


聚合,聚在一起:~之。~数。~体。~结。汇~。概括全部,主要的:~纲。~则。为首的,最高的:~司令。~裁。~经理。~统。束系,束头发:~角(jiǎo )。经常,一直:~是这样。一定,无论如何:~归。“万紫千红~是春”。……


1. 归 [guī]归 [guī]返回,回到本处:~国。~程。~侨。~宁(回娘家看望父母)。~省(xǐng )(回家探亲)。~真反璞。还给:~还。物~原主。趋向,去往:~附。众望所~。合并,或集中于一类,或集中于一地:~并。~功。~咎。由,……



汉语拼音:zǒng guī






  1. 表示无论如何一定如此。

    清 魏源 《畿辅河渠议》:“其性(水性)总归就下,其行必由地中。” 孙犁 《秀露集·耕堂读书记(一)》:“诈骗者会越来越不可一世,其‘功业’几乎可以与 刘项 相当,但总归要破灭。” 王西彦 《夜宴》五:“好的,我总归是赞成的。”



  1. It seems to me as if there would always be pale sad faces among the flowers.


  2. It is a pity, but in that case he does not matter a great deal anyhow, and it would be silly to bother about him.


  3. "Things will change, in time, you know, " she said. "Four years is nothing in a marriage. "


  4. Jun: I agree, home sweet home, I cannot wait to see my parents! My mother always cooks me something special when I go home!


  5. For the moment, deterrence keeps the peace. But a peace maintained by deterrence alone is a frail thing.


  6. IF MONEY is the sinews of war, as Cicero suggested, then it is always good to have America on your side.


  7. Quality control is always imperfect; the current qualification system, after all, lets both incompetent and unethical lawyers through.


  8. Just as in the last analysis the summit is simply inaccessible, from the start, decline is inevitable.


  9. Somewhere, eventually, reactors will get out of control.


  1. 引擎总归是引擎

    An engine's still an engine.

  2. 傻瓜总归是傻瓜。

    Fools will be fools still.

  3. 事实总归是事实。

    After all, facts are facts.

  4. 他们总归会长大。

    They just do.

  5. 死了的总归是死了。

    Those who were dead were dead.

  6. 过去的总归是过去了。

    What was past was past.

  7. 但总归是选上了

    Nope, it's still in the W column.

  8. 我总归会搬出来的。

    I'll move out eventually.

  9. 菜鸟总归是小菜嘛。

    The fledglings are small potatoes.

  10. 做场手术总归可以吧

    so I might as well do this.

  11. 困难总归是可以克服的。

    All difficulties can eventually be overcome.

  12. 你们总归是会在一起的

    you'll find your way back to each other.

  13. 总归约莫有一百万桶吧。

    About a million barrels all the same.

  14. 你所有的,总归会回到你处。

    That what is yours, always return to you.

  15. 不过, 这样的女性总归只是凤毛麟角。

    These women, however, are few and far between.

  16. 总归是你让他向你求婚的呀。

    You've let him court you, after all.

  17. 但是请仔细想想,回报总归是有的。

    But look closer. There is always a payoff.

  18. 他总归会给我回电的,对不对?

    Sooner or later, he has to call me back, right?

  19. 与风铃吃饭总归是件破费的事。

    Dinners with Fengling were invariably lavish affairs.

  20. 因为我再婚了,这总归不太合适。

    Since I remarried, it just doesn't seem appropriate.

  21. 总归会有某处的反应堆将要失控。

    Somewhere, eventually, reactors will get out of control.

  22. 有时它们很难解决,但总归有解决方案。

    Sometimes they are hard solutions, but they always have a solution.

  23. 唔, 老猫总归是老猫啊, 对不起, 你不要哭!

    Well, shes a cat just the sameoh, Im sorry, Auntie, dont cry!

  24. 你总归能从口袋里搜出二十块吧

    You can fish 18 bucks out of your pocket.

  25. 儿子总归要离开家的,这种事很难免。

    It is only to be expected your son will leave home eventually.

  26. 或者说, 我们总归还是要和邪恶妥协的。

    Or, after all, we just have to compromise among evils.

  27. 学不学的总归是对自己的良心有些交待。

    Whether learning or not is some after all to self conscience wait for.

  28. 总归会有希望,因为明天是新的一天。

    There's always hope because tomorrow is another day.

  29. 总归会有希望,因为明天是新的一天。

    There's always hope because tomorrow is another day.

  30. 不论如何, 他总归是凯瑟琳夫人的侄子。

    After all, he is Lady Catherine's nephew.


  1. 问:总归拼音怎么拼?总归的读音是什么?总归翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总归的读音是zǒngguī,总归翻译成英文是 after all




拼音:zǒngguī 基本解释 [anyhow;eventually;after all] 用在动词前,表示动作、行为或情况无论怎样一定如此,相当于“终究” 事实总归是事实,怎么也抹煞不了 详细解释 表示无论如何一定如此。 清 魏源 《畿辅河渠议》:“其性(水性)总归就下,其行必由地中。” 孙犁 《秀露集·耕堂读书记(一)》:“诈骗者会越来越不可一世,其‘功业’几乎可以与 刘项 相当,但总归要破灭。” 王西彦 《夜宴》五:“好的,我总归是赞成的。”