







汉语拼音:tān wū








  1. 亦作“ 贪污 ”。亦作“ 贪汚 ”。

    1.贪利忘义。《庄子·秋水》:“事焉不借人,不多食乎力,不贱贪污。”《淮南子·俶真训》:“夫圣人量腹而食,度形而衣,节於己而已,贪污之心奚由生哉?” 元 柯丹丘 《荆钗记·觅真》:“言清行浊心贪汚。”

  2. 指贪利忘义之徒。

    《后汉书·周举传》:“去斥贪污,离远佞邪。” 清 纳兰性德 《渌水亭杂识》卷二:“使君选武猛,不使君选贪污。” 章炳麟 《中华民国解》:“至于近世,则墨吏盈朝,贪汚载路。”

  3. 利用职权非法取得财物。

    《汉书·冯奉世传》:“ 汉 数出使 西域 ,多辱命不称,或贪污,为外国所苦。”《后汉书·酷吏传·阳球》:“时天下大旱,司空 张顥 条奏长吏苛酷贪汚者,皆罢免之。”《魏书·崔休传》:“﹝ 崔叔仁 ﹞以贪污为御史所劾。” 浩然 《艳阳天》第四四章:“我饿不着,你撑死了?噢,对啦,你赶大车,大概是贪污了牲口料。”



  1. An ancient novel full of murder, corruption, homosexuality, bestiality, incest and cruelty. It is often read to children on Sunday.


  2. But it is often more mundane, as officials demand bribes even to deliver routine public services.


  3. Since not accord with corruption to punish, there should be a statement. Don't let the public money wasted in vain at least.


  4. Politicians facing corruption allegations have been obliged to stand down, and the wheels of justice have been allowed to turn.


  5. It takes considerable time for an official to gain a large sum of money by corrupt means and then organize to smuggle it out of the country.


  6. Both countries have corruption in India than China, the greater need seems to be also to look inwards rather than as outright competitors.


  7. "We discovered some evidence of money laundering, fraud, and embezzlement, " he said.


  8. The detective team has put Chen and his wife under exit restriction to prevent him from escaping overseas due to suspected bribe charges.


  9. Yet imagine how much better the country would be doing without it.


  1. 行贿和贪污。

    graft and corruption

  2. 贪污受贿案

    corruption and bribery case.

  3. 贪污贿赂罪

    crime of embezzlement and bribery.

  4. 大肆贪污受贿

    wantonly graft.

  5. 贪污腐败现状

    actuality of corruption

  6. 他们调查贪污

    They investigate corruption

  7. 贪污受贿大案

    major graft and bribery case

  8. 检举贪污分子

    inform against an embezzler.

  9. 这个法官贪污。

    This judge is corrupt.

  10. 反对贪污受贿

    fight against corruption and bribery.

  11. 贪污腐化, 奢侈浪费

    corruption, extravagance and waste

  12. 他被控靠贪污

    He wsa charged with embezzlement

  13. 贪污罪数额

    amount of corruption crime.

  14. 行贿及贪污行为

    bribery and corrupt practice

  15. 郡政府贪污的揭露

    exposure of graft in county government.

  16. 浅析贪污犯罪主体

    On Subject of Corrupt Crime

  17. 高级参事防止贪污

    Senior Staff Officer Corruption Prevention

  18. 不贪污腐化的官员

    officials that are proof against corruption

  19. 新加坡贪污调查局

    Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau Singapore

  20. 坚决反对贪污受贿。

    Fight resolutely against corruption and bribery.

  21. 调查贪污贿赂专员

    Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption

  22. 贪污成风, 廉耻扫地

    Officials become habitual grafters without any sense of shame or decency

  23. 这位部长贪污致富。

    The Minister became rich through graft.

  24. 打击贪污, 人人有责。

    Fighting corruption is a collective responsibility.

  25. 打击贪污,人人有责。

    Fighting corruption is a collective responsibility.

  26. 贪污的, 可弹劾的公务员

    venal, impeachable public servants.

  27. 贪污的警察收受贿赂。

    The venal policeman accepted the bribe.

  28. 澳门水警集体贪污案

    Suspected Syndicated Corruption in Macao Marine Police

  29. 他因贪污而被起诉。

    He is prosecuted for embezzlement.

