


1. 这 [zhè]2. 这 [zhèi]这 [zhè]代词,此,指较近的时间、地点或事物,与“那”相对:~里。~些。~个。~样。这时候,指说话的同时:他~就来。这 [zhèi]“这(zhè)一”二字的合音,但指数量时不限于一:~个。~点儿……





汉语拼音:zhè men







  1. 这么。

    明 徐渭 《翠乡梦》第一出:“这们大雨,天又黑了,你着一身孝来我这菴里呵,做舍子?”《老残游记》第三回:“不是这们説。河面窄,容不下,只是伏汛几十天。” 茅盾 《动摇》十:“大家都说 周时达 神经过敏, 胡国光 决没有这们大胆。”

  2. 犹这种。




  1. "There was no Mandarin before! " said the affable former model, laughing, when Today asked him how his command of the language was pre-fame.


  2. The old man seems to have forgotten everything he learnt at school.


  3. When it was to my advantage to be considered African, it pleased me.


  4. Almost a year on from the election, reformers are more sanguine.


  5. He must answer the question whether he agrees to it or not.


  6. However, the audience may imagine that the actor escaped a terrible death by the skin of his teeth.


  7. This course is an introduction to the basics of random matrix theory, motivated by engineering and scientific applications.


  8. We shall present certain introductory notions that pertain to finite deformation in this chapter.


  9. Until now, researchers have focused mostly on forces like agriculture, oil, logging and road construction.


  1. 我们怎么抓这们呢

    But how will we catch them

  2. 这们认为只有这样的口号是正确的。

    We consider only such slogans to be correct.

  3. 一本大生意造就了这们年轻大亨。

    One big deal made the young tycoon.

  4. 我喜欢这们的职业,有压力才有动力。

    I like this of occupation, have pressure to just have motive.

  5. 这家公司聘这们退休得教授担任顾问。

    The firm employs the retired professor as an adviser.

  6. 这家公司聘这们退休的教授担任顾问。

    The firm employs the retired professor as an adviser.

  7. 在这们的场合上有谁会愿意受到冷落呢?

    Who would like to feel left out at such a function?

  8. 我几乎从未见过销售量丽丽这们有口才的女孩子

    Seldom have I met a girl whos had such a gift of gab like Lee Lees.

  9. 然而观众可能会认为这们演员是虎口脱险, 幸免惨死的。

    However, the audience may imagine that the actor escaped a terrible death by the skin of his teeth.

  10. 这们老人似乎把在学校里学得一切东西都忘光了。

    The old man seems to have forgotten everything he learnt at school.

  11. 这们老人似乎把在学校里学的一切东西都忘光了。

    The old man seems to have forgotten everything he learnt at school.

  12. 个个都好。怎么写的这们好了明儿也与我写一个匾

    Theyre all good. I didnt know you were such a calligrapher. You must write an inscription for me some time too.

  13. 大选至今已有一年之久,现在的改革这们更加乐观了。

    Almost a year on from the election, reformers are more sanguine.

  14. 在这一章里, 这们将初步地介绍一些关于有限变形的概念。

    We shall present certain introductory notions that pertain to finite deformation in this chapter.

  15. 这们对我来说是非常特别的,正如意大利有其独特之处一样。

    They are special for me in the same way that Italy is special.

  16. 同志们这次会议,是一次意义十分重大的会议。

    Comrades, this meeting is of great significance.

  17. 巧克力族们这下可以放心食用香甜可口的巧克力了。

    Good news for chocoholics.

  18. 时雨缓解了大旱, 农民们这下展开愁眉了。

    The timely rain eased the drought, which removed the worried look from the farmers'faces.

  19. 时雨缓解了大旱,农民们这下展开愁眉了。

    The timely rain eased the drought, which removed the worried look from the farmers' faces.

  20. 女士们先生们 这就是军队之所以存在的 本质理由

    This, ladies and gentlemen, is the rationale behind the existence of my armed forces.

  21. 我希望大家可以尊重我的战士们 这位战士手持钢枪

    I hope you will respect my soldiers, this soldier with this gun.

  22. 我觉得孩子们这周遭逢的巨变已经够大了

    I think the girls have had enough change for one week.

  23. 那么, 告诉你的朋友们这周的嘻哈公园会很精彩的!

    In fact tell your friends because this weeks xi ha gong yuan is real.

  24. 那么,告诉你得朋友们这周得嘻哈公园会很精彩得!

    In fact tell your friends because this weeks xi ha gong yuan is real.

  25. 程序员们这下满意了, 他们中午上班, 一直工作到凌晨。

    The programmers, now satisfied, began to come in a noon and work to the wee hours of the morning.

  26. 对于在新泽西州的同性恋夫妇们这将是一个新的一天。

    It's a new day for gay and lesbian couples in New Jersey.

  27. 这农民们曾经被围困得土地上,

    Here once the embattled farmers stood

  28. 这农民们曾经被围困的土地上,

    Here once the embattled farmers stood

  29. 让他受受这娘们的火爆 是他应得的。

    He deserves every bit of crazy she's gonna rain down on him.

  30. 这娘儿们是多么喜欢干那件事儿呀!

    Look at that ass, will you?