




慢,与“急”相对:~步。~行(xíng )。~慢。迟~。延迟:~刑。~办。~役。~征。刻不容~。放松,松弛:~和。~冲。~解(jiě)。和~。苏醒,恢复:~气。~醒。……



汉语拼音:zhì huǎn






  1. 迟缓;缓慢。

    王西彦 《寻常事》:“两人前后的距离缩短了,女儿的脚步变成滞缓而沉重。” 王西彦 《古城的忧郁·蛊惑》:“对过屋脊上一只黑猫,耸起身子,走着轻步,影子被月光拉得老长,斜映在灰色的瓦背上,滞缓地向前面移动。”



  1. University officials were criticized for not acting more quickly to warn of the danger of a gunman.


  2. From car dealerships to Gap outlets , sales have been lagging for months as shoppers temper their spending.


  3. Bond yields have edged lower lately because growth has slowed to a crawl (see article).


  4. Among these problems, the most prominent is that the net income rate of increase of the farmers decline and there has stagnated.


  5. Moreover, the economy slowed in 2008 in response to the world financial crisis and a drought.


  6. While after its entry into 1980s, its economy occasionally reduced to a lag state, then since 1982, its economy recovered to increase.


  7. Europe is starting to moderate but overall remains firm and Japan which has been sluggish remains a weak link in the global picture.


  8. A sullen stream winds its way among the trees.


  9. America's economy slowed last year before reviving. Britain's endured a dud quarter or two as it emerged from previous recessions.


  1. 生产增长滞缓

    a sluggish growth of production.

  2. 在商业萧条时期,货币流通滞缓。

    During a depression money circulates slowly.

  3. 农村经济发展滞缓引发的思考

    Reflection and Countermeasures of Sluggish Growth of Rural Economy

  4. 西晋玄言诗发展滞缓的原因

    On the Reasons of Stagnancy in the Development of Metaphysical Poems in West Jin

  5. 很快水流就滞缓了,潮汐就要变了。

    Soon the water will become slack, and the tide will turn.

  6. 很快水流就滞缓了,潮汐就要变了。

    Soon the water will become slack, and the tide will turn.

  7. 地球内部核心的粘度和滞缓机制。

    On the viscosity and creep mechanism of Earth's inner core.

  8. 一条水流滞缓的小溪蜿蜒流经树林。

    A sullen stream winds its way among the trees.

  9. 尤其是近年来,服务业整体水平发展滞缓。

    Especially in recent years, the overall level of service development is stagnant.

  10. 产业梯度转移滞缓原因及西部对策研究

    Research on the Causes for the Slow Gradient Transfer of Industry and the Countermeasure to the West of China

  11. 战后英国职业技术教育发展滞缓原因探析

    Probe into the Causes of Slow Development of Vocational Technical Education in Britain after World War

  12. 学校官方被指责对于持枪人的危险警告行动滞缓。

    University officials were criticized for not acting more quickly to warn of the danger of a gunman.

  13. 翻译教学发展滞缓,其根本原因,是翻译课得定位问题。

    The fundamental cause of the under development of translation teaching is due to the problem of reorienting the translation class.

  14. 历史上台湾平埔族的人口及其增长率滞缓原因试析

    Historical Population of Taiwan's Pingpu People and an Analysis of the Causes for the Slow Growth of the Pingpu's Population

  15. 农民收入增长滞缓是困扰农村经济发展的一大难题。

    Peasantry income increase logging is a big problem that disturbed the country economic development of course.

  16. 翻译教学发展滞缓,其根本原因,是翻译课的定位问题。

    The fundamental cause of the under development of translation teaching is due to the problem of reorienting the translation class.


  1. 问:滞缓的拼音怎么拼?滞缓的的读音是什么?滞缓的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滞缓的的读音是,滞缓的翻译成英文是 creeping

  2. 问:滞缓击穿拼音怎么拼?滞缓击穿的读音是什么?滞缓击穿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滞缓击穿的读音是zhì huǎn jī chuān,滞缓击穿翻译成英文是 creeping flashover