


1. 洗 [xǐ]2. 洗 [xiǎn]洗 [xǐ]用水去掉污垢:~脸。~涮。~涤。~澡。~心革面(喻彻底悔改)。清除干净:清~。像水洗一样抢光,杀光:~劫。昭雪冤枉:~雪。~冤。照相的显影定影:冲~。~印。玩牌时把牌搀和整理:~牌。基督教……





汉语拼音:xǐ shǒu







  1. 比喻盗贼、赌徒等改邪归正。

    《儿女英雄传》第二一回:“ 黑金刚 从今洗手不干……再不当这强盗了!” 姚雪垠 《长夜》十七:“如今经干娘这一问,他才晓得 薛正礼 确实有洗手的意思,便回答说:‘嗯,我劝二伯以后混军队,比较有前途。’” 高云览 《小城春秋》第二章:“你就洗手别干了吧,咱有头有脸的。”

  2. 比喻不再从事某项职业。

    鲁迅 《<集外集>序言》:“我其实是不喜欢做新诗的……只因为那时诗坛寂寞,所以打打边鼓,凑些热闹;待到称为诗人的一出现,就洗手不作了。”

  3. 即洗手花。

    清 黄宗羲 《小园记》:“断肠、洗手、红姑、虞美,丛生砌下,递换疄间,非盆盎之所收拾也。”参见“ 洗手花 ”。



  1. The servant showed him into a room where he might wash his hands after his day's work before he sat down to his meal.


  2. You know that it still has a body--not the same kind of body--not one which you could drink or wash your hands in--but still it has a body.


  3. Perhaps it is no coincidence that Pontius Pilate is portrayed in the Bible as washing his hands of the decision to crucify Jesus.


  4. He would not burp or pass gas at the table. If he needed to do these things, he would excuse himself to the bathroom and do it in private.


  5. As I stepped into the bathroom you could hear machine gun fire start up in the lobby and everybody in there just froze.


  6. Bathrooms were a fine size, although can't understand why they dont have shower curtains. . . room gets very wet during showering.


  7. Place a pair of pants and shoes inside the only toilet stall in a rest room to make it appear someone is using it all day.


  8. Chef wanted me to inform you that, as you never leave a tip, you may as well know that he never washes his hands.


  9. We were all eating in a restaurant when I got up to use the bathroom right before we were about to leave.


  1. 饭前洗手。

    Wash your hands before meals.

  2. 强迫性洗手

    compulsive hand washing.

  3. 洗手清洁剂

    Detergent of washing hands.

  4. 先洗手,抱歉

    Wash your hands. Oh, sorry.

  5. 洗手,戴手套。

    Wash hands and don gloves.

  6. 关于洗手方面

    There was the washing of hands.

  7. 他用香皂洗手。

    He washed his hands with a toilet soap.

  8. 洗手盆水嘴

    water faucet for lavabo.

  9. 我去洗手了。

    I'm gonna go wash up.

  10. 你洗手了吗?

    Did you wash your hands?

  11. 去洗洗手。

    Go wash your hands.

  12. 抗菌洗手液

    antibacterial hand disinfectant.

  13. 医用洗手液

    Hand cleaning lotion for medical use.

  14. 头吃饭要洗手

    wash hands before eating

  15. 饭前要洗手。

    You should wash your hands before you eat.

  16. 爱护佳洗手液

    Avagard surgery washing liquid.

  17. 晚餐前先洗手。

    Wash your hands before dinner.

  18. 你要饭前洗手。

    Wash your hands before dinner.

  19. 你要饭前洗手。

    Wash your hands before dinner.

  20. 她用肥皂洗手。

    She washed her hands with soap.

  21. 脱去手套,洗手。

    Remove gloves and wash hands.

  22. 用餐前请洗手。

    Please wash your hands before eating.

  23. 勤洗手,防痢疾。

    Wash you hands, you might not get diarrhea.

  24. 保持清洁和洗手。

    Keep clean and wash your hands.

  25. 到盥洗室洗手去。

    Go and wash your hands in the bathroom.

  26. 她去卫生间洗手。

    She went into the closet to wash her hand.

