







汉语拼音:huò cāng







  1. 存放货物的仓库。

    欧阳山 《柳暗花明》八六:“在大院子的南边,是一个很大的货仓。” 金平 《蓝夜》:“在垦荒队货仓似的宿舍,男的、女的,像两类货物被截然的放置在两大溜茅屋,属于个人的仅一张竹床。”



  1. Their abductor pulls over and gives chase, gun drawn, and corners them in a warehouse, but Michael gets the drop on him with a two by four.


  2. I dreadfully wanted to ask a question, but I was carrying about as many short answers as my cargo-room would admit of, so I held my peace.


  3. Our transport department have send the goods out to you last night, Please kindly check the goods with your warehouse.


  4. I know she was loaded with cotton, and that she took in her freight at Alexandria from Pastret's warehouse, and at Smyrna from Pascal's.


  5. "Beware the software in the warehouse during the ware, " hare said glaring at me.


  6. Advances to the technology came quickly, and that first machine was relegated to an old warehouse.


  7. Captain Chapman is remembered by the ruins of his indigo warehouse in a hamlet named after it, Godown.


  8. Later the day, they found the body in the cargo hold of the ship.


  9. You may sleep on the deck or in the hold, as you prefer. Ysilla will find bedding for you.


  1. 货仓保证书

    rehouse warrant.

  2. 货仓管理员

    clerk in a warehouse.

  3. 货仓搬运工

    Warehouse porter.

  4. 货仓转交证明书

    certificate of handling over stores

  5. 负责货仓的全面运作。

    Takes charge of the overall operation of a warehouse.

  6. 货仓里装满了货物。

    The goods overflowed the warehouse.

  7. 分配货仓的空间及位置。

    Allocates warehouse space and location.

  8. 及时向货仓主管汇报情况。

    Report to WHS supervisor in time.

  9. 自动货仓控制模型的实现

    Realization of Warehouse Automation Control Model

  10. 你没派他看过货仓吧?

    Did you ever send him to the warehouse?

  11. 店主在货仓里存有大量橙子。

    The shopkeeper had a large amount of oranges in his storeroom.

  12. 公司是否定期检讨货仓的保安?

    Does the company regularly review the physical security of the store?

  13. 购入货仓, 发展新加坡仓库生意。

    Purchased warehouse in Singapore for expanding godown storage business.

  14. 货仓用于储存大量货物得建筑物。

    A warehouse a building for storing large quantities of goods.

  15. 货仓用于储存大量货物的建筑物。

    A warehouse a building for storing large quantities of goods.

  16. 在这里我们可以货仓管理为例。

    Take store management as an example.

  17. 接着将产品送到货仓,等待出货。

    Then save to godown, waiting for shipment.

  18. 外运出口货物应由货仓负责人封锁。

    The exported goods should be sealed by the warehouse charger

  19. 货仓就是用于储存大量货物得建筑物。

    A warehouse is a building for storing large quantities of goods.

  20. 货仓就是用于储存大量货物的建筑物。

    A warehouse is a building for storing large quantities of goods.

  21. 你看, 我的汽车被偷了, 货仓也被盗了。

    You see, my car was stolen and the warehouse had been broken into.

  22. 自设货仓,使产品选择多元化,货源充足稳定。

    To ensure a steady supply of our products, we have a large warehouse any sell outs.

  23. 货仓设于葵涌,并占地超过二万平方尺。

    Our warehouse is located at Kwai Chung with space over 20, 000 sq. ft.

  24. 公司是否会对离开货仓的车辆进行保安检查?

    Does the company conduct security checks of vehicles entering or leaving the store area?

  25. 所有集装箱都会传送到船壳或货仓的内部。

    All containers will be internally transported into the hull, or inside cargo modules.

  26. 修缮牛奶公司旧冷冻货仓并改为香港艺穗会

    Renovation and Refurbishment of Old Dairy Farm Building Conversion of the Building into Hong Kong Fringe Club

  27. 当天晚些时候, 他们在船的货仓里发现了尸体。

    Later the day, they found the body in the cargo hold of the ship.

  28. 货仓得物料, 要定期盘查, 以保证存货数量没有误差。

    In order to preserve the integrity of stock quantities, materials in stores are checked regularly.

  29. 货仓的物料,要定期盘查,以保证存货数量没有误差。

    In order to preserve the integrity of stock quantities, materials in stores are checked regularly.

  30. 确保货仓提供接收、储存及递送货物服务,并保存纪录。

    Ensures receiving, storage and distribution services are provided for and records kept.


  1. 问:货仓拼音怎么拼?货仓的读音是什么?货仓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:货仓的读音是huòcāng,货仓翻译成英文是 freight house


