




1. 远 [yuǎn]2. 远 [yuàn]远 [yuǎn]距离长,与“近”相对:~方。~道。~程。~景。~足(较远的徒步旅行)。~见(远大的眼光)。~虑。~谋。~客。遥~。~走高飞。舍近就~。时间长:~古。~祖。长~。永~。关系疏,不亲密……



汉语拼音:piān yuǎn








  1. 偏僻而遥远。

    毛泽东 《论持久战》:“偏远地区听不到炮声的人们,至今还是静悄悄地在那里过活。”



  1. Still, if I were in a more remote area, I could use GasBuddy to tell me whether the price was in line with the local market.

  2. From there it was an uphill climb to the little-visited and remote Red Lahu village of Yafu, perched on the mountainside.

  3. The mine is so huge and the area so remote that it has its own airport with a runway large enough to accommodate a Boeing 737.

  4. In London many small hedge funds cluster in Mayfair, far west of the City and Canary Wharf where the big banks camp out.

  5. He said they were now trying to reach more remote regions.

  6. And scientists say they've found a new animal species - a leech with razor-sharp teeth in the nose of a girl in a remote region of Peru.

  7. Last October we sailed into a remote part of Mozambique only to discover a huge sand dune that had never been paraglided before.

  8. Ozawa has excelled at getting public works in the countryside. He knows how much rural Japan needs reviving.

  9. At least three villages in remote Zhouqu county were levelled by an avalanche of mud and rocks triggered by rain on Saturday.


  1. 偏远的村落

    a remote hamlet.

  2. 偏远的岛屿

    outlying island.

  3. 这农场太偏远了。

    The farm lies too much out of the way.

  4. 其实那里并不偏远

    to realize that they're not remote at all.

  5. 偏远程度影响教学质量。

    Remoteness affects the quality of education.

  6. 这座岛地理位置偏远

    the geographical remoteness of the island

  7. 但我们现在在偏远地带

    But we're in the middle of nowhere.

  8. 她来自一个偏远的村庄。

    She is from a village.

  9. 放逐到偏远荒岛上的水手

    sailors marooned on a remote island

  10. 这段路程非常荒凉和偏远。

    This stretch of road is very lonely and isolated.

  11. 偏远程度的意思不止一个。

    Now, by remoteness I mean two or three different kinds of things.

  12. 我所能找到的最偏远的地方。

    The most remote dig I can find.

  13. 他是去非洲什么偏远小镇。

    He didn't fill out the allergy section.

  14. 他是去非洲什么偏远小镇。

    He didn't fill out the allergy section.

  15. 他们搬到了非常偏远的地方。

    They have moved deep into the back country.

  16. 使隐藏置于偏远而隐蔽的地方

    To put in an outoftheway, snug place.

  17. 他们住在一个偏远的村子里。

    They abide in a remote village.

  18. 运输网需要扩展到偏远的农村。

    Transport networks need to be expanded to remote rural areas.

  19. 这些偏远岛屿的主要产业为农业。

    The main industry on the outlying islands is farming.

  20. 她建议把她送到偏远的荒野去。

    She advised him to send her to the lonely moor.

  21. 这孩子在一个偏远的山村长大。

    This child was brought up in a distant village.

  22. 此饭店坐落在一偏远得山村里。

    The hotel is situated in a remote mountain village.

  23. 此饭店坐落在一偏远的山村里。

    The hotel is situated in a remote mountain village.

  24. 那个修道院在一个偏远的山口中。

    The monastery is in a remote mountain pass.

  25. 这个偏远的岛屿上只有一些珍禽异兽。

    Only rare birds and animals inhabit this remote island.

  26. 复活节岛是一个相当偏远的地方。

    Easter Island is quite literally in the middle of nowhere.

  27. 这是一个关于偏远地带同性恋故事。

    It is a story of destructive rural homophobia.

  28. 该湖位置偏远,不在旅游线路之内。

    The lake is in a remote location,out of the way of tourists.

  29. 在一个偏远的地方, 我们的车坏了。

    We broke down miles from anywhere.

  30. 人们从祖国最偏远的地方来到北京。

    People came to Beijing from the remotest parts of our country.


  1. 问:偏远拼音怎么拼?偏远的读音是什么?偏远翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偏远的读音是piānyuǎn,偏远翻译成英文是 remote; faraway; outlying

  2. 问:偏远古蚤拼音怎么拼?偏远古蚤的读音是什么?偏远古蚤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偏远古蚤的读音是piānyuǎngǔzǎo,偏远古蚤翻译成英文是 Palaeopsylla remota

  3. 问:偏远古蚤种团拼音怎么拼?偏远古蚤种团的读音是什么?偏远古蚤种团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偏远古蚤种团的读音是piānyuǎngǔzǎozhǒngtuán,偏远古蚤种团翻译成英文是 remota-group

  4. 问:偏远地区作战拼音怎么拼?偏远地区作战的读音是什么?偏远地区作战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偏远地区作战的读音是piān yuǎn dì qū zuò zhàn,偏远地区作战翻译成英文是 Remote Area Operation

  5. 问:偏远地区机动性研究拼音怎么拼?偏远地区机动性研究的读音是什么?偏远地区机动性研究翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偏远地区机动性研究的读音是piān yuǎn dì qū jī dòng xìng yán jiū,偏远地区机动性研究翻译成英文是 Remote Area Mobility Study

  6. 问:偏远地区社会发展託管地拼音怎么拼?偏远地区社会发展託管地的读音是什么?偏远地区社会发展託管地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偏远地区社会发展託管地的读音是,偏远地区社会发展託管地翻译成英文是 Outback Areas Community Development Trust...





【读音】piān yuǎn
