







汉语拼音:yī yào







  1. 医术与药物。

    《史记·扁鹊仓公列传》:“自 意 少时,喜医药,医药方试之多不验者。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·书记》:“医药攻病,各有所主。”《醒世恒言·李道人独步云门》:“一来见他医药神效如旧,二来容颜不老,也如旧日。”

  2. 医治,治疗。

    《司马法·仁本》:“敌若伤之,医药归之。” 宋 岳飞 《乞解军务第二札》:“伏望陛下……特许退休,就营医药。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·顾生》:“ 江 南 顾生 ,客 稷下 ,眼暴肿,昼夜呻吟,罔所医药。”



  1. At least three years' sales training management and implementation experience; management experience in medical sales would be a preference.


  2. So the medical and health system reform should not just stay at the surface, the medical and health system reform should be deepened.


  3. We gave the remainder of our supplies to a village nurse so that she could care for the children and the elderly.


  4. Follow me. All the things you need as a woman are in aisles 10 and 11. This section is usually near the medicine section in any supermarket.


  5. Governments, meantime, also are trying to capitalize on growing popularity of indigenous treatments.


  6. A highest tendon of middle finger and forefinger ruptures , how much should medical expenses want?


  7. For all this, cannot satisfy me with the medical chemistry experiment limited contact in this domain intellectual curiosity.


  8. This thesis is trying to design the stimulation and restriction mechanism of marketing morals of stated-owned medical enterprises.


  9. There used to be considerably less of this outside of the sterile side of pharmaceutical packaging, where it's been ongoing for some time.


  1. 医药连锁店

    Drugstore chain.

  2. 医药传教士

    medical missionary.

  3. 道教医药学

    Taoist medicine

  4. 医药总顾问

    Chief Medical Advisor.

  5. 藏医药概论

    A summary on Tibetan medicine.

  6. 水产医药用品

    aquatic pharmaceutical products.

  7. 医药化工行业

    pharmaceutical and chemical industry

  8. 动物医药学系

    Department of Companion Animal Medicine.

  9. 生物, 医药产业。

    Biological and Medical Industry.

  10. 生物,医药产业。

    Biological and Medical Industry.

  11. 医药药材公司

    pharmaceutical material and drug corporation

  12. 医药用松节油

    Oil of turpentine for pharmaceutical purposes

  13. 黑龙江医药科学

    Heilongjiang Medicine and Pharmacy

  14. 华北国防医药

    Medical Journal of National Defending Forces in North China

  15. 东南国防医药

    Journal of Southeast China National Defence Medical Science.

  16. 征求医药原料。

    Inquiry for bulk purchase of pharmaceutical raw materials.

  17. 西南国防医药

    Medical Journal of National Defending Forces in Southwest China.

  18. 植物医药基因工程

    plants medicine gene project

  19. 敦煌医药卷子

    Dunhuang Medial Paper.

  20. 通化医药产业

    Tonghua medicinal industry

  21. 野战医药箱

    field medical chest

  22. 医药卫生纸用浆

    wadding stock

  23. 医药高职高专

    pharmaceutical higher vocational.school

  24. 地方性医药知识

    local medical knowledge

  25. 医药有限责任公司

    Pharmacy Co., Ltd.

  26. 医药用杏仁牛奶

    Milk of almonds for pharmaceutical purposes

  27. 武汉医药设计院

    Wuhan Pharmaceutical Industry Design Institute

  28. 医药以及血供给。

    Let's get ready for double capacity intakes.

  29. 医药食品级滑石粉

    Medcial and food grade talcum powder

  30. 可作医药之用

    It was used for medicinal purposes.


  1. 问:医药拼音怎么拼?医药的读音是什么?医药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:医药的读音是yīyào,医药翻译成英文是 medicine

  2. 问:医药费拼音怎么拼?医药费的读音是什么?医药费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:医药费的读音是yīyàofèi,医药费翻译成英文是 medical expenses

  3. 问:医药的拼音怎么拼?医药的的读音是什么?医药的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:医药的的读音是,医药的翻译成英文是 curatorial

  4. 问:医药治疗拼音怎么拼?医药治疗的读音是什么?医药治疗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:医药治疗的读音是yī yào zhì liáo,医药治疗翻译成英文是 medical therapy

  5. 问:医药信息网拼音怎么拼?医药信息网的读音是什么?医药信息网翻译成英文是什么?

    答:医药信息网的读音是yī yào xìn xī wǎng,医药信息网翻译成英文是 Pherm Info Net

  6. 问:医药实验室拼音怎么拼?医药实验室的读音是什么?医药实验室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:医药实验室的读音是yī yào shí yàn shì,医药实验室翻译成英文是 Medical Laboratory

  7. 问:医药管理局拼音怎么拼?医药管理局的读音是什么?医药管理局翻译成英文是什么?

    答:医药管理局的读音是yī yào guǎn lǐ jú,医药管理局翻译成英文是 Bureau of Medicine

  8. 问:医药采购局拼音怎么拼?医药采购局的读音是什么?医药采购局翻译成英文是什么?

    答:医药采购局的读音是yī yào cǎi gòu jú,医药采购局翻译成英文是 Medical Procurement Agency

  9. 问:医药供应会议拼音怎么拼?医药供应会议的读音是什么?医药供应会议翻译成英文是什么?

    答:医药供应会议的读音是yī yào gōng yìng huì yì,医药供应会议翻译成英文是 Medical Supply Conference

  10. 问:医药总实验室拼音怎么拼?医药总实验室的读音是什么?医药总实验室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:医药总实验室的读音是yī yào zǒng shí yàn shì,医药总实验室翻译成英文是 Medical General Laboratory

  11. 问:医药总试验室拼音怎么拼?医药总试验室的读音是什么?医药总试验室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:医药总试验室的读音是yī yào zǒng shì yàn shì,医药总试验室翻译成英文是 Medical General Laboratory

  12. 问:医药生物技术拼音怎么拼?医药生物技术的读音是什么?医药生物技术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:医药生物技术的读音是yī yào shēng wù jì shù,医药生物技术翻译成英文是 medical biotechnology

  13. 问:医药库存物资管理系统拼音怎么拼?医药库存物资管理系统的读音是什么?医药库存物资管理系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:医药库存物资管理系统的读音是yī yào kù cún wù zī guǎn lǐ xì tǒng,医药库存物资管理系统翻译成英文是 Medical Inventory Management System



医药( yīyào);medicine;medicament 是预防或治疗或诊断人类和牲畜疾病的物质或制剂。药物按来源分天然药物和合成药物。医药也可预防疾病,治疗疾病,减少痛苦,增进健康,或增强机体对疾病的抵抗力或帮助诊断疾病的物质。