







汉语拼音:bīng líng







  1. 冰。

    唐 孟郊 《戏赠无本》诗之一:“瘦僧卧冰凌,嘲咏含金痍。” 宋 陆游 《客中夜寒戏作长谣》:“孤翁痴钝如寒蝇,霜夕不暝愁严凝。寝衣触体起芒粟,鼻息嘘润成冰凌。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第二章:“跟 小杨姐姐 比,我还差得远哪!她大冬天敲开冰凌,给战士们洗血衣,一洗就是几十件。”

  2. 冰柱。

    唐 李峤 《绫》诗:“落花遥写雾,飞鹤近图云。马眼冰棱影,竹根雪霰文。” 陈其通 《万水千山》第六幕第二场:“断崖绝壁上挂满晶莹的冰凌,把大雪山装点得异常巍然壮观。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第一章:“山沟里寒森森的,大冰凌象帘子一样挂在山崖沿上。”



  1. So you think may have happened in the past, but do not know where but there is no sign that winter north of the ice hanging tree.


  2. The man's boots were covered with ice. The strings on his boots were as hard as steel. He would have to cut them with his knife.


  3. The residue of an ice storm glazes a beech tree, pushing its branches to a near- breaking point .


  4. The withered grass and the bushes were transformed into a forest of icicles.


  5. Badagongshan was covered with thick snow at the time, and brilliant sunshine was unable to melt the ice slush in the stream trenches.


  6. This paper analyzed the ice slush formation mechanism, change process and ice flood cause of the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia.


  7. Miao-plus force of the glaciers Versus, the last under the pain killer, its Fengrubingling counters.


  8. and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism.


  9. Yellow River in winter, the ice begins to melt in spring, because the heat, a Yellow River ice.


  1. 冰凌可可少司

    Ice cream with cocoa sauce.

  2. 冰凌的混线现象

    sleet jump

  3. 屋檐下挂着冰凌。

    There were icicles hanging from the eaves.

  4. 为什么到处都是冰凌?

    So why are there icicles everywhere ?

  5. 冬天里那个冰凌柱哟。

    And in winter, the ice stick was freezing.

  6. 天气一变暖,冰凌就渐渐融化了。

    The ice melts gradually as the weather gets warm.

  7. 天气一变暖,冰凌就渐渐融化了。

    The ice melts gradually as the weather gets warm.

  8. 石花洞的冰凌奇观让人叹为观止。

    The spectacle of the icicle in the cave is amazing.

  9. 石花洞得冰凌奇观让人叹为观止。

    The spectacle of the icicle in the cave is amazing.

  10. 石花洞的冰凌奇观让人叹为观止。

    The spectacle of the icicle in the cave is amazing.

  11. 黄河河曲段冰凌观察及成因分析

    The Observation and the Cause of Formation Analysis of the River Ice in a Section of the Yellow River, Hequ County

  12. 黑龙江上游冰凌灾害成因及防凌措施

    Cause of icicle disaster and control in the upper reaches of Heilongjiang River.

  13. 读懂别样浪漫 餐桌上的冰凌花

    Ice Flowers on the Dining Table Another Kind of Romance

  14. 那是一种似雪非雪得小冰凌。

    That is a kind of light ice which looks like the snow.

  15. 那是一种似雪非雪的小冰凌。

    That is a kind of light ice which looks like the snow.

  16. 我看到了一窗清雅细致的冰凌花!

    I saw a window of elegant and meticulous icicle flowers!

  17. 伊犁河干流冰凌预防和治理的几点建议

    Ili The Prevention and Management of The Main Stream of Ice Suggestions

  18. 大顶子山航电枢纽工程施工期冰凌问题分析

    Analysis of ice slush in construction period of Dadingzishan navigation power complex

  19. 首都由冰凌制成得山包围,冰凌以水晶得光闪闪发亮。

    The capital is surrounded by mountains made of ice, which shine with a crystalline light.

  20. 首都由冰凌制成的山包围,冰凌以水晶的光闪闪发亮。

    The capital is surrounded by mountains made of ice, which shine with a crystalline light.

  21. 新疆天山北坡中段河流冰凌洪水特征分析

    Analysis of Ice Jam Floods in River Basins on the North Slope of Middle Section of Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang

  22. 画面上是歪斜的格子窗,窗子上方悬着长长的冰凌。

    In the photo was an acclivitous grille, and upwards hung a long ice stick.

  23. 黄河冰凌灾害遥感动态监测模式及冰情信息提取模型研究

    The Research on the RS Dynamic Monitoring Mode of the Yellow River Icicle Hazard and the Ice Regime Information Extraction Model

  24. 博尔德伍德心不在焉地看着冰凌怎样使雪地的表面变硬。

    Boldwood was listlessly noting how the frost had hardened the surface of the snow.

  25. 春天话语谁踢落雪袄冰凌坠滴声声娇听嫩绿浅笑

    Whisper of Spring Who kicks off soft snow Drips, drops, sound of icicles Naked green giggles

  26. 当冰凌生长在橡树上,我做了一些你在时所不能做的事。

    When ice grows on the oak, I do the things I can't when you're here.

  27. 三是英语在蒸笼里坐、母语在冰凌上卧的冷热不均现状。

    Thirdly, the uneven actuality just like English sitting in steam box while mother tongue lying on ice approach.

  28. 要了解冰川融化和冰凌的发生,就离不开对冰层厚度的测量。

    Essential acquaintance glacier thawing and occurrence of icicle will be not to get away to measure thickness of ice layer.


  1. 问:冰凌拼音怎么拼?冰凌的读音是什么?冰凌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰凌的读音是bīnglíng,冰凌翻译成英文是 ice; ice hanging down from the edge of a roof, cliff...



水在0℃或低于0℃时,凝结成的固体称为冰。流动的冰称为凌。有时冰、凌通用,没有严格区别。 当气温低于河流中的水温时,水体开始失热。