




1. 见 [jiàn]2. 见 [xiàn]见 [jiàn]看到:看~。罕~。~微知著。~义勇为。~异思迁。接触,遇到:怕~风。~习。看得出,显得出:~效。相形~绌。(文字等)出现在某处,可参考:~上。~下。会晤:会~。接~。对事物观察、认……



汉语拼音:jìn jiàn







  1. 朝见。

    唐 权德舆 《<陆宣公翰苑集>序》:“覲见之日,天子为之兴,改容叙弔,优礼如此。”《孽海花》第十回:“她就跟着 小侯 ,一样覲见各国皇帝。”

  2. 会见;拜见。

    《晋书·江统传》:“覲见宾客,得令接尽。”《南史·王僧虔传》:“兄子 俭 每覲见,輒勗以前言往行,忠贞止足之道。”



  1. A year gone, lying prone in the dust of a mountain road. Not to make obeisance, but to press into your warmth.


  2. At the time the ship's company were worried about her squawking expletives when meeting the Royal couple.


  3. Shojo: Miko Miyazaki, the orders I gave you were to deliver this halfling to my audience chamber.


  4. I walked from the throne room with my head high, though I did not know where I was going.


  5. He arranged for another meeting with the king, as the merchant was departing for his own country.


  6. On Dec. 20, 2010, after speaking to the Knesset, I met with the prime minister and urged him to go public with his request.


  7. He also met with Wang Jianzhou, chairman of China Mobile Ltd. , who said the pair discussed "the possibility of cooperation" in China.


  8. He imagined that he would be at once presented to the Emperor.


  9. Has she been presented? I do not remember her name among the ladies at court .


  1. 进宫廷觐见

    be presented at court

  2. 请求觐见女王

    request an audience with the Queen

  3. 他获准觐见国王。

    He was granted an audience with the king.

  4. 他到宫廷觐见皇帝。

    He met the emperor at court.

  5. 你必须奉诏觐见国王。

    You must obey the king's summons.

  6. 引领大家觐见女王

    marshal people into the presence of the Queen

  7. 我们希望觐见女王陛下。

    We hope to see Her Majesty.

  8. 大使携礼物觐见女王。

    The ambassador arrived bearing gifts for the Queen.

  9. 外宾被引导觐见国王。

    The foreign visitors were marshaled into the presence of the king.

  10. 明晨在菊花台等候觐见。

    On the Chrysanthemum Terrace tomorrow morning.

  11. 她能回忆起觐见国王的事。

    She can recollect meeting the king.

  12. 皇后的宫廷高级侍从请他觐见皇后陛下。

    The Empress's chamberlain invited him to her majesty.

  13. 庭院里面的空间是用来等候觐见的地方。

    Inside the courtyard were the waiting rooms.

  14. 与统治者或要人的正式会见。觐见。谒见

    Ruler or an important person

  15. 强如在你觐见的王子面前叫你退下。

    Than to be put lower in the presence of a noble.

  16. 今天上午晚些时候首相将会觐见女王陛下。

    The Prime Minister will seek an audience with the Queen later this morning.

  17. 队长圣上有旨,宣逆民代表两名觐见!

    Captain His majesty ordered an edict Summon two representatives of the rebels to present themselves before the monarch!

  18. 没有人会来穿着寒酸的觐见女王也不会空手去。

    One does not come before a queen looking shabby nor emptyhanded.

  19. 当时舰员们担心她在觐见女王夫妇时会发出咒骂。

    At the time the ship's company were worried about her squawking expletives when meeting the Royal couple.

  20. 令人感到不快的是, 没让我们立即觐见达甫国王。

    It annoyed me not to have been given an immediate audience with king Dahfu.

  21. 试论同治朝外国公使觐见清帝的礼仪之争

    The Dissension of Etiquette of Foreign Ministers Meeting with Emperor Tongzhi.

  22. 商人要离开这个国家时,大臣特意安排他再次觐见国王。

    He arranged for another meeting with the king, as the merchant was departing for his own country.

  23. 大使携礼物觐见女王。你有一位笨手笨脚粗心大意的使女。

    The ambassador arrived bearing gifts for the Queen. You have a clumsy and careless servant girl.

  24. 敬拜是觐见那大能的创造主, 及倾倒拜伏在祂的荣光之下。

    Worship is to come into the presence of Almighty God be overwhelmed by His glory.


  1. 问:觐见拼音怎么拼?觐见的读音是什么?觐见翻译成英文是什么?

    答:觐见的读音是jìnjiàn,觐见翻译成英文是 have an audience with

  2. 问:觐见室拼音怎么拼?觐见室的读音是什么?觐见室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:觐见室的读音是jìn jiàn shì,觐见室翻译成英文是 throne room




【拼音】jìn jiàn

【英译】觐见臣下[present oneself before (a monarch)]
