







汉语拼音:mǎi shōu






  1. 犹收买。

    鲁迅 《二心集·“丧家的”“资本家的乏走狗”》:“《晨报》却道学生为了几个卢布送命,自由大同盟上有我的名字,《革命日报》的通信上便说为‘金光灿烂的卢布所买收’,都是同一手段。”



  1. To be specific, the acquisition cost includes liability cost, transaction cost and rename cost;


  1. 我收买了几个政客。

    I bought off a few politicians.

  2. 看看我刚收买的黑小子?

    Look at this black boy I just bought?

  3. 说明社会收买了一个奴隶。

    It is society purchasing a slave.

  4. 他用2万元收买了那个记者。

    He bought the journalist over with 20, 000.

  5. 国际刑警杰克。瓦伦丁就无法收买

    Interpol agent Jack Valentine could not be bought.

  6. 他收买了竞争者的公司,现已在本行业中占了优势。

    Having bought out his competitors, he now has the weather gauge in the industry.

  7. 大公司已把小公司的全部股份收买了,从而取得了控股权。

    The bigger company has bought out all the shareholder of the smaller one.

  8. 我把买的东西收起来了。

    I put away the shopping.

  9. 我把买的东西收起来了。

    I put away the shopping.

  10. 我想买汽水,但机器收了钱不出货。

    I'm trying to buy soda, but I just lost my money.

  11. 买那些食品他们多收了我二十五便士。

    They overcharged me by 25 p for the food.

  12. 一周了卖的股票没人买, 可不可以收回来, 要不要交易金?

    A week nobody buys the share that sell, can come back in order to close, should trade gold?

  13. 是被收买来的

    who's ever validated my work was paid off?

  14. 当然欢迎买断了,毕竟先收钱嘛!

    Of course, welcome the buyout, after all, money first!

  15. 我买这瓶酒他少收了我两美元。

    He undercharged me two dollars for the wine.

  16. 我买这瓶酒他少收了我两美元。

    He undercharged me two dollars for the wine.

  17. 如果你决定不买,你在调查上花的钱是收不回来的。

    If you decide not to buy, the money you have spent on the survey is not recoverable.

  18. 萨利已把伊夫买得西红柿记入收银机。

    Sally rang up Eve's purchase of tomatoes.

  19. 萨利已把伊夫买的西红柿记入收银机。

    Sally rang up Eve's purchase of tomatoes.

  20. 我们本可以不买票就进去 根本没人收票。

    We could have got in for nothing nobody was collecting tickets.

  21. 有些人希望在今年玉米能大丰收, 可以买些酒精燃料。

    Some were hoping for a big corn crop this year to sell for ethanol fuel.