







汉语拼音:gōng rèn








  1. 公众所承认,大家所承认。

    毛泽东 《增强党的团结,继承党的传统》:“我们党是一个伟大的、光荣的、正确的党,这是全世界公认的。” 徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想》:“这篇论文已经得到了国际数学界的公认,誉满天下。”



  1. To propel your career, you want to come out of a higher degree as a recognized individual having made a significant scientific contribution.


  2. Being able to confidently stand up and speak in public is one of the most visible and recognized skills you can have at your disposal.


  3. But she did not realize that although she had broken an accepted social rule, she had done nothing against nature.


  4. I mean it had the same recognizable sounds as any one of the feature films.


  5. In bringing up the concept of GASP the author is making the point that information protection should be given due attention.


  6. This model, which is recognised internationally as one of the most advanced of its type in the world, is now going up in flames.


  7. However, it is a pity that there are no uniform recognition on how the concept of earnings quality came into being and how to assess them.


  8. Tower Bridge is one of the most famous landmarks in London and one of the world's most recognisable bridges!


  9. William Keene is a senior epidemiologist for the U. S. state of Oregon's public health department, recognized as one of the nation's best.


  1. 公认的领袖

    the acknowledged leader.

  2. 公认之字义

    the usual acceptance of the world.

  3. 公认汇兑平价

    conventional par of exchange.

  4. 公认会计准则

    generally accepted accounting principles.

  5. 公认严酷的刑罚

    an admittedly severe punishment

  6. 公认的世界冠军

    the undisputed champion of the world

  7. 团体的公认领袖

    the acknowledged leader of the group

  8. 普遍承认地公认地

    By general admission confessedly.

  9. 缺乏公认的道歉。

    JaCK SPaRROW Lack of apology accepted.

  10. 他被公认为专家

    he's meant to be an expert

  11. 由舆论所公认的

    to be sanctioned by public opinion

  12. 她的权威是公认的。

    Her authority is unquestioned.

  13. 他是公认的傻瓜。

    He is commonly supposed to be foolish.

  14. 他是公认的活字典。

    He is known as a walking dictionary.

  15. 什么样的公认的信条呢?

    The official dogma of what.

  16. 得到公认成就的总合。

    the sum of recognized accomplishments.

  17. 他是个公认的酒鬼。

    He is a confessed alcoholic.

  18. 这是多数人公认的。

    This obtains with most people.

  19. 公认地为人们所许可公认地

    By general admission admittedly.

  20. 普通意义, 众所公认的意义

    the accepted meaning

  21. 大家公认比尔很能干。

    Bill is rated as very capable.

  22. 他的功绩已得到公认。

    His merits have been recognized.

  23. 他的诚实是大家公认的。

    Mis honesty is well established.

  24. 公认是权威或优秀的。

    of recognized authority or excellence.

  25. 这是举世公认的事实

    It is the fact acknowledged from China to Peru.

  26. 追随公认的风俗和礼仪。

    Following accepted customs and proprieties.

  27. 遵守正统或公认的规则的。

    conforming to orthodox or recognized rules.

  28. 即公认的国际运输要道。

    C, the International Recognized Transit Corridor.

  29. 她非凡的才能举世公认。

    Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition.

  30. 依照确定的公认的标准行动。

    Acting according to certain accepted standards.


  1. 问:公认拼音怎么拼?公认的读音是什么?公认翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认的读音是gōngrèn,公认翻译成英文是 acknowledge

  2. 问:公认地拼音怎么拼?公认地的读音是什么?公认地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认地的读音是gōng rèn dì,公认地翻译成英文是 generally accepted

  3. 问:公认的拼音怎么拼?公认的的读音是什么?公认的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认的的读音是,公认的翻译成英文是 accepted

  4. 问:公认原则拼音怎么拼?公认原则的读音是什么?公认原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认原则的读音是gōngrènyuánzé,公认原则翻译成英文是 recognized principle

  5. 问:公认原理拼音怎么拼?公认原理的读音是什么?公认原理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认原理的读音是gōng rèn yuán lǐ,公认原理翻译成英文是 acceptable principle

  6. 问:公认婚姻拼音怎么拼?公认婚姻的读音是什么?公认婚姻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认婚姻的读音是gōng rèn hūn yīn,公认婚姻翻译成英文是 reputed marriage

  7. 问:公认定义拼音怎么拼?公认定义的读音是什么?公认定义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认定义的读音是gōng rèn dìng yì,公认定义翻译成英文是 agreed definition

  8. 问:公认承兑拼音怎么拼?公认承兑的读音是什么?公认承兑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认承兑的读音是gōng rèn chéng duì,公认承兑翻译成英文是 approved acceptance

  9. 问:公认本票拼音怎么拼?公认本票的读音是什么?公认本票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认本票的读音是gōng rèn běn piào,公认本票翻译成英文是 approved note

  10. 问:公认权利拼音怎么拼?公认权利的读音是什么?公认权利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认权利的读音是gōngrènquánlì,公认权利翻译成英文是 recognized right

  11. 问:公认权威拼音怎么拼?公认权威的读音是什么?公认权威翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认权威的读音是gōng rèn quán wēi,公认权威翻译成英文是 sanctioned authority

  12. 问:公认标志拼音怎么拼?公认标志的读音是什么?公认标志翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认标志的读音是gōngrèn biāozhì,公认标志翻译成英文是 recognized emblem

  13. 问:公认汇票拼音怎么拼?公认汇票的读音是什么?公认汇票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认汇票的读音是gōng rèn huì piào,公认汇票翻译成英文是 approved bill

  14. 问:公认证书拼音怎么拼?公认证书的读音是什么?公认证书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认证书的读音是gōng rèn zhèng shū,公认证书翻译成英文是 publicly certified acknowledgment

  15. 问:公认会计原则拼音怎么拼?公认会计原则的读音是什么?公认会计原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认会计原则的读音是gōng rèn kuài jì yuán zé,公认会计原则翻译成英文是 accounting principles generally accepted...

  16. 问:公认审计准则拼音怎么拼?公认审计准则的读音是什么?公认审计准则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认审计准则的读音是gōng rèn shěn jì zhǔn zé,公认审计准则翻译成英文是 generally accepted auditing standard

  17. 问:公认审计标准拼音怎么拼?公认审计标准的读音是什么?公认审计标准翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认审计标准的读音是gōng rèn shěn jì biāo zhǔn,公认审计标准翻译成英文是 generally accepted auditing standard

  18. 问:公认文件记录拼音怎么拼?公认文件记录的读音是什么?公认文件记录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认文件记录的读音是gōng rèn wén jiàn jì lù,公认文件记录翻译成英文是 licensed documentation

  19. 问:公认相关因素拼音怎么拼?公认相关因素的读音是什么?公认相关因素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认相关因素的读音是gōng rèn xiāng guān yīn sù,公认相关因素翻译成英文是 well-established correlate

  20. 问:公认质量标准拼音怎么拼?公认质量标准的读音是什么?公认质量标准翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公认质量标准的读音是gōng rèn zhì liàng biāo zhǔn,公认质量标准翻译成英文是 accepted engineering requirements





【基本解释】[be generally acknowledged] 公众所承认;大家一致地承认公认他为城市的第一公民