


1. 这 [zhè]2. 这 [zhèi]这 [zhè]代词,此,指较近的时间、地点或事物,与“那”相对:~里。~些。~个。~样。这时候,指说话的同时:他~就来。这 [zhèi]“这(zhè)一”二字的合音,但指数量时不限于一:~个。~点儿……


对着,朝着,与“背”相对:~背(bèi )。~北。目标,意志所趋:志~。方~。偏袒,袒护:偏~。近,临:~晚。秋天漠漠~昏黑。从前:~日。~者。从开始到现在:~例。一~。姓。……



汉语拼音:zhè xiàng






  1. 犹言这一段时间。




  1. It was as clear to her as if he shouted it from where he stood. There was not time to be lost.


  2. He began to try to sit up, which showed us that the effects of the drug were wearing off.


  3. There is no doubt that you are a passionate, eloquent speaker and I applaud you for that, but when you look at what we face in this country.


  4. Making it easy to contribute using tools and smart design shows your users you trust them to provide valuable content.


  5. This sends a response to the browser indicating that there was a problem with the user registration or that the servlet needs debugging.


  6. In a more positive way, it exposed consumers to this idea that there actually is a market for, and an enduring legacy for, these people.


  7. And increasingly, the ODMs have come knocking, trying to close sales directly with these big buyers, Heiliger says.


  8. It became clear to us that we were witnessing the aftermath of a massacre, the cold-blooded butchery of helpless and defenceless civilians.


  9. This can be hard for people who are naturally nervous or timid, but it shows people that you don't intend to be brushed off.


  1. 这向演播室是隔音的。

    The studio was sound proof.

  2. 这向我们预示了怎样的未来呢?

    So what does this tell us about the future?

  3. 这向你们展示了人类意志的力量。

    It just shows you what the power of the mind can do.

  4. 这向他表明了公司那不容置疑的威力。

    it signified to him the unassailable power of the companies.

  5. 这向下拉列表添加另一个过滤器。

    This adds another filter to the dropdown.

  6. 这向如下面得图4所示得内存位置赋值。

    This assigns values to the memory locations shown in Figure4 below.

  7. 这向如下面的图4所示的内存位置赋值。

    This assigns values to the memory locations shown in Figure4 below.

  8. 这向我们展示了进入流程的一个入口点。

    That shows us an entry point into the process.

  9. 这是块秘密得窗户, 并且从这向下望是块秘密得花园。

    It's a secret window, and it'll look down on a secret garden.

  10. 这是块秘密的窗户,并且从这向下望是块秘密的花园。

    It's a secret window, and it'll look down on a secret garden.

  11. 这向面试官们暗示出这位应聘者在家做功课了。

    It showed the committee that this candidate had done his homework.

  12. 这向大家证明了,我们也有拥有实干能力的人。

    So that shows you that we have people who are capable of doing.

  13. 你必须第一选择一个项目从这列表在这向左

    You must first select an item from the list on the left

  14. 这向他证明了黑布保持热量要比白布更容易。

    This proved to him that the black cloth held the heat better than the white cloth.

  15. 他开始试图坐起身来,这向我们表明药力正在消退。

    He began to try to sit up, which showed us that the effects of the drugwere wearing off.

  16. 请允许我代表与会全体这向你方所有员工表示感谢。

    Please extend my thanks, on behalf of all the attendees, to each of your employees.

  17. 这向全世界表明中美两国是合作伙伴而不是对手。

    This demonstrates to the entire world that china and the united states are partners not adversaries.

  18. 这向脚本操作员表明,一个策略决策是在这里捕获的。

    This calls out to the script operator the fact that a policy decision is captured here.

  19. 这向那些关注新官上任的三把火的人展示了兴趣和关心。

    It'shows interest and care to all those watching the early actions of the new boss.

  20. 我要向这水 致意。

    And I will give my tribute to water.

  21. 我把手伸向这本书。

    I stretched out my hand towards the book.

  22. 群众向这位拳击冠军喝彩

    The crowds hailed the boxing champion.

  23. 宾客们向这对幸福佳偶敬酒。

    The guests drank a toast to the happy couple.

  24. 那只鸟突然飞向这颗树。

    The bird shot out of the tree.

  25. 那只鸟突然飞向这颗树。

    The bird shot out of the tree.

  26. 人群从四面八方涌向这条街。

    From all sides, the crowd bore down on the street.

  27. 他们向这位实业家的腿部射击。

    They kneecapped the industrialist.

  28. 军官冲向这间店铺里的士兵。

    The officer pounced on the soldiers who were in the shop.

  29. 美丽如何向这等暴虐请求宽谅?

    How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea

  30. 转过身来,你可以向这边看。

    Turn around, you may look this way.