


1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……


1. 乘 [chéng]2. 乘 [shèng]乘 [chéng]骑,坐:~马。~车。~客。~警。趁着,就着:~便。~机(趁着机会)。~势。~兴(xìng)。因利~便。算术中指一个数使另一个数变成若干倍:~法。~幂(mì)。~数。佛教的教派……




事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……



汉语拼音:kě chéng zhī jī








  • 【解释】:可以利用的时机。
  • 【出自】:《晋书·吕纂传》:“宜缮甲养锐,劝课农殖,待可乘之机,然后一举荡灭。”
  • 【示例】:按宋南渡后亦未尝无~。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作宾语;含贬义


  1. The list is not exhaustive but a few major indicators of what should not be acceptable while joining an Opportunity.


  2. By leading his man into a valley without another way out, the general played right into the enemys hands.


  3. But I probed a little longer and at last found a chink in the wall.


  4. He'll come out of it, I think Utah will be more concerned with Yao in the second half and that'll open it up for Mcgrady.


  5. Some sites do not have enough network safety protection, throwing the door open to culprits or hackers.


  6. In this reading, Obama lacks the courage of his activist impulses, and his hesitations will play right into the hands of his enemies.


  7. Never permit the enemy to acquire unexpected advantage.


  8. This phenomenon occurs due to subdued state of mind, which in return produces poisonous chemicals, which result in stresses and tensions.


  9. therefore, the compactness of the bottle cap to cover is reached and opening is hard to a willing mind.


  1. 使人有可乘之机

    give a handle to

  2. 不要给敌人以可乘之机。

    Don't give the enemy a chance.

  3. 他给她造成了可乘之机。

    He gave her a handle against him.

  4. 似乎我们给了他可乘之机。

    It seems we played into his hands.

  5. 可乘之机实现目的的机会或方式。

    An opportunity or a means for achieving a purpose.

  6. 朋友不和就给敌人可乘之机。

    The quarrels of friends are the opportunities of foes.

  7. 他们将在其他地方寻找可乘之机。

    Theyll look for easier pickings elsewhere.

  8. 收了这些钱, 他正好给了我可乘之机。

    Accepting the money he has played right into my hands.

  9. 然而, 这个洞太大了, 给了窃贼可乘之机。

    However, the hole is too large, giving access to burglars.

  10. 老大妈心地太善良了,让骗子有了可乘之机。

    Aunty is too kindhearted for the cheater to have a chance.

  11. 老大妈心地太善良了,让骗子有了可乘之机。

    Aunty is too kindhearted for the cheater to have a chance.

  12. 这会使得雇主逃脱主动歧视有可乘之机。

    Its about closing a loophole that has enabled employers to get away with active discrimination.

  13. 他不够慎重予敌人以反对他的可乘之机。

    His indiscretions gave his enemies a handle to use against him.

  14. 百度的竞价排名给假冒者们以可乘之机。

    The contest price of Baidu ranks personator people with an opportunity given by.

  15. 百度得竞价排名给假冒者们以可乘之机。

    The contest price of Baidu ranks personator people with an opportunity given by.

  16. 要谨慎作答, 否则你可能给对手以可乘之机。

    Be careful how you answer, or you might furnish an advantage to your opponent.

  17. 那仅能予以反动派可乘之机,而无助于改革派。

    That would only play into the hands of reactionaries, not help the reformers.

  18. 新技术的出现使一些坏家伙有了可乘之机。

    New technologies bring new things for bad guys to exploit.

  19. 她不会给姑母有可乘之机来作什么解释与忏悔。

    She gave her aunt no handle for explaining or confessing.

  20. 我们的警惕性很高,决不会给人以可乘之机。

    We are so vigilant that we shall never be caught napping

  21. 汪洋扳回局势, 再未给对手可乘之机, 先下一城。

    Wang Yang draw of the situation, not an opportunity for opponents before the next city.

  22. 不过,我又探寻得更远了一些,终于发现了可乘之机。

    But I probed a little longer and at last found a chink in the wall.

  23. 如果内部考虑泄露出去, 就会给外国政府造成可乘之机。

    If internal deliberations are leaked, foreign governments gain an advantage.

  24. 辛吉斯始终稳扎稳打, 没有给库尔尼科娃以可乘之机。

    Hingis stayed steady throughout, never letting kournikova break away.

  25. 演讲者承认自己没有研究过论据, 因此给了对手可乘之机。

    By admitting that he had not thoroughly studied the facts, the speaker played into his opponent's hands.

  26. 我害怕这样的细节会给那些昧着良心要狗的人以可乘之机。

    I feared all the detail might encourage an unscrupulous person to claim the dog.


  1. 问:可乘之机拼音怎么拼?可乘之机的读音是什么?可乘之机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可乘之机的读音是kěchéngzhījī,可乘之机翻译成英文是 opportunity that can be exploited to somebody's...



词目 可乘之机 发音 kě chéng zhī jī 释义 可以利用的时机。 出处 宋·晁补之《鸡肋集》:“当是时,皆有可乘之隙,而中国不可取。” 示例 按宋南渡后亦未尝无~。(清·赵翼《二十四史札记·卷二十六·和议》) 用法 作宾语;指可以利用的机会 乘:趁着,凭借,利用


【示例】:按宋南渡后亦未尝无~。 ◎清·赵翼《二十四史札记·卷二十六·和议》


