




落下:~泪。减损,消失:~色。~价儿。遗失,遗漏:这一行~了两个字。回转(zhuǎn ):~头。~转。摇摆,引申为卖弄,耍:~文。~俏。~以轻心。~臂而去。对换:~包。~换。落在后面:~队。用在动词后表示动作完成:改~。戒~。……



汉语拼音:qiāo diào






  1. 消灭;毁灭。

    峻青 《黎明的河边·水落石出》:“看那么个土包子还能翻了天不成!敲掉他!” 雷铎 《从悬崖到坦途》:“一挺重机枪死死地卡住山梁,不敲掉它就上不了顶峰。”



  1. You could have done it . Look at you, right now---cheeks scarlet, fire flaring in your eyes---looking as if you'd like to smash my teeth in!


  2. "Originally from Mattawamkeag, Maine, he said, " continued McCarthy, "and he wouldn't stand for no knockin' the place. "


  3. The sudden blow knocked two teeth out of his mouth .


  4. With iron spikes they lever them into position, hack out any stones embedded in the pungent orange flesh and heave the logs on to a runner.


  5. You knocked the last one out of my hand, remember?


  6. Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth: break out the great teeth of the young lions, O LORD.


  7. Article Thirteen: If anyone snores at night, others have the limited right to knock his upper-teeth out.


  8. He climbed to the top of the pole and knocked off the icicles.


  9. "Blow away, " said the man from the West. "You can live in New York without brains, but not without money. "


  1. 请把这些钉子敲掉。

    Please hammer out these nails.

  2. 我应该敲掉你的牙。

    I should have kicked your teeth in.

  3. 我们敲掉了石头上得冰。

    We knocked off the ice covering the stone.

  4. 我们敲掉了石头上的冰。

    We knocked off the ice covering the stone.

  5. 把牙敲掉比装上赚得多。

    It pays me better to knock teeth out him than put them in.

  6. 敲掉身上的棱棱角角打磨自己。

    Abundent onto the edge angle grinding their edges and corners.

  7. 你能帮我把这些钉子敲掉吗?

    Can you hammer out these nails for me ?

  8. 把钱给我!否则敲掉你的脑袋!

    Give me your money, or I'll blow out your brains!

  9. 他们的牙齿会被用铁棍敲掉

    Their teeth are basically bashed out with a metal rod.

  10. 他把金属板上的一些凹痕敲掉了。

    He hammered out the dents in the metal sheet.

  11. 天涯海角我都要找到他,然后敲掉他的脑袋。

    I'll find him to the ends of the earth and then knock his head off.

  12. 眼珠被挖了出来,手指被割了下来,牙齿也被敲掉了!

    Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out!

  13. 他把金属板上的一些凹痕敲掉或敲平了。

    He hammered out the dents in the metal sheet.

  14. 你把最后一罐从我手里敲掉还记得吗?

    You knocked the last one out of my hand, remember ?

  15. 穆里尼奥是那种应该被大棒敲掉牙齿的人。

    Mourinho is a man who deserves a smack in the mouth.

  16. 这些纪念品收集者趁警卫没看见时敲掉一些石屑。

    These souvenir collectors chip off pieces of stone when the guards are not looking.

  17. 他敲掉老头子,纯粹是出于生意的考虑,而不是个人恩怨。

    And his knocking off the old man is purely business, nothing personal.

  18. 随便谁把他敲掉,也就等于给国家做了一件大好事。

    Whoever knocked him off would be doing the country a big favor.

  19. 我把那块损坏了的砖头一点一点地敲掉,然后换上一块新的。

    I chip away the damaged brick and replaced it with a new one.

  20. 这个箱子掉到他头上将他敲得昏了过去。

    The box fell on his head and knocked him senseless.

  21. 她接着说,带着孩子气的泄愤敲着,我还要烧掉它

    She continued striking it with childish spite, and then I'll burn it!

  22. 罗杰用力敲了夹着圆石得杠杆,那个圆石就斜着掉下来。

    Roger slams the lever holding the boulder and it goes careening down.

  23. 罗杰用力敲了夹着圆石的杠杆,那个圆石就斜着掉下来。

    Roger slams the lever holding the boulder and it goes careening down.

  24. 失望的他轻轻敲着笔,最后还是放弃了,把纸揉成一团扔掉了。

    He taps his pen in frustration, and finally gives up, crumpling up the paper and throwing it away.


  1. 问:敲掉拼音怎么拼?敲掉的读音是什么?敲掉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敲掉的读音是qiāo diào,敲掉翻译成英文是 striking

  2. 问:敲掉楔子拼音怎么拼?敲掉楔子的读音是什么?敲掉楔子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敲掉楔子的读音是qiāo diào xiē zǐ,敲掉楔子翻译成英文是 striking wedge