


1. 混 [hùn]2. 混 [hún]混 [hùn]搀杂在一起:~杂。~和。~同。~淆。~为一谈。乱,胡乱:~乱。~世魔王。蒙,充:蒙~。~充。~进。鱼目~珠。苟且度过:胡~。~事。混 [hún]同“浑”。……





汉语拼音:hùn biān






  1. That said, you will likely be met with a well mixed enemy barrage poised and ready to strike.

  2. Again, remember that you will have no anti-air, so it would be nice to either support them, or supplement them with Missile Squads.

  3. The ground to air missile composite combat has been an inevitable trend in nowadays air defense, and is at starting.

  4. American units will be "embedded" within Iraqi formations to help them hold neighbourhoods wrested from armed groups.

  5. Some other composites were also produced, whose performs made by co-weave technique had been alkali and coupling agent treated.

  6. Another options is to go head on with some infantry and Scorpions, but it is rare to come out ahead against a primarily Predator Tank army.

  7. Fighters are always used in conjunction with cruisersexcept in very extreme circumstances that will be covered.

  8. I suggest a dramatic gesture of devotion; mix a playlist, then get an experimental mechanical heart with an iPod dock.

  9. To counter infantry, it's a good idea to mix Wolverines and or Hammerheads with your assault force.


  1. 混编火力群

    mixed power group.

  2. 外显子混编

    exon shuffling.

  3. 结构域混编

    domain shuffling.

  4. 混编基带数据

    mixed raw data

  5. 混编防空导弹系统

    blended air defense missile system

  6. 弹炮混编防空群

    gun system with missile

  7. 武装部队有意地混编了他们的队伍。

    The armed forces deliberately integrated their units.

  8. 武装部队有意地混编了他们得队伍。

    The armed forces deliberately integrated their units.

  9. 空重车混编对列车稳定性的影响

    Mixed marshalling influence of light vehicles and heavy vehicles on train stability

  10. 这次训练,教练把三个班混编在一起了。

    The coach mixed the three classes for this exercise.

  11. 这次训练,教练把三个班混编在一起了。

    The coach mixed the three classes for this exercise.

  12. 轻重车辆混编对列车脱轨安全性的影响分析

    Analysis of the Effect of the Train Formation on the Safety of Train Derailment

  13. 混编防空导弹网络化作战概念及协同机制研究

    Research of Network Centric Operational Concept and Coordinated Mechanism of Blended Aerial Defence Missile System

  14. 空重混编列车构架蛇行波标准差试验研究

    A Research on the Mean Square Deviation of Transverse Vibration Wave of Truck Side Frame for Empty and Loaded Wagon Mixing Composition Train

  15. 这里有现场录音, 单曲, 混编曲目, 甚至是唱片的封套。

    There are live tracks, Bsides, remixes, even covers.

  16. 意大利重骑兵成员复杂, 贵族平民混编成军, 属于重装骑兵。

    Composed of nobility and commoners alike, these men make up a powerful unit of heavy cavalry.

  17. 你要提前预料到你的敌人可能在舰队中混编有步兵。

    You need to think one step ahead and assume your foe will be mixing infantry into armada.

  18. 你最好的方法是用泰坦混编一些步兵,进而出锤头。

    Your best bet would be to go with Titians mixed with some Infantry, and working your way up to Hammerheads.

  19. 反步兵的话,最好是混编一些狼獾或是锤头在你的部队里。

    To counter infantry, ita goodmix Wolverines and or Hammerheads with your assault force.


  1. 问:混编拼音怎么拼?混编的读音是什么?混编翻译成英文是什么?

    答:混编的读音是hùnbiān,混编翻译成英文是 To twist together.

  2. 问:混编加强作业分队拼音怎么拼?混编加强作业分队的读音是什么?混编加强作业分队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:混编加强作业分队的读音是hùn biān jiā qiáng zuò yè fēn duì,混编加强作业分队翻译成英文是 Composite Weighted Work Unit

  3. 问:混编训练部队演习拼音怎么拼?混编训练部队演习的读音是什么?混编训练部队演习翻译成英文是什么?

    答:混编训练部队演习的读音是hùn biān xùn liàn bù duì yǎn xí,混编训练部队演习翻译成英文是 Composite Training Unit Exercise



中文名称: 混编 英文名称: shuffling 学科分类: 遗传学 注 释: Shuffling 的原意是扑克牌的洗牌,54张牌在洗牌后可以有无数种的排列组合。在新基因的生成和基因进化研究中,借用shuffling 这个词,提出了“外显子混编(exon shuffling)”和“结构域混编(domain shuffling)”等假说。即新的基因是由原来的基因打断后的断片混编而成的,或者是由编码蛋白质结构域的基因片段混编而成。这种基因片段可能就是外显子,因此称为外显子混编。