


1. 腊 [là]2. 腊 [xī]腊 [là]古代在农历十二月合祭众神叫做腊,因此农历十二月叫腊月。冬天(多在腊月)腌制后风干或熏干的肉:~肉。~鱼。~味。姓。腊 [xī]干肉:“噬~肉,遇毒。”晾干:“燃得而~之以为饵。”皮肤皴皱。……





汉语拼音:là ròu







  1. 干肉。

    《易·噬嗑》:“噬腊肉,遇毒。” 朱熹 本义:“腊肉,谓兽腊,全体骨而为之者,坚韧之物也。”《南史·宋纪下·明帝》:“以蜜渍鱁鮧,一食数升,噉腊肉常至二百臠。” 明 唐顺之 《佥事孙公墓志铭》:“噬嗑腊肉,或遇之毒,终利用狱。”

  2. 冬天腌制的肉类。

    陈元靓 《岁时广记·寒食上·煮腊肉》引《岁时杂记》:“去岁腊月糟豚肉掛灶上,至寒食取以啖之,或蒸或煑,其味甚珍。”《儒林外史》第二八回:“ 诸葛天申 吃着,説道:‘这就是腊肉!’” 谢觉哉 《不惑集·关于相猪》:“冬天腌上十多只猪做很考究的腊肉,很好吃;我在那里教一年书,吃腊肉的日子很多。”



  1. When the Qin gave him some salted fish or cured meat to eat, he would pack it with lotus leaf and take it to his mother.


  2. My kind of man. On the bright side, if someone ever asks you what you dreamt of, you don't have to lie.


  3. Breakfast is usually porridge milk or a cup of red juice, coated with butter toast, fried bacon or sausage, eggs.


  4. Bacon is the pickled meat and then, after baking (or sunlight exposure, air-dry ) the process of the processed products made of.


  5. Nothing beats a few slices of boiled bacon, served with English mustard, in a warm buttered roll.


  6. But, essential points and high fat treating meat products such as sausage , bacon are used for food by no means together.


  7. Dry-cured duck is a peculiarly traditional meat product of china, and also one of the most famous dry-cured meat products in the world.


  8. During 3-year difficult period, one day when we had meals, there was a piece of preserved ham in every bowl of whole family.


  9. The meat product prepared by the method with the smoked bacon seasoning has better mouth feel and quality.


  1. 腊肉烧菠菜

    gammon and spinach.

  2. 腊肉荷兰豆

    Preserved Meat and Garden Pea.

  3. 老干妈蒸腊肉

    Steamed beacon with hot pepper sauce.

  4. 酸豆角炒腊肉

    Fried dried pork with kidney bean

  5. 腊肉挂在露台风干。

    Waxed meat hanging at the balcony.

  6. 腌腊肉制品的保鲜技术

    Preserving technique for cured meat products

  7. 我想尝尝他们的腊肉奶酪汉堡包。

    I think I'll try their bacon cheeseburger.

  8. 我宁愿吃鲜猪肉,不愿吃腊肉。

    I prefer fresh pork to bacon.

  9. 腊肉加工和贮藏期间菌相变化和理化变化

    Microbial, Physical and Chemical Changes during Processing and Storage in Chinese Bacon

  10. 偶要腊肉奶酪汉堡包,再加一大杯可乐。

    I'll have the bacon cheeseburger, and a large coke, please.

  11. 凡在腊肉煎饼是一个传统的陕西佳肴。

    Fan's cured meat In pancakes Is one of the traditional Shaanxi delicacies.

  12. 传统湖南腊肉中产香葡萄球菌的筛选及鉴定

    Selection and Identification of Aroma Producing Staphylococci from Hunan Traditional Bacon

  13. 我要一份腊肉奶酸汉堡, 多加些蛋黄酱。

    I want a bacon cheeseburger with extra mayonnaise.

  14. 当他的家人打开它,还有芳香和新鲜寻找腊肉!

    When the family opened It, there was the aromatic and freshly looking cured meat!

  15. 对反映腌腊肉制品脂肪氧化酸败程度指标的探讨

    Discussion on the Indexes Reflecting Oxidative Rancidity of Cured Meat Products

  16. 腊肉的防腐能力强, 能延长保存时间, 并增添特有的风味。

    Meat preservative ability to extend the preservation time, and add a unique flavor.

  17. 巴氏灭菌即食川式腊肉加工及品质控制关键技术

    Processing Convenient Sichuan Flavor Bacon and Its Quality Control Technology

  18. 我不馋,我不喜欢炸土豆条,我想尝尝他们的腊肉奶酪汉堡包。

    Not me. I don't care for fries. I think I'll try their bacon cheeseburger.

  19. 农家常年用木柴烧饭, 为老腊肉的制作提供了极好的条件。

    The circumstance is excellent for the making of the preserved ham.

  20. 找出了用乳酸链球菌素保藏即食腊肉得最佳工艺条件。

    Therefore, the optimum processing for preserving convenient bacon with Nisin has been determined.

  21. 找出了用乳酸链球菌素保藏即食腊肉的最佳工艺条件。

    Therefore, the optimum processing for preserving convenient bacon with Nisin has been determined.

  22. 也许迪尔茜用来点灯的那种腊肉油可以当作调味品用一点。

    Perhaps some of the bacon grease Dilcey was using for illumination could be used for seasoning.

  23. 腊肉是指肉经腌制后再经过烘烤的过程所制成的加工品。

    Bacon is the pickled meat and then, after baking the process of the processed products made of.


  1. 问:腊肉拼音怎么拼?腊肉的读音是什么?腊肉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:腊肉的读音是làròu,腊肉翻译成英文是 salt-cured meat; bacon


