




1. 欠 [qiàn]欠 [qiàn]人在疲倦时张口出气:打哈~。身体稍稍向上移动:~身。短少,不够:~缺。~安。借别人的财物没有还或应当给人的事物还没有给:拖~。~账。……



汉语拼音:xià qiàn







  1. 归还一部分财物之后还有短欠。


  2. 指下欠的款项。如:我借的钱已全数还清,并无下欠。



  1. The Customer shall pay in full any sums due to the Bank under any of these indemnities on demand .


  2. One-dimensional nonlinear consolidation of underconsolidation clay under arbitrary loadings


  3. Choice of capital support policies for technical innovation in underdeveloped regions under the restriction on resource


  4. Study on the Development of Cultural Tourism in Under- developed Regions in direction of Sustainable Development


  5. On The Skip- development of The Under- developed Area Under The Economy Environment


  1. 全数还清,并无下欠。

    The debt has been fully paid up, there is no balance.

  2. 余债还清, 并无下欠。

    The debt has been fully paid up.

  3. 余债还清,并无下欠。

    The debt has been fully paid up .

  4. 他欠下债务。

    He got into debt.

  5. 他欠下大量债务。

    He ran up a sea of debt.

  6. 原来他欠下七十万元。

    Turns out he owes seven hundred thousand dollars.

  7. 他将承担他父亲欠下的债务。

    He will assume the debt incurred by his father.

  8. 他将承担他父亲欠下的债务。

    He will assume the debt incurred by his father.

  9. 我们偿还了我们欠下得一切债务。

    We paid back everything we had borrowed.

  10. 我们偿还了我们欠下的一切债务。

    We paid back everything we had borrowed.

  11. 能想像有人欠下七十万元吗?

    Can you imagine anyone owing seven hundred thousand dollars?

  12. 你必须首先付清上月欠下的房租。

    You must first pay the rent lying over from last month.

  13. 我们对这两位女性 欠下感激之债。

    We owe an incredible debt of gratitude to these two women.

  14. 发展的主要障碍是国家欠下的巨额外债。

    The main impediment to development is the country's huge foreign debt.

  15. 被压迫人民将记下帝国主义欠下得血债。

    The oppressed people will score up the debts of blood against imperialism.

  16. 我所欠下的情债都是因为你一个人!

    I owe the sentiment debt is because of you!

  17. 这是我们对尚未出生的世世代代欠下的一笔债。

    This is a debt we owe to generations yet unborn.

  18. 儿童也被出嫁, 以解决父母或监护人欠下的债务。

    Children have also been married off in order to settle debt incurred by the parents or guardians.

  19. 付清你所欠下的债,方知啥子是归属自个儿的。

    Pay what you owe, and you'll know what's your own.

  20. 年纪轻轻的梁文辉,曾当上黑社会头子,欠下庞大赌债

    He had been a head of a mafia and in great debt.

  21. 即使我为自己欠下的债务感到抓狂,但我还是会购物。

    Even though I feel very distraught about my debt, I still shop.

  22. 债务为了特别的帮助或思惠所欠下的应偿还或报答的东西

    something owed as payment or in return for a special service or favor

  23. 我们欠下的环境的污染孽债, 难道要等下一代来偿还吗?

    Should the next generation pay for what we have done to the environment

  24. 我们欠下的环境的污染孽债,难道要等下一代来偿还吗?

    Should the next generation pay for what we have done to the environment?

  25. 这些都是发达国家所欠下的债, 所以它们必须为此负责任。

    This is the natural debt of nations, and they must pay up.

  26. 德国的高储蓄使得其他国家可以自由花钱,欠下巨额债务。

    Germanys saving glut allowed others to spend freely and to run up large debts.

  27. 我们常向自己得明天去借贷, 以偿还昨天所欠下得债务。

    We often borrow from our tomorrows to pay out debts to our yesterdays.

  28. 她到处都欠下了债。这些债务一直困扰着她, 使她睡不着觉。

    Debts there were on every hand. They haunted her, robbed her of her sleep.

  29. 我们常向自己的明天去借贷,以偿还昨天所欠下的债务。

    We often borrow from our tomorrows to pay out debts to our yesterdays.

  30. 我们常常向自己的明天去借贷, 以偿还昨天所欠下的债务。

    We often borrow from our tomorrows to pay our debts to our yesterdays.


  1. 问:下欠拼音怎么拼?下欠的读音是什么?下欠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下欠的读音是xiàqiàn,下欠翻译成英文是 to still owe; the total amount of debt



词目下欠 拼音xìa qiàn 基本解释 1. [still owing]∶归还一部分后还欠 [若干数目] 2. [a sum still owing]∶还欠的款项 详细解释 1. 归还一部分财物之后还有短欠 儿女英雄传第三六回今年的雨水大那棉花不得晒都受了伤了下欠的奴才也催过他们赶明年麦秋准交 2. 指下欠的款项如我借的钱已全数还清并无下欠