




水、火、荒旱等所造成的祸害:水~。火~。~难(nàn )。~害。~患。个人的不幸遭遇:招~惹祸。幸~乐祸。破财消~。……



汉语拼音:zhèn zāi







  1. 见“ 賑灾 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 賑灾 ”。救济灾民。

    明 徐光启 《农政全书》卷三:“ 穆皇帝 清浄化民,宽仁驭下。二年之耕籍,三年之賑灾,休有烈光。”《清会典事例·户部·蠲恤七》:“又覆准,賑灾之时,飭令地方官豫将被灾分数,及賑恤事宜,先行宣示。” 洪深 《青龙潭》第三幕:“拿出有限几个钱装点场面;同时倒要抢在头里做一名赈灾董事。”



  1. One of the key challenges, after providing immediate relief to people, was to help them recover from the shock and stand on their feet.


  2. He said he hopes improved U. N. and ASEAN coordination with the authorities in Burma will help scale up relief efforts quickly.


  3. Additionally, the ship could also be deployed for maritime replenishment, search & rescue, scientific research, or disaster relief missions.


  4. How much did you subscribe (to the disaster fund)?


  5. They talked of the Florence, the Roman, the cosmopolite world, and might have been distinguished performers figuring for a charity.


  6. The following two days were spent buying relief items. Luckily , the U. S. Dollar was able to purchase a great many supplies !


  7. Those industrialists were devoted in the non-governmental charity activities, and promoted "it" spring up in late Qing Dynasty.


  8. Disaster relief works can be one of the most effective ways of fulfilling the Great Commission, as stated by Dr.


  9. Photographed charity advertisements for the Olympic Games, AIDS, Red Cross, is one of the most charming performing artists nowadays.


  1. 国际赈灾事业

    international disaster relief.

  2. 赈灾大义卖

    charity Bazaar for relieving the people in the stricken area.

  3. 台风赈灾报导

    Relief Report on Typhoon Victims

  4. 饥荒赈灾委员会

    committees for famine relief

  5. 赈灾基金咨询委员会

    Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee

  6. 赈灾收据及感谢函

    Receipts and Letters of Appreciation

  7. 赈灾捐款应该规范化。

    Actions for disaster relief donation should be standardized.

  8. 我们正在为赈灾募捐。

    We are asking for contributions to disaster relief.

  9. 西北部赈灾及挖井纾旱

    Disaster relief for the northwest, drilling wells to fight drought

  10. 展开有史以来最大规模的赈灾工作

    Launching its biggest relief effort ever

  11. 我们可以让退役军人改善赈灾行动

    And we can use veterans to improve disaster response.

  12. 分发赈灾物品必须迅速而有条理。

    The distribution of relief material should be swift and methodical.

  13. 分发赈灾物品必须迅速而有条理。

    The distribution of relief material should be swift and methodical.

  14. 援助桃芝台风赈灾物资及救助金

    Elief supplies and funds for Typhoon Doug victims

  15. 有关赈灾工作进度的信息并不详尽。

    Information on the progress of relief efforts was sketchy.

  16. 现在,我们将重点放在了赈灾努力上。

    Now, we're focusing on the relief effort.

  17. 让我们汇聚点滴爱心, 支持赈灾义举。

    Let's gather many a little love heart to support disaster relief kindness.

  18. 最近几天都忙于赈灾的各项活动中。

    In recent days I am busy with the disaster relief activities.

  19. 在他看来,赈灾是手段,传教才是最终目的。

    In his view, the relief was the means, while preaching was the ultimate goal.

  20. 像要参加很多赈灾义演, 完全没档期。

    Must attend many charity performances likely, does not have the running schedule completely.

  21. 援助土耳其大地震赈灾品捐赠仪式。

    Relief supplies for Turkish earthquake victims are presented in a special ceremony.

  22. 灾难过后,他们在成都举行了很多赈灾义演。

    After the disaster, they gave several earthquake benefit shows in Chengdu.

  23. 地震赈灾同样是本台开幕式晚会的主题之一。

    The earthquake relief is one of similarly this opening ceremony party's subjects.

  24. 他的赈灾行为,直接使灾民受益,赢得了灾民的尊敬。

    Since his relief directly benefited the victims, Timothy Richard won their respect.

  25. 西方新教传教士与晚清山东赈灾述论

    Western Missionaries and Shandong Disaster Relief in the Late Qing Dynasty

  26. 华洋义赈会赈灾防灾的实践飞跃及意义

    From Relief to Precaution the Practical Leap and Sense of the Experience of the China International Famine Relief Commission.

  27. 健全的立法是促使清代赈灾成果显赫的重要原因。

    Sound legislation is an important reason to the prominent outcome of the disaster relief in Qing Dynasty.

  28. 音乐赈灾组织还在海地地震后设立了慈善基金。

    Music for Relief also established a fund after the Haiti earthquake.

  29. 国内社会知名人士和东正教会也发起成立赈灾机构。

    Both social celebrities and the Eastern Church also initiated the establishment of relief agencies.

  30. 慈济赈灾团为四川灾民, 提供义诊和往诊以及义诊

    Tzu Chi disaster relief teams provide free clinic, home visits and free hair cuts for Sichuan earthquake victims An exceptionally high tide threatens to inundate the Indonesian capital.


  1. 问:赈灾拼音怎么拼?赈灾的读音是什么?赈灾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赈灾的读音是zhènzāi,赈灾翻译成英文是 disaster relief; provide relief to stricken ar...



赈灾 (zhènzāi)赈济灾荒救助灾害救济灾民。明 徐光启《农政全书》卷三:“ 穆皇帝 清浄化民,宽仁驭下。二年之耕籍,三年之赈灾,休有烈光。”《清会典事例·户部·蠲恤七》:“又覆准,赈灾之时,饬令地方官豫将被灾分数,及赈恤事宜,先行宣示。” 洪深《青龙潭》第三幕:“拿出有限几个钱装点场面;同时倒要抢在头里做一名赈灾董事。”