







汉语拼音:lǜ suān



一种强酸HClO 3,氧化性能像硝酸,但稳定性差得多,常由其盐类(如氯酸钠)制成无色水溶液。



  1. The method is of good accuracy and can be used for the determination of perchlorate. . .


  2. In the first human study of its kind, Texas based researchers started with knowledge that perchlorate can inhibit the absorption of iodine.


  3. Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Calcium hypochlorite.


  4. Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sodium hypochlorite.


  5. Objective To evaluate the disinfection properties of a compound sodium hypochlorite disinfection solution sampled from the market.


  6. Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sodium chlorite.


  7. Do not expose reagents to strong light or hypochlorite fumes during storage or during incubation steps.


  8. Chlorine, sodium hypochlorite and bleaching powder used to be used as disinfectors in waterworks.


  9. Project Contents: Sodium chlorate is mainly used in producing chlorine dioxide and then other chlorate, chlorite and perchlorate etc.


  1. 次氯酸苏打

    hypochlorite of soda.

  2. 高氯酸冒烟

    perchloric acid smoking

  3. 次氯酸盐法

    hypochlorite method.

  4. 氯酸铜合氯酸钾

    cupric potassium chlorate

  5. 二水合高氯酸

    perchloric acid dihydrate

  6. 朔普次氯酸盐法

    Schoop hypochlorite process

  7. 次氯酸钠次氯酸钠次氯酸钠溶液香港

    Hypochlorous acid, sodium saltSodium hypochloriteantiforminbk liquidbleachcarreldakin solutioncaswe.

  8. 高氯酸形成得一种盐。

    A salt of tungstic acid.

  9. 高氯酸形成的一种盐。

    A salt of tungstic acid.

  10. 任何由次氯酸形成的盐或酯。

    A salt or ester of hypochlorous acid.

  11. 感谢你的有关氯酸储存不妥的来信。

    Thank you for your letter regarding the improper storage of Chloric acid.

  12. 血浆样品加高氯酸沉淀蛋白后分析。

    Sample preparation consisted of protein precipitation with perchloric acid.

  13. 高氯酸稀土甘氨酸晶体结构的规律性

    A study on regularity of crystal structures of complexes of rare earth perchlorate with glycine

  14. 水簇上次氯酸与盐酸反应的理论研究

    Theoretical Study of Reaction of HOCl and HCl on Water Clusters.

  15. 比常用的氯气,次氯酸等具有更大效力。

    Thus it is more efficiency than chlorine and hypochlorous. 1.

  16. 血浆样品用高氯酸沉淀蛋白后直接进样。

    The plasma sample was directly injected for determination after being deproteinized with perchloric acid.

  17. 试样以硝酸,氢氟酸溶解,用高氯酸冒烟驱除氟。

    The sample was dissolved in acid and acid, and acid fume was used to destroy fluorine.

  18. 现已经发展成为亚洲最大的高氯酸生产商。

    , which now has developed into the largest manufacturer of perchloric acid in Asia.

  19. 碳酸钙会与稀氢氯酸反应, 生成可溶的氯化钙。

    Calcium carbonate with dilute hydrochloric acid reaction, generate soluble calcium chloride.

  20. 过去,对医院污水多采用液氯法和次氯酸消毒法。

    We are used to sanitize the sewage by liquid chlorine and natrium chlorite.

  21. 血浆样品经高氯酸沉淀蛋白后直接进样测定。

    The plasma sample was injected directly into the HPLC system after precipitating the proteins with perchloric acid.

  22. 高氯酸溶液提取,丹酰氯衍生,再用氨水去除尸胺干扰峰。

    Amines were extracted with perchloric acid solution and derived with dansyl chloride.

  23. 高氯酸介质中单甲基肼与亚硝酸的反应动力学

    Reaction Kinetics of Monomethylhydrazine With Nitrous Acid in Perchloric Acid Solution

  24. 氯气、氯酸钠、次氯酸钾制取和性质的微型实验

    Synthesis and Properties of Chlorine and Potassium Chlorate and Sodium Hypochlorite by Microscale Experimental Study

  25. 写出高氯酸滴定硫酸奎尼丁的滴定反应式并计算滴定度?

    Figure out the chemical reaction equation of Quinidine Sulfate with perchloric acid and the equivalent relationship.

  26. 冷冻之后,组织被粉碎,其中的酶用高氯酸迅速失活。

    After freezing, the tissue is powdered and the enzymes are inactivated by precipitation with perchloric acid.

  27. 在存储和孵育过程中不要暴露试剂于强光或次氯酸蒸汽中。

    Do not expose reagents to strong light or hypochlorite fumes during storage or during incubation steps.


  1. 问:氯酸拼音怎么拼?氯酸的读音是什么?氯酸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氯酸的读音是,氯酸翻译成英文是 Chloric acid

  2. 问:氯酸盐拼音怎么拼?氯酸盐的读音是什么?氯酸盐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氯酸盐的读音是lǜ suān yán,氯酸盐翻译成英文是 chlorate

  3. 问:氯酸钙拼音怎么拼?氯酸钙的读音是什么?氯酸钙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氯酸钙的读音是,氯酸钙翻译成英文是 Calcium chlorate

  4. 问:氯酸钠拼音怎么拼?氯酸钠的读音是什么?氯酸钠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氯酸钠的读音是,氯酸钠翻译成英文是 Sodium chlorate

  5. 问:氯酸钾拼音怎么拼?氯酸钾的读音是什么?氯酸钾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氯酸钾的读音是,氯酸钾翻译成英文是 Potassium chlorate

  6. 问:氯酸铁拼音怎么拼?氯酸铁的读音是什么?氯酸铁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氯酸铁的读音是lǜ suān tiě,氯酸铁翻译成英文是 ferric chlorate

  7. 问:氯酸铅拼音怎么拼?氯酸铅的读音是什么?氯酸铅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氯酸铅的读音是lǜ suān qiān,氯酸铅翻译成英文是 lead chlorate

  8. 问:氯酸银拼音怎么拼?氯酸银的读音是什么?氯酸银翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氯酸银的读音是,氯酸银翻译成英文是 Silver chlorate

  9. 问:氯酸锂拼音怎么拼?氯酸锂的读音是什么?氯酸锂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氯酸锂的读音是,氯酸锂翻译成英文是 Lithium chlorate

  10. 问:氯酸锶拼音怎么拼?氯酸锶的读音是什么?氯酸锶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氯酸锶的读音是lǜ suān sī,氯酸锶翻译成英文是 strontium chlorate

  11. 问:氯酸离子拼音怎么拼?氯酸离子的读音是什么?氯酸离子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氯酸离子的读音是lǜ suān lí zǐ,氯酸离子翻译成英文是 chlorate ions


