.

  30. 明年我将学习一段时间的心理学。

    Next year I'll study psychology time.


  1. 问:学习心理学拼音怎么拼?学习心理学的读音是什么?学习心理学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:学习心理学的读音是xué xí xīn lǐ xué,学习心理学翻译成英文是 learning psychology