


1. 柜 [guì]2. 柜 [jǔ]柜 [guì]一种收藏东西用的家具,通常作长方形,有盖或有门:~子。~橱。电视~。掌~(称商店老板或掌管商店的人。亦称“掌柜的”)。柜 [jǔ]〔~柳〕落叶乔木,羽状复叶,小叶长椭圆形,枝韧,可以编筐。……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:guì zǐ





  1. 即柜。如:这只柜子刚从百货公司买来。参见“ 柜 ”。



  1. His wife opened the little bedroom door adjoining her room, and, taking the candle, set it down on the top of a bureau there.


  2. No one has absolutely every little thing. Paperclips? Bookends? There's got to be something you can use for an excuse.


  3. Because there is no girl for a guy to watch movies with, or to share the DVD shelf with, it will be a "male" collection of movies.


  4. As he was making his farewells, a photographer leaped out of what looked like a cupboard in the Senator's office.


  5. If I was a piano player, I'd play it in the goddamn closet. . . In a funny way, though, I felt sort of sorry when he was finished.


  6. It probably isn't the best way to travel from point A to B, but it could help you reach for a glass tucked away high up in the cupboard.


  7. she added, it had been stolen from her locker at school (she was a teacher) more than a year before.


  8. He was very angry. When he came home, he took a bottle of whisky from a cupbodrd and began to drink.


  9. A cabinet is combined with a cabinet type multifunctional table. A bed plate and a guard bar are arranged on the top of the utility model.


  1. 左侧的柜子

    In the cabinet to your left.

  2. 柜子和抽屉

    Additional drawer and locker storage.

  3. 卫生间的柜子

    In the Bathroom Cupboard

  4. 一个空柜子

    a free locker.

  5. 他们在柜子旁边。

    They are beside the locker.

  6. 给柜子装搁板

    to shelve a cabinet.

  7. 爱米和红柜子

    Amy and the red box.

  8. 柜子里是空的。

    The cupboard is empty.

  9. 柜子里是空得。

    The cupboard is empty.

  10. 柜子里是空的。

    The cupboard is empty.

  11. 你只有两个柜子

    You've got two cabinets.

  12. 装饰一下我的柜子

    Just personalizing my locker.

  13. 柜子里还多着呢。

    We got loads of backup in the cupboard.Mmm.

  14. 最高一层的柜子

    Top shelf.

  15. 他指着桌子和柜子。

    He points to the desk and cabinet.

  16. 老鼠在柜子后面跑。

    The mouse ran behind the cupboard.

  17. 这个柜子为什么锁着?

    Why is this cabinet locked?

  18. 你的柜子锁好了。

    Your locker is closed.

  19. 她在柜子边坐下。

    She sat down by the drawer.

  20. 这个柜子里只有衣服。

    There is nothing but clothing in this cupboard.

  21. 那里连柜子都没了

    There's no cabinet there.

  22. 在你右面的柜子里

    In the cabinet on your right.

  23. 只是去柜子拿书的

    Just getting books out of my locker.

  24. 柜子是樱桃木做的。

    The cabinet is made of cherry wood.

  25. 柜子是樱桃木做得。

    The cabinet is made of cherry wood.

  26. 这大柜子太笨重了。

    This cabinet is too large and clumsy.

  27. 一个孩子的玩具柜子。

    A kid's toy chest.

  28. 柜子里堆满了旧书。

    The cupboard was full of piles of old books.

  29. 去年我用这个柜子的。

    Had that locker last year.

  30. 他把柜子收拾干净了。

    He cleared out the cupboards.


  1. 问:柜子拼音怎么拼?柜子的读音是什么?柜子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柜子的读音是guìzi,柜子翻译成英文是 cupboard; cabinet; chest



拼音:guì zǐ,英文名:cabinet。释义:收藏衣物、文件等用的器具,方形或长方形,一般为木制或铁制。柜子是一种长方形家具,形体较高大,可存放物品。柜子的使用始于夏商周时期,那时称为“椟”。到了明清时期,柜子成为室内必备的家具,且形制已定型。明清柜子按形制可分为方角柜、圆角柜、亮格柜,形制不同,其构成部件也有不同。柜类家具主要是指以木材、人造板或金属等材料制成的各种用途不同的柜子。