


1. 厂 [chǎng]2. 厂 [ān]3. 厂 [hàn]厂 [chǎng]指用机械制造生产资料或生活资料的工场。有空地方可以存货或进行加工的地方:煤~。棚舍:“枳篱茅~共桑麻。”中国明代为加强专制统治而设的特务机关。厂 [ān]同“庵……


1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……



汉语拼音:chǎng jiā






  1. He said the crisis could accelerate industry consolidation by forcing small producers out of business.


  2. The only hang-up: Just because Microsoft finished Mango a bit early doesn't mean that its OEM partners are ready to rock and roll.


  3. Edward Ellyatt, a Florida wastewater treatment plant operator and Volt owner, said he has no plans to ask for a loaner vehicle.


  4. We thank you for your enquiry of Feb. 2 and are pleased to tell you we are in good conditions with the leading manufactures in the country.


  5. Some manufactures spend far too much money on advertising their products without trying to promote the quality of their goods.


  6. Think, one is it spoil producer so next to the skin agent of service, have how much courage leave you drop others' arms into to enjoy.


  7. Now, the State Council is trying to rein in an overheating solar sector by ordering plant closures.


  8. It is in this framework that the insurance underwriters operate to carry the risks which otherwise would have to be borne by the producers.


  9. It did not make public the exact nature of the problem or which manufacturer(s) created the cards in question.


  1. 厂家工程师

    factory engineer.

  2. 厂家无关的

    vendor independent.

  3. 国外同类厂家

    overseas counterpart.

  4. 制造厂家软件

    manufacturers software

  5. 专业制造厂家

    specialist manufacturers

  6. 传统电信厂家

    conventional telecommunications vendor

  7. 瓶底厂家密码

    base code.

  8. 厂家提供的软件

    manufacturer software

  9. 整机厂家需求变化

    changes in system vendor demands

  10. 厂家直销各种假发,

    Factory sale all kinds of wigs.

  11. 厂家直销各种假发。

    Factory sale all kinds of wigs.

  12. 配套厂家电气车间

    Electric workshop in elevator company

  13. 厂家竞争日益激烈

    increasingly intensified competition among vendors

  14. 有些厂家濒临破产。

    Some of the factories are on the verge of bankruptcy.

  15. 高档套刷厂家直销

    High grade cosmetic set brush

  16. 厂家的生产原料不足。

    The factory is scant of raw material.

  17. 在厂家改善资产状况

    made capital improvements at the plant site.

  18. 我们与厂家直接洽谈。

    We made direct arrangements with the manufacturers.

  19. 一家生产童装的厂家。

    A factory that makes children's clothing.

  20. 名贵饮品出自名牌厂家。

    The famed and precious drink comes from a factory of excellent reputation.

  21. 我们是生产钢管的厂家!

    We are a steel pipe manufacturer.

  22. 选择配件厂家下单定货

    To choose the supplier and give the contract

  23. 遵照厂家的说明很重要。

    It is important to follow the manufacturers instructions.

  24. 耐磨陶瓷托辊销售厂家目录

    Ceramics idler manufacturers catalog sales

  25. 不同厂家生产的果糖注射液

    Fructose injection from different manufacturers

  26. 制造厂家出具的质量证明书。

    Certificate of Quality issued by the Sellers.

  27. 欢迎合格制造厂家参加投标。

    Qualified supplier is invited to join in the bidding.

  28. 首先,找到绝缘体的制造厂家。

    First, find the name of the company that made the insulation.

  29. 准确易用。是厂家必备工具。

    Handly magnetic pole tester easy to use.

  30. 从厂家直接购买商品的价格

    price charged for goods picked up at the factory


  1. 问:厂家拼音怎么拼?厂家的读音是什么?厂家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:厂家的读音是chǎngjiā,厂家翻译成英文是 factory

  2. 问:厂家工程师拼音怎么拼?厂家工程师的读音是什么?厂家工程师翻译成英文是什么?

    答:厂家工程师的读音是chǎng jiā gōng chéng shī,厂家工程师翻译成英文是 factory engineer

  3. 问:厂家出口代理人拼音怎么拼?厂家出口代理人的读音是什么?厂家出口代理人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:厂家出口代理人的读音是chǎng jiā chū kǒu dài lǐ rén,厂家出口代理人翻译成英文是 manufacturer's export agent