  27. 我饭前要洗手。

    I must wash before dinner.

  28. 六步洗手法

    Six steps hand washing.

  29. 去靠向洗手池。

    Then go lean over the sink.

  30. 你洗手了对吧?

    You washed your hands, right?


  1. 问:洗手拼音怎么拼?洗手的读音是什么?洗手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗手的读音是xǐshǒu,洗手翻译成英文是 Give up evil and return to good.

  2. 问:洗手间拼音怎么拼?洗手间的读音是什么?洗手间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗手间的读音是xǐshǒujiān,洗手间翻译成英文是 toilets; bathroom

  3. 问:洗手不干拼音怎么拼?洗手不干的读音是什么?洗手不干翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗手不干的读音是xíshǒubúgàn,洗手不干翻译成英文是 to wash one's hands of the matter; to give u...

  4. 问:洗手剂拼音怎么拼?洗手剂的读音是什么?洗手剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗手剂的读音是xǐ shǒu jì,洗手剂翻译成英文是 hand-cleaner

  5. 问:洗手液拼音怎么拼?洗手液的读音是什么?洗手液翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗手液的读音是xǐshǒuyè,洗手液翻译成英文是 liquid hand wash

  6. 问:洗手盆拼音怎么拼?洗手盆的读音是什么?洗手盆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗手盆的读音是xǐ shǒu pén,洗手盆翻译成英文是 scrub sink

  7. 问:洗手礼拼音怎么拼?洗手礼的读音是什么?洗手礼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗手礼的读音是,洗手礼翻译成英文是 lavabo

  8. 问:洗手盆排水栓拼音怎么拼?洗手盆排水栓的读音是什么?洗手盆排水栓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗手盆排水栓的读音是xǐ shǒu pén pái shuǐ shuān,洗手盆排水栓翻译成英文是 basin plug

  9. 问:洗手间(女)拼音怎么拼?洗手间(女)的读音是什么?洗手间(女)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗手间(女)的读音是xǐshǒujiān (nǚ),洗手间(女)翻译成英文是 Toilet

  10. 问:洗手间(男)拼音怎么拼?洗手间(男)的读音是什么?洗手间(男)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗手间(男)的读音是xǐshǒujiān (nán),洗手间(男)翻译成英文是 Toilet

  11. 问:洗手间(东方)拼音怎么拼?洗手间(东方)的读音是什么?洗手间(东方)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗手间(东方)的读音是xǐshǒujiān (dōngfāng),洗手间(东方)翻译成英文是 Toilet

  12. 问:洗手间(僧侣)拼音怎么拼?洗手间(僧侣)的读音是什么?洗手间(僧侣)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗手间(僧侣)的读音是xǐshǒujiān (sēnglǚ),洗手间(僧侣)翻译成英文是 Toilet

  13. 问:洗手间(南方)拼音怎么拼?洗手间(南方)的读音是什么?洗手间(南方)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗手间(南方)的读音是xǐshǒujiān (nánfāng),洗手间(南方)翻译成英文是 Toilet

  14. 问:洗手间(西方)拼音怎么拼?洗手间(西方)的读音是什么?洗手间(西方)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗手间(西方)的读音是xǐshǒujiān (xīfāng),洗手间(西方)翻译成英文是 Toilet

  15. 问:洗手间(寺务所内)拼音怎么拼?洗手间(寺务所内)的读音是什么?洗手间(寺务所内)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗手间(寺务所内)的读音是xǐshǒujiān (sì wù suǒnèi),洗手间(寺务所内)翻译成英文是 Toilet

  16. 问:洗手间在箭头方向170米处,步行约需2分钟拼音怎么拼?洗手间在箭头方向170米处,步行约需2分钟的读音是什么?洗手间在箭头方向170米处,步行约需2分钟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗手间在箭头方向170米处,步行约需2分钟的读音是xǐshǒujiān zài jiàntóu fāngxiàng 170 mǐ chù, bùxíng yuē xū 2 fēnzhōng,洗手间在箭头方向170米处,步行约需2分钟翻译成英文是 Restroom 170 meters.; Follow the arrow.


