




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:cái zǐ








  1. 古称德才兼备的人。

    《左传·文公十八年》:“昔 高阳氏 有才子八人……齐圣广渊,明允诚篤,天下之民谓之八愷。”后多指有才华的人。 晋 潘岳 《西征赋》:“ 终童 山 东之英妙, 贾生 洛阳 之才子。” 唐 朱庆餘 《送窦秀才》诗:“ 江 南才子日纷纷,少有篇章得似君。”《儒林外史》第二十九回:“这人是有 子建 之才, 潘安 之貌, 江 南数一数二的才子。” 毛泽东 《反对党八股》:“其结果,往往是‘下笔千言,离题万里’,仿佛象个才子,实则到处害人。”

  2. 方言。刚才。

    《西游记》第四一回:“你才子发昏的,若不是 老猪 救你啊,已此了帐了,还不谢我哩!”《西游记》第八九回:“才子那妖精败阵,必然向他祖翁处去会话。”



  1. She is such a bluestocking that many men dare not to get close to her because they think she must be a little nerdy.


  2. The brilliant scholar of music, the angel of music, music of soul . . . . . . with you zero distance of contact, is another touched.


  3. but to be honest , brother tang's article and his painting are the most famous , he is a real talent!


  4. A rich merchant, a handsome scholar, a monk, a Taoist priest, and a sage happened to catch rain and sheltered themselves in a ruined temple.


  5. I used to listen to people say that I disagree with you I have talent.


  6. Often heard people bring you and know that you are very talented, you see a good old Wen has also been exchanged.


  7. talent is the lifeblood of Talent, talented can write good articles. refers to the disappearance of his talent, talent away.


  8. He thinks of himself as a wit. It's later than you think.


  9. Chimera, this is Murong reporters, as well as nationally renowned for its great talent, you stay with him.


  1. 大学派才子

    university wits.

  2. 金融界才子

    financial whizzkid

  3. 大历十才子

    ten talents in Dali period

  4. 金装四大才子

    The Legendary of Four Aces

  5. 才子佳人剧

    genius and beauty plays.

  6. 他是个有名的才子。

    He was a famous wit.

  7. 第一章,十才子总论。

    The first chapter is the general introduction of the ten talents.

  8. 一群才子, 美女, 电影明星。

    a galaxy of talent, beautiful women, film stars

  9. 他是当代诗主要的才子。

    He is a major talent in contemporary poetry.

  10. 吴中四才子的功名心

    Hopes of Winning Honor By the Four Talented Scholars in Central Wu Area

  11. 才子, 智者具有杰出的智力的人

    A person of exceptional intelligence.

  12. 李太不是,是菊花才子家的。

    Mrs. Lee No, the chrysanthemum family Wets.

  13. 他是个音乐才子,这是无可置疑的。

    He is the music talented person, this is indubitable.

  14. 第五才子书施耐庵水浒传

    The Fifth Gifted Scholar Wrote about the Outlaws of the Marsh of Shi Naian

  15. 我想我晕车了,有一个才子叫许嵩。

    I think it's motion sickness.

  16. 宁为聪明的愚夫,不作愚蠢的才子。

    Better a witty fool than a foolish.

  17. 才子的策略有时候也有异于常人。

    For a man of literary talents, he may adopt a unique strategy that differentiates from that of ordinary people.

  18. 风流才子对诗农村小妞, 笑破肚皮!

    Libertine chick in rural areas of poetry, Xiaopodupi!

  19. 六朝才子谢灵运就深受其影响。

    The gifted scholar in Liuchao, Xie Lingyun, was influenced deeply by it.

  20. 数学家或才子会给你错误的答案。

    A mathematician or a wit would give you the wrong answer.

  21. 奥斯卡王尔德是个出名的才子。

    Oscar Wilde was a famous wit.

  22. 看往来,神仙才子,肯把菱花扑碎。

    View contacts, immortal genius, willing to break Linghua flutter.

  23. 第二节分析才子形象的传承与创新。

    The second chapter analyzed the images'inheritance and developments.

  24. 以前听人说我你是才子我一直不以为然。

    I used to listen to people say that I disagree with you I have talent.

  25. 座右铭宁为聪明的愚夫, 不做愚蠢的才子。

    MottoBetter a witty fool than a foolish wit.

  26. 陶渊明大历十才子隐逸诗隐逸观

    Tao Yuanming ten talents in Dali period Seclusion Poetry views of Seclusion.

  27. 在未来的社会,各国才子们之间的竞争是激烈的。

    In the future society, the competitions among the talents from different countries are very fierce.

  28. 她要算是美人的话,她母亲可以算是一个才子了。

    She a beauty! I should say as soon call her mother a wit.

  29. 为何世间没多几个如同爱德华的才子。

    How could there not be more for one such as edward?

  30. 他认为自己是一个才子。这没有你认为的早

    He thinks of himself as a wit. Its later than you think.


  1. 问:才子拼音怎么拼?才子的读音是什么?才子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:才子的读音是cáizǐ,才子翻译成英文是 talented man

  2. 问:才子佳人拼音怎么拼?才子佳人的读音是什么?才子佳人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:才子佳人的读音是cáizǐjiārén,才子佳人翻译成英文是 a talented man and a beautiful woman






【基本解释】1、[gifted scholar]:才华出众的人才子佳人2、[brilliant writer]:长于文艺创作的人

【相关词语】才子佳人cái zǐ-jiā rén[popular romance with a handsome scholar and pretty girl;gifted scholars and beautiful ladies] 才华出众的男子和姿容艳美的女人。