




用来记录语言的符号:文~。汉~。~符。~母。~典。~句。~里行(háng )间。~斟句酌。文字的不同形式,书法的派别:草~。篆~。颜~。柳~。欧~。赵~。书法的作品:~画。~幅。字的音:~正腔圆。人的别名,亦称“表~”,现多称“号”;商店的……



汉语拼音:cuò zì








  1. 写得不正确的字,或刻错、排错的字。

    清 叶廷琯 《吹网录·阮氏十三经刻本》:“校书之人,不能如大人在 江西 时细心,其中错字甚多。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致姚克》:“文字狱后,乃专事研究错字。”



  1. Accumulation of pronunciation of language, multi-tone words, phonetic word, easy to read typo, idioms, writing material, a lot!


  2. For instance, misprints often crop up in the papers simply because their elimination has not been tackled as a serious job .


  3. Ron Artest does not use spell check. If he happens to misspell a word, Oxford will simply change the actual spelling of it.


  4. I had up to then only seen poems in printed books--no mistakes penned through, no sign to the eye of doubt or trouble or any human weakness.


  5. Reposes the ideal, is one of Whitman bright moonlight image intrinsic . . .


  6. Please only reply to this guide to bring attention to errors, typos, or to request additions to the information.


  7. In the encoding stage, worlds can be misused, decimal points typed in the wrong places, facts left out, or ambiguous phrases inserted.


  8. I never write wrong character, but I write loan characters.


  9. A correct word used in a wrong cultural or religious context is a wrong word.


  1. 打字员按错字键。

    The typist cannot hit the right key.

  2. 你怎么老写错字?

    Why do you always miswrite the words

  3. 他改正了文中的错字。

    He corrected the wrong characters in his essay.

  4. 请将句中的错字划掉。

    Please cross off the wrong word in the sentence.

  5. 如果我写错字了怎么办。

    What if there's a mistake with my handwriting.

  6. 老师把我报告里错字订。

    The spelling in my paper was amended by the teacher.

  7. 请将句中得错字划掉。

    Please cross off the wrong word in the sentence.

  8. 错字改正用胶粘纸的研制

    Adhesive Paper for Erratum Corrections.

  9. 俺从不写错字, 但俺写通假字。

    I never write wrong character, but I write loan characters.

  10. 列一张你经常拼错字的表。

    Keep a list of words that you often misspell.

  11. 形近易错字形成的原因初探

    A Trical Probe into the Cause of Formation of Some Words Which Share Simiar Writing Patten

  12. 我可没有打错字,就是每月40美元。

    Thats no typo. Its 38 a month.

  13. 任何无法辨认的词都将视为错字。

    Any word that's not legible will be counted as wrong.

  14. 最理想得书, 是不写一个错字。

    In typesetting of a book, errors are are corrected.

  15. 最理想的书,是不写一个错字。

    In typesetting of a book, errors are are corrected.

  16. 我的孩子, 把这些错字用橡皮擦掉。

    My boy, wipe these wrong words out with a pencil eraser.

  17. 我的孩子,把这些错字用橡皮擦掉。

    My boy, wipe these wrong words out with a pencil eraser.

  18. 我们应该坚持让学生把错字改正写上去。

    We should insist on the students writing in the corrections.

  19. 老师删掉了海伦作文中的几个错字。

    The teacher crossed out several incorrect words in Helens composition.

  20. 我仔细看过你的作文,发现了一些错字。

    I went over your composition and found a few mistakes.

  21. 老师删掉了海伦作文中得几个错字。

    The teacher crossed out several incorrect words in Helens composition.

  22. 这么明显的错字他都没看出来, 可见他很粗心。

    The character was obviously wrong but he didn't pick it out. It shows how careless he was.

  23. 不仅校读上有所典据,也发现不少的错字、错置。

    Next, lots of the wrong words and placement were found in it.

  24. 固定无效所有斧头财产戳行为和错字源默认值。

    Fixed invalid All Axes property in Facer Behavior and typo in Source default value.

  25. 增加本分类时, 请在重定向语法后的同一行放置错字重定向。

    If the correct spelling is different from the redirect target, use TemplateTlp instead.

  26. 同时触摸键盘很大且有触感因而没有出现打错字的情况。

    And the touch keyboard was so big and tactile that my typos all but vanished.


  1. 问:错字拼音怎么拼?错字的读音是什么?错字翻译成英文是什么?

    答:错字的读音是cuòzì,错字翻译成英文是 wrongly written character; misprint

  2. 问:错字勘误表拼音怎么拼?错字勘误表的读音是什么?错字勘误表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:错字勘误表的读音是,错字勘误表翻译成英文是 erratum


