


1. 各 [gè]2. 各 [gě]各 [gè]每个,彼此不同:~别。~得其所。~尽所能。~有千秋。~自为政。各 [gě]〔自~儿(gěr)〕自己,亦作“自个儿”。方言,特别:这个人真~。……




1. 其 [qí]2. 其 [jī]其 [qí]第三人物代词,相当于“他(她)”、“他们(她们)”、“它(它们)”;“他(她)的”、“他们(她们)的”、“它(们)的”:各得~所。莫名~妙。三缄~口。独行~是。自食~果。指示代词,相当于“那”……


1. 能 [néng]2. 能 [nài]能 [néng]才干,本事:~力。~耐。才~。有才干的:~人。~手。贤~。~工巧匠。~者为师。胜任,善于:~够。~柔~刚。力所~及。欲罢不~。~动。会(表示可能性):小弟弟~走路了。应该:你不~这样……



汉语拼音:gè xiǎn qí néng










  1. Ok, brother. These days forum has a good atmosphere. Everybody does his best. If it keeps like that, how doesn't it flourish here?

  2. Each shows one's true worth.

  3. The father comes home and the whole family contribute to the amusement;


  1. 应该各显其能, 各尽其美。

    he thought they should be combined, absorbing the essence and rejecting the dross.

  2. 在晚会上, 群星会聚一堂各显其能。

    Stars flock together in the hall, showing their skills at the evening party.

  3. 在晚会上,群星会聚一堂各显其能。

    Stars flock together in the hall, showing their skills at the evening party.

  4. 你明修栈道我暗渡陈仓咱各显其能。

    You're moving one way and I'm planning my way.

  5. 庞太监说得好,咱们就八仙过海,各显其能吧!

    Eunuch Pang Well said! Lets both try our best, and see what happens.

  6. 八仙过海,各显其能宇通携八大新车型力撼上海客车展

    Eight new models from Yutong resound on Shanghai BUS Show

  7. 卫生是极具参与吸引力的一个领域, 这里群英荟萃, 各显其能。

    Health is an attractive area of engagement, and the landscape is crowded.

  8. 保全雁荡各尽其能

    To Save Yandang Mountain from Damage, Everyone Should Try his Best

  9. 训练宠物使其能在室内保持清洁。

    train to live cleanly in a house.

  10. 如此之人, 其能捎书与加氏乎?

    Can such a man be entrusted to carry a message to Garcia?

  11. 该调用会解锁此函数使其能继续。

    This call unlocks the function so that it can continue.

  12. 各尽其能, 各得其所而又和谐相处的局面

    situation in which all people are well positioned, do their best and live in harmony

  13. 坚固耐用的结构确保其能在现场进行使用。

    Rugged construction insures instrument survivability in a field test environment.

  14. 就其能表现的知识程度看来,倒也有些动人。

    He was, for the order of intellect represented, attractive.

  15. 它是你的避风港,而其能让坏事随风而去。

    It's are place you can escape to and just let it go.

  16. 第三是解除债务人的债务并使其能东山再起。

    The third purpose is discharge the debtor from his liabilities and enable him to start afresh.

  17. 设有可控的红外发热功能, 使其能产生热敷的效果。

    Equipped with controllable infrared heat function, which can generate heat effect.

  18. 可要求在、船或海事物上的人助授人行其能。

    And may require a person on board to assist the authorized officer to carry out his functions.

  19. 因此, 我们必须对大众文化进行积极引导, 使其能健康发展。

    Nevertheless, as a culture with no individual char.

  20. 两个老人,各尽其能,为珂赛特的幸福创造一切条件

    The Two Old Men Do Everything, Each One After His Own Fashion, to Render Cosette Happy

  21. 相恨的时候,爱情是一首打油诗,嘲弄讥讽、各逞其能。

    During heartbreak, love is a doggerel, caustic and mocking, eloquent and glib.

  22. 您的腰板儿太直了,您的模样看着太心高气傲,太自负其能了。

    You stand too straight, your looks are too high, too confident.

  23. 看哪,以色列得首领各逞其能,在你中间流人之血。

    See how each of the princes of Israel who are in you uses his power to shed blood.

  24. 看哪, 以色列的首领各逞其能, 在你中间流人之血。

    Behold, the princes of Israel, every one were in thee to their power to shed blood.

  25. 英格兰对必须赢得这场比赛才能确保其能夺得大力神杯!

    England must win this game to be sure of qualifying for the world cup.

  26. 麦克阿论山谷因其能产出美味得红葡萄酒而被世人熟知。

    The Mclaren Vale area is well known for its ability to produce full flavoured red wines.

  27. 麦克阿论山谷因其能产出美味的红葡萄酒而被世人熟知。

    The Mclaren Vale area is well known for its ability to produce full flavoured red wines.

  28. 刀片前角和后角的设计使其能承受较大的每齿切屑负荷。

    Blade angle and the posterior horn before the design so that it can bear a greater chip load per tooth.

  29. 谁来,削其所能削。

    To chip off what they can.

  30. 一个人尽其所能。

    One tries one's best.


  1. 问:各显其能拼音怎么拼?各显其能的读音是什么?各显其能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:各显其能的读音是gèxiǎnqínéng,各显其能翻译成英文是 each displaying their skill