







汉语拼音:hé àn







河岸 [hé àn]
  1. 河流的岸边。




  1. And all at once the distinct recollection came to him of an afternoon spent with her in a little wood on the banks of the river.


  2. The trees upon the bank were giant garden plants; he noted a definite order in their arrangement, inhaled the fragrance of their blooms.


  3. On the bank of the Nile River, the donkey halted, and the princess rushed up to the prince.


  4. It was beginning to be light enough so I could see the bushes along the shore-line.


  5. All this gave me a physical lift; I felt more energetic as I walked along the raised footpath between the river and the fields.


  6. The woman named Narcissa gained the top of the bank, where a line of old railings separated the river from a narrow, cobbled street.


  7. He rose and descended river-wards once more; then changed his mind and sought the side of the dusty lane.


  8. The two hunters now advanced among the long grass, following the bank.


  9. Once upon a time, Mr. Monkey was living by himself near a riverbank. He was very strong, and he was a great jumper.


  1. 河岸防护林

    river bank protection forest.

  2. 尼罗河河岸

    Lthe Shore of the Nile.

  3. 河岸稳定性

    bank stability.

  4. 河岸的斜坡

    the cant of a bank.

  5. 河岸带植被

    riparian vegetation.

  6. 荒漠河岸林

    desert riparian forest.

  7. 生态河岸带

    ecological riparian zone.

  8. 粘性土河岸

    cohesive riverbank.

  9. 芦苇丛生的河岸

    reedy river banks

  10. 漳河岸畔访邺城

    A Visit to Ye Town at the Bank of Zhanghe River

  11. 北九州河岸广场

    Kitakyushu River City

  12. 昆虫泛滥的河岸。

    a riverbank swarming with insects.

  13. 长满苔的河岸

    mossy banks.

  14. 分流水溢出河岸。

    A distributary overflows its banks.

  15. 河岸南边的牧场

    the pasture on the south side of the river

  16. 长满草的河岸

    a grassy river bank

  17. 河流常常淹没河岸。

    River often overflow their bank.

  18. 那个公园靠近河岸。

    The park borders on the bank of the river.

  19. 河岸初次崩塌示意图

    Sketch of initial bank failure

  20. 河岸绿树成阴。

    The bank of the river was well treed.

  21. 天是红河岸

    The Sky is the Red River Bank.

  22. 较近的一边河岸

    the near bank of the river

  23. 树木排列在河岸上。

    Trees line the riverbank.

  24. 星光镶嵌小河河岸

    Starlight by the edge of the creek

  25. 在雅芳河岸上。

    On the Avon river bank.

  26. 沿着河岸绿树成行。

    Trees grew along the river bank.

  27. 水已经平了河岸。

    The water has been on the same level with the banks.

  28. 水已经齐了河岸。

    The water has been on the same level with the banks.

  29. 河岸防冲拦淤栅

    wattle work

  30. 狗正沿着河岸奔跑。

    The dogs are running along the river banks.


  1. 问:河岸拼音怎么拼?河岸的读音是什么?河岸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸的读音是hé'àn,河岸翻译成英文是 river bank; river side

  2. 问:河岸地拼音怎么拼?河岸地的读音是什么?河岸地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸地的读音是hé àn dì,河岸地翻译成英文是 riparian land; riparian right

  3. 问:河岸堤拼音怎么拼?河岸堤的读音是什么?河岸堤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸堤的读音是hé àn dī,河岸堤翻译成英文是 bank levee

  4. 问:河岸权拼音怎么拼?河岸权的读音是什么?河岸权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸权的读音是hé àn quán,河岸权翻译成英文是 aquatic rights

  5. 问:河岸的拼音怎么拼?河岸的的读音是什么?河岸的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸的的读音是hé àn de,河岸的翻译成英文是 riparian

  6. 问:河岸线拼音怎么拼?河岸线的读音是什么?河岸线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸线的读音是hé àn xiàn,河岸线翻译成英文是 bank line

  7. 问:河岸侵蚀拼音怎么拼?河岸侵蚀的读音是什么?河岸侵蚀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸侵蚀的读音是hé àn qīn shí,河岸侵蚀翻译成英文是 streambank erosion

  8. 问:河岸修坡拼音怎么拼?河岸修坡的读音是什么?河岸修坡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸修坡的读音是hé àn xiū pō,河岸修坡翻译成英文是 bank grading

  9. 问:河岸剥蚀拼音怎么拼?河岸剥蚀的读音是什么?河岸剥蚀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸剥蚀的读音是hé àn bō shí,河岸剥蚀翻译成英文是 bank strip

  10. 问:河岸加固拼音怎么拼?河岸加固的读音是什么?河岸加固翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸加固的读音是hé àn jiā gù,河岸加固翻译成英文是 bank strengthing

  11. 问:河岸岩荠拼音怎么拼?河岸岩荠的读音是什么?河岸岩荠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸岩荠的读音是hé'ànyánjì,河岸岩荠翻译成英文是 Cochlearia rivulorum

  12. 问:河岸崩坍拼音怎么拼?河岸崩坍的读音是什么?河岸崩坍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸崩坍的读音是hé àn bēng tān,河岸崩坍翻译成英文是 tearing away of bank

  13. 问:河岸崩塌拼音怎么拼?河岸崩塌的读音是什么?河岸崩塌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸崩塌的读音是hé àn bēng tā,河岸崩塌翻译成英文是 bank collapse

  14. 问:河岸整坡拼音怎么拼?河岸整坡的读音是什么?河岸整坡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸整坡的读音是hé àn zhěng pō,河岸整坡翻译成英文是 grading of river bank

  15. 问:河岸斜坡拼音怎么拼?河岸斜坡的读音是什么?河岸斜坡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸斜坡的读音是,河岸斜坡翻译成英文是 bank side

  16. 问:河岸权人拼音怎么拼?河岸权人的读音是什么?河岸权人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸权人的读音是hé àn quán rén,河岸权人翻译成英文是 riparian proprietor

  17. 问:河岸植物拼音怎么拼?河岸植物的读音是什么?河岸植物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸植物的读音是hé àn zhí wù,河岸植物翻译成英文是 ochthad, ochthophyta

  18. 问:河岸流注拼音怎么拼?河岸流注的读音是什么?河岸流注翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸流注的读音是hé àn liú zhù,河岸流注翻译成英文是 bank storage

  19. 问:河岸湿地拼音怎么拼?河岸湿地的读音是什么?河岸湿地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸湿地的读音是hé àn shī dì,河岸湿地翻译成英文是 riparian wetland

  20. 问:河岸状况拼音怎么拼?河岸状况的读音是什么?河岸状况翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河岸状况的读音是hé àn zhuàng kuàng,河岸状况翻译成英文是 River Bank Condition



hé’àn[riverside;river-bank] 河流的边在河岸上水仅部分地被排掉