







汉语拼音:kāi pán








  1. 指证券、黄金等交易市场及各行业公会当天开始交易。

    曹禺 《日出》第四幕:“这个消息已经传出去了。……哦,哦,那么明天行市开盘就要大落。哦,你想可以落多少?”参见“ 收盘 ”。



  1. They worked into the night, sleeping in their offices or on the floor, trying to catch up to be ready for October 29.


  2. ''If they're trying to agree on a form of words by dinner time their time, that will be not much before our market opens, '' Mr Eslake said.


  3. With investors in Asia poised to start selling again in just a few hours, the ministers knew they needed to come up with a plan -- and fast.


  4. The stocks coming in not long after afternoon opening, could get out of the position at high points.


  5. This seemed to be enough to boost risk appetite among financials once the US markets opened Tuesday afternoon.


  6. Seasoned traders in Tokyo barely batted an eyelash as the news began to emerge soon after trading began Wednesday.


  7. When the opening range is narrow , expect a breakout and be ready to trade in its direction.


  8. When trying to short , you may enter on a downside breakout from the opening range .


  9. One is its time zone: London's trading day starts as the Tokyo market closes and a few hours before New York opens.


  1. 你开盘时先发球得分。

    You opened the set with an ace.

  2. 我们称之为开盘看外盘, 走势看政策。

    We call it the opening set to see outside, look at the trend of policy.

  3. 关键就看它开盘后的销售情况。

    After the key looks at its opening price sales situation.

  4. 这些人都是在开盘前下单的人。

    They are the people who place orders before the open.

  5. 这些人都是在开盘前下单得人。

    They are the people who place orders before the open.

  6. 开盘是序幕,盘中是过程,收盘才是定论。

    Is the opening prologue, after the process is, the conclusion is closed.

  7. 美股开盘波动,美国零售额小幅增长

    Stocks fluctuate after retail sales rise modestly Yahoo! Finance Stocks fluctuate after retail sales rise modestly.

  8. 昨天创业板有27只股票以跌停板开盘。

    Trading opened yesterday with27 stocks down by their daily limit.

  9. 周一沪指小幅低开,开盘为2743点。

    Prev Close opened slightly lower Monday,the opening point for 2743.

  10. 周五开盘,权重股一度拉动个股回暖。

    Friday the opening price, the weight stock once drew the stock return to warmer weather.

  11. 如果再这样下去开盘时我们的股票会跌。

    If this continues, our stock will plummet when the market opens.

  12. 新茧呢, 现在蚕汛不好, 茧价开盘就大。

    As for new cocoons, it had been a bad season and quotations were high.

  13. 总之,系统会以最优价格确定开盘价。

    Anyhow, the system can fix open quotation price with optimal value.

  14. 美股周三开盘波动,爱尔兰债务危机引发关注

    Stocks waver as Ireland debt fears remain a focus.

  15. 这只股票今天的开盘价是六元整。

    The opening price of this stock today is only 6 yuan.

  16. 这只股票今天的开盘价是六元整。

    The opening price of this stock today is only 6 yuan.

  17. 这只股票今天得开盘价是六元整。

    The opening price of this stock today is only 6 yuan.

  18. 因而开盘之时, 竟出现了争抢购房的场面。

    Thus closing time was the scene of a competing house.

  19. 该股今日涨停开盘,突破前期下跌趋势,关注。

    The Unit opened trading today, breaking the previous downward trend, concern.

  20. 大部分的抛售都发生在开盘后第一个小时。

    Most of the selling was in the first hour of trading.

  21. 豆油, 豆粕也几乎开盘即被封在跌停板上。

    Soybean oil, soybean meal is almost opening was closed in the daily limit.

  22. 由于个股容易受操纵, 大盘得开盘更客观一些。

    As the stock vulnerable to manipulation, the market's opening more objective.

  23. 由于个股容易受操纵, 大盘的开盘更客观一些。

    As the stock vulnerable to manipulation, the market's opening more objective.

  24. 我可能应该从这里进行赋值, 也就是开盘价格。

    I probably should have had it being the, starting here, right, the opening price.

  25. 上涨个股较开盘明显增加,目前占比超过八成。

    Open up a significant increase in stock, accounted for more than 80 per cent at present.

  26. 棕榈油期货开盘后快速拉升,盘中封于涨停。

    Palm oil futures closed quickly after the try for,after closure in trading.

  27. 巨蟒迅速地伸展开盘着的身体,溜到地板上。

    The great snake was uncoiling itself rapidly, slithering out onto the floor.

  28. 我们得楼盘从春节开盘后, 基本上是一天一个价。

    Our sales dropped from the Spring Festival, is essentially a price of the day.

  29. 我们的楼盘从春节开盘后,基本上是一天一个价。

    Our sales dropped from the Spring Festival, is essentially a price of the day.

  30. 一旦设置完成, 可以使用下列命令对开盘价绘图。

    Once that is set up, we can plot the opening price with the following command.


  1. 问:开盘拼音怎么拼?开盘的读音是什么?开盘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开盘的读音是kāipán,开盘翻译成英文是 opening quote: the first deal made for a certain s...

  2. 问:开盘价拼音怎么拼?开盘价的读音是什么?开盘价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开盘价的读音是kāipánjià,开盘价翻译成英文是 The first price in the stock market.

  3. 问:开盘报价拼音怎么拼?开盘报价的读音是什么?开盘报价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开盘报价的读音是kāi pán bào jià,开盘报价翻译成英文是 open bidding

  4. 问:开盘汇率拼音怎么拼?开盘汇率的读音是什么?开盘汇率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开盘汇率的读音是kāi pán huì lǜ,开盘汇率翻译成英文是 opening rate

  5. 问:开盘订单拼音怎么拼?开盘订单的读音是什么?开盘订单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开盘订单的读音是kāi pán dìng dān,开盘订单翻译成英文是 on -the -open order



“开盘”是个多义词,它可以指开盘(戚健执导电视剧), 开盘(楼市术语), 开盘(股市术语,建筑行业术语)。