  30. 我相信你,你别贪污哦。

    I trust you for not being corrupt.


  1. 问:贪污拼音怎么拼?贪污的读音是什么?贪污翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污的读音是tānwū,贪污翻译成英文是 embezzle

  2. 问:贪污犯拼音怎么拼?贪污犯的读音是什么?贪污犯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污犯的读音是tānwūfàn,贪污犯翻译成英文是 offender in corruption

  3. 问:贪污腐化拼音怎么拼?贪污腐化的读音是什么?贪污腐化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污腐化的读音是tānwūfǔhuà,贪污腐化翻译成英文是 embezzlement and corruption

  4. 问:贪污罪拼音怎么拼?贪污罪的读音是什么?贪污罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污罪的读音是tānwūzuì,贪污罪翻译成英文是 offense of embezzlement

  5. 问:贪污公款拼音怎么拼?贪污公款的读音是什么?贪污公款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污公款的读音是tān wū gōng kuǎn,贪污公款翻译成英文是 embezzle public funds

  6. 问:贪污分子拼音怎么拼?贪污分子的读音是什么?贪污分子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污分子的读音是tānwūfènzǐ,贪污分子翻译成英文是 person guilty of corruption

  7. 问:贪污受贿拼音怎么拼?贪污受贿的读音是什么?贪污受贿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污受贿的读音是tān wū shòu huì,贪污受贿翻译成英文是 bribery and corruption

  8. 问:贪污所得拼音怎么拼?贪污所得的读音是什么?贪污所得翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污所得的读音是tānwūsuǒdé,贪污所得翻译成英文是 gains from corruption

  9. 问:贪污挪用拼音怎么拼?贪污挪用的读音是什么?贪污挪用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污挪用的读音是tān wū nuó yòng,贪污挪用翻译成英文是 corruption and embezzlement

  10. 问:贪污盗窃拼音怎么拼?贪污盗窃的读音是什么?贪污盗窃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污盗窃的读音是tān wū dào qiè,贪污盗窃翻译成英文是 graft and theft

  11. 问:贪污行为拼音怎么拼?贪污行为的读音是什么?贪污行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污行为的读音是tānwūxíngwéi,贪污行为翻译成英文是 act of embezzling

  12. 问:贪污集团拼音怎么拼?贪污集团的读音是什么?贪污集团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污集团的读音是tān wū jí tuán,贪污集团翻译成英文是 embezzling group

  13. 问:贪污嫌疑犯拼音怎么拼?贪污嫌疑犯的读音是什么?贪污嫌疑犯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污嫌疑犯的读音是tānwūxiányífàn,贪污嫌疑犯翻译成英文是 suspected grafter

  14. 问:贪污渎职罪拼音怎么拼?贪污渎职罪的读音是什么?贪污渎职罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污渎职罪的读音是tān wū dú zhí zuì,贪污渎职罪翻译成英文是 crime of corruption and nonfeasance

  15. 问:贪污盗窃罪拼音怎么拼?贪污盗窃罪的读音是什么?贪污盗窃罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污盗窃罪的读音是tānwūdàoqièzuì,贪污盗窃罪翻译成英文是 offense of graft and embezzlement

  16. 问:贪污调查局拼音怎么拼?贪污调查局的读音是什么?贪污调查局翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污调查局的读音是,贪污调查局翻译成英文是 Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau

  17. 问:贪污动机原则拼音怎么拼?贪污动机原则的读音是什么?贪污动机原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污动机原则的读音是tān wū dòng jī yuán zé,贪污动机原则翻译成英文是 corrupt motive doctrine

  18. 问:贪污感知指数拼音怎么拼?贪污感知指数的读音是什么?贪污感知指数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污感知指数的读音是,贪污感知指数翻译成英文是 Corruption Perceptions Index

  19. 问:贪污盗窃分子拼音怎么拼?贪污盗窃分子的读音是什么?贪污盗窃分子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污盗窃分子的读音是tān wū dào qiè fēn zǐ,贪污盗窃分子翻译成英文是 grafter and thieves

  20. 问:贪污行为法例拼音怎么拼?贪污行为法例的读音是什么?贪污行为法例翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贪污行为法例的读音是tān wū xíng wéi fǎ lì,贪污行为法例翻译成英文是 corrupt practices acts


