


1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……





汉语拼音:jiā shǐ






  1. 指史家一姓父子先后著述之史书。


  2. 记载家族世系兴衰的史著,包括家传、家谱等、盛行于六朝。

    唐 刘知几 《史通·杂述》:“若 扬雄 《家谍》、 殷敬 《世传》、 孙氏 《谱记》、 陆宗 《系歷》,此之谓家史者也。”

  3. 指一个家庭的历史。

    周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部十六:“在会上,小猪倌倒着苦水,说起大伙也都知道的他的家史。”



  1. Perhaps an account of Yang's family history, if it were ever to come to light, would be more politically threatening than his documentary.


  2. It's true that highest skin cancer risks seem to fall on those with fair skin or family history of skin cancer.


  3. In his youth, his father and grandfather often told him stories about their family history.


  4. This story is going to be immortalized into family history, isn't it?


  5. he could read his own history with an interest which never failed.


  6. The news reporter interviewed the old man and checked out his family history.


  7. Given her family history, Park says she was destined to become a politician.


  8. A few people in each group are given the task of remembering the group's family history that goes back over centuries.


  9. A lively restaurant scene has grown in Kabul and is scrutinized by Rosemary Stasek, the country's only restaurant reviewer.


  1. 血泪斑斑的家史

    a family history of blood and tears

  2. 福利国家史

    History of the Welfare State.

  3. 他有犯罪的家史。

    He had a criminal pedigree.

  4. 他们说有抑郁的家史。

    They talk about depression running in the family.

  5. 他试图发掘自己的家史。

    He tries to grub out his family history.

  6. 她很少说起她的家史。

    She said little of her family history.

  7. 她的家史可追溯到15世纪。

    Her family can trace its history back to the 15th century.

  8. 有抑郁家史, 尤其是近亲中

    Depression runs in your family, especially in close blood relatives

  9. 一本用血泪写成的家史

    a family history written in blood and tears

  10. 你们的作业时写一下你们的家史。

    Your assignment is to write about your family's history.

  11. 我的祖母是我们家史的资料库。

    My grandmother is a mine of information about our familys history.

  12. 他的家史是以戏剧的形式来叙述的。

    His family story is told in the form of a play.

  13. 我讲述了我家史中的几段插曲。

    I related some of the episodes of my domestic saga.

  14. 福克纳追述了康普生家史。

    Faulkner traces the history of the Compson family.

  15. 这个家族的家史披上了一层神秘的色彩。

    The history of the family is cloaked in mystery.

  16. 这个家族的家史抹上了一层神秘的色彩。

    The history of the family is cloaked in mystery.

  17. 其三,玄、儒之学对家史内容的渗透。

    Thirdly, Confucianism and Metaphysics infiltrated the content of lineage history.

  18. 其二, 阐释门阀制度对家史撰述的影响。

    Secondly, this part explains the influence of the ancestry system on the compilation of lineage history.

  19. 我把它定義為這個國家史上最大的支出。

    I have defined this as the single largest expenditure in the country's history.

  20. 新闻记者采访了那位老人, 核查了他的家史。

    The reporter interviewed the old man and checked out his family history.

  21. 他是查尔斯顿学院的生物学家史高顿。

    Scholtens of the College of Charleston.

  22. 那时我是澳洲飞行家史密斯的经理人

    I was manager at the time for Sir Ross Smith.

  23. 比阿特丽斯能把家史追溯到诺曼时代。

    Beatrice can trace her family back to Norman times.

  24. 他可以带着经久不衰的兴趣阅读他自己的家史。

    He could read his own history with an interest which never failed.

  25. 这位老贫农有一本用血泪写成的家史。

    The old poor peasant has a family history written in blood and tears.

  26. 著名得拳击家史密斯先生竞技状况甚佳。

    Mr Smith, the famous pugilist, is in hard condition.

  27. 著名的拳击家史密斯先生竞技状况甚佳。

    Mr. Smith, the famous pugilist, is in hard condition.

  28. 新闻记者采访了那位老人,核查了他得家史。

    The news reporter interviewed the old man and checked out his family history.


  1. 问:家史拼音怎么拼?家史的读音是什么?家史翻译成英文是什么?

    答:家史的读音是jiāshǐ,家史翻译成英文是 family history




拼音:jīa shí基本

解释:[family history] 家庭的历史