







汉语拼音:luàn shì








  1. 混乱不安定的时代。

    《公羊传·哀公十四年》:“拨乱世,反诸正,莫近诸《春秋》。” 唐 杜甫 《宿凿石浦》诗:“穷途多俊异,乱世少恩惠。” 老舍 《不成问题的问题》:“专凭风景来说,这里真值得被称为乱世的桃源。”

  2. 扰乱社会。

    燕谷老人 《续孽海花》第四七回:“他曾经弹劾过 强学会 伪学乱世,所以反对主张变法的人也来拉拢他。”



  1. Gone with the wind captured me at the age of 13, and my parents still talk about how I essentially missed a family trip to the beach.


  2. His spade struck against something heavy, which proved to BE gold, a great heap which some miser had probably buried in a time of alarm.


  3. One reason we say that this mind-skill will be helpful to you is due to the inherent effects of multiple Chaotic Nodes.


  4. Starts at the dawn and ends at the dawn. Every time I saw " Gone with the Wind" It gave me a different shock.


  5. While many scholars, "Gone with the Wind" mixed. But as a literary work, it has a timeless charm.


  6. It was also felt that the endings of Wuthering Heights, 1984 and Gone with the Wind were all too depressing, and should be perked up.


  7. People say: Refers to a spear, the enemy flee after hearing, eyes closed, a little thinking, breaking suddenly out of the enemy's terms.


  8. This has made her to start the road of pursuing her self-value in the time of misfortune.


  9. Bach's fable was a surprise best-seller, eventually surpassing the hardcover sales record, set by Gone With The Wind.


  1. 乱世出英雄

    Heroes emerge in troubled times.

  2. 乱世出怪事。

    Strange things come to pass I troubled times.

  3. 我们生逢乱世。

    We live in troubled times.

  4. 苟全性命于乱世

    barely secure personal safety in a troubled age

  5. 从这里到永恒。乱世忠魂

    From Here to Eternity

  6. 我们生活在艰难的乱世。

    We live in vexed and troubled times.

  7. 他们放了录像片乱世佳人。

    They showed a video of Gone with the Wind.

  8. 让我看一看嗯, 乱世佳人。

    Let me see um. Gone With the Wind.

  9. 我们生活在纷扰不安的乱世。

    We live in vexed and troubled times.

  10. 晚清乱世与社会传闻的盛行

    The chaos and social rumors in the late Qing

  11. 乱世之中,我是谁的妖娆王妃?

    In this disordered world, who was my prince?

  12. 乱世的结束与江户幕府的诞生

    An end to chaos and the birth of the edo shogunate

  13. 宁做太平犬, 不为乱世人。

    Better an egg in peace than an ox in war.

  14. 唐末诗人在乱世中的闲雅追求

    The Free and Elegant Pursuit of the Poets in the Late Tang Dynasty

  15. 你能告诉我你对乱世佳人的观感?

    Can you tell me something about your feeling towards Gone with the wind?

  16. 你想去看乱世佳人这部电影吗?

    Would you like to see the movie Gone with the Wind?

  17. 我生在乱世已经是够倒霉的了。

    I am unlucky enough to live in such a disordered world.

  18. 北欧海盗常常埋葬自己的财富, 在乱世。

    Vikings often buried their wealth in times of trouble.

  19. 试论乱世佳人中郝思嘉的艺术形象

    On The Artistic Image of Scarlet In Gone With the Wind

  20. 充其量,顶多是个走了好运的乱世军阀。

    At best, at best is a good luck away the chaos warlord.

  21. 他的宴会邀请了乱世佳人里所有的演员。

    He's having a party with all of the cast from gone with the wind.

  22. 但这是乱世, 很多人都为未来担心。

    But these are troubled times and many people fear for the future.

  23. 解析乱世佳人中郝思嘉的女性主体意识

    Analysis of Scarlett's Feminine Subjective Consciousness in Gone With the Wind

  24. 张爱玲就是一个生于乱世的奇女子。

    Zhang Ailing is that one was born in the strange woman in troubled times.

  25. 乱世的热闹来自迷信,愚人的安慰只有自欺。

    Activity in toubled times is born of superstition, and the ignorant must find consolation in selfdelusion.

  26. 乱世中吃粮饷的人随时有生命之忧。

    In troubled times, people who lived on provisions and funds for troops could lose their lives at any minute.

  27. 盛世时赦少, 乱世赦多也是历史所证明的。

    But, history prove less pardons in brilliant times, more pardons in troubled times.

  28. 盛世时赦少,乱世赦多也是历史所证明得。

    But, history prove less pardons in brilliant times, more pardons in troubled times.

  29. 哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你。乱世佳人

    In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you. Gone with The Wind

  30. 不过, 两者都被视为当前乱世中的安全港。

    Yet both are perceived as havens of safety in a troubled world.


  1. 问:乱世拼音怎么拼?乱世的读音是什么?乱世翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乱世的读音是luànshì,乱世翻译成英文是 turbulent times

  2. 问:乱世佳人拼音怎么拼?乱世佳人的读音是什么?乱世佳人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乱世佳人的读音是Luànshì jiārén,乱世佳人翻译成英文是 Gone with the Wind, an American drama directed by...

  3. 问:乱世妖姬拼音怎么拼?乱世妖姬的读音是什么?乱世妖姬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乱世妖姬的读音是,乱世妖姬翻译成英文是 The Devil's Whore

  4. 问:乱世忠魂拼音怎么拼?乱世忠魂的读音是什么?乱世忠魂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乱世忠魂的读音是Luànshì Zhōnghún,乱世忠魂翻译成英文是 From Here to Eternity



“乱世”是个多义词,它可以指乱世(词语释义), 乱世(巨人集团开发网络游戏), 乱世(马剑芬演唱歌曲), 乱世(汉森公司开发网页游戏)。