







汉语拼音:mì mì








  1. 勤勉努力。

    《韩非子·说林下》:“我笑 句践 也。为人之如是其易也,己独何为密密十年难乎?” 陈奇猷 集释引 刘师培 注:“案密、勉一声之转,密密犹《诗》‘密勿’。”参见“ 密勿 ”。

  2. 亲密。

    汉 扬雄 《太玄·密》:“密密不罅,嬪于天。测曰:密密不罅,竝天功也。” 司马光 集注:“密密不罅者,君臣百姓靡不亲密,无有间隙也。”

  3. 紧密;细密。

    唐 孟郊 《游子吟》:“慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。”《秦併六国平话》卷下:“只见五方旗团团旋转,两刃刀密密环围。” 茅盾 《子夜》十八:“船穿完了那密密的垂柳,前面河身狭一些了。”

  4. 犹秘密。

    《云笈七籤》卷一二二:“女子曰:君试诵之,我愿闻也。 万寿 遂密密歷诵经一遍,女子稽首跪听。”《西游记》第三五回:“﹝ 行者 ﹞藏着葫芦,密密的溜出门外,现了本相。”《三侠五义》第一回:“一日, 郭槐 与 尤氏 密密商议,将 刘妃 要害 李妃 之事细细告诉。” 朱自清 《忆跋》:“于是 平伯君 觉着闷的慌,便老老实实的,像春日的轻风在绿树间微语一般,低低的、密密的将他的可忆而不可捉的‘儿时’诉给你。”

  5. 迷茫貌。

    唐 李贺 《公无出门》诗:“天迷迷,地密密。熊虺食人魂,雪霜断人骨。”



  1. As one VC friend from London said to me, "I hate to think what could be lurking at the dark bottom of my inbox" .

  2. The sky, as if by a painter painted the light ink take descriptions, plush drizzle in the sky rampant inclined orgotten.

  3. The small houses were in the nearest part of the city. Square rooms opened on to a grid of narrow passages, criss-crossing to make streets.

  4. The all over the sky stars thickly dotted, a little gap all have no.

  5. So that summer, my sparse straw hat, like the sun like a sieve, put my thoughts into the ground thin thick screen of light particles.

  6. What little space there wAS below the sloping ceiling wAS AS closely covered with pictures AS an Italian votive chapel.

  7. Four young do not understand why the work group, HK has its own desk, should fill the corner of furniture, until the date the work space.

  8. It also has a peculiar office, at the bottom of a pile of Narcissus dense ball of white Gener, like the grandfather of the white beard!

  9. I walk around the Peak, around the flowers are numerous, full of branches, flowers and criss-crossing, as if the fence rows.


  1. 密密的丛林

    a thick forest.

  2. 密密丛丛的森林

    a dense forest

  3. 树木密密地长在一起。

    The trees grew close together.

  4. 密密的乌云压过天空。

    Dense grey clouds skidded across the sky.

  5. 密密的乌云压过天空。

    Dense grey clouds skidded across the sky.

  6. 密密的树林和翠绿的草地。

    Through woods and on the green.

  7. 初始化解密密钥槽失败。

    English Failed to initialize the decryption cipher slot.

  8. 装药团的容器应紧密密封。

    The containers loaded with the dough are hermetically closed.

  9. 装药团得容器应紧密密封。

    The containers loaded with the dough are hermetically closed.

  10. 密密的常春藤遮住了这面墙。

    Rampant ivy had covered the wall.

  11. 树木密密匝匝, 森林暗得像黑夜。

    The trees were so thick that the forests were as dark as night.

  12. 雨丝如线, 将流云和花蕾密密缝缀。

    Rain cloud, such as line MiMi sews and buds.

  13. 她脑后密密梳了很多的辫子

    Dozens of Braids hung thick from the Back of her head.

  14. 在密密星群里埋藏着它的赧颜。

    And hid aimed a crowd of stars.

  15. 有些野雉喜欢生活在密密的丛林里。

    Some wild pheasants love impenetrable jungles.

  16. 有些野雉喜欢生活在密密得丛林里。

    Some wild pheasants love impenetrable jungles.

  17. 密密层层的天罗地网,我看他插翅难飞。

    He is so closely hemmed in on all sides that I doubt whether he could escape even if he grew a pair of wings.

  18. 所有的地面盖满了密密层层的灌木丛。

    The entire surface is covered with dense thickets.

  19. 所有得地面盖满了密密层层得灌木丛。

    The entire surface is covered with dense thickets.

  20. 密密地挤成一团或一群, 如人或动物

    a densely packed group or crowd, as of people or animals

  21. 是圣事因上帝恩宠藉这圣事密密降於人。

    Sacrament a holy act, through which grace, or, in other words, the saving power of God, works mysteriously upon man.

  22. 整片湖都被密密层层的芦苇围了起来。

    The whole lake was rimmed with thick beds of reeds.

  23. 要是忘了创建加密密钥事情可就危险了。

    Forget to create an encryption key and things are going to get dicey.

  24. 这儿有密密的松树和参天的白杨,还有静静的溪流。

    There are exuberent pine trees,towering white poplars,and calm streams.

  25. 天色渐渐暗淡,空旷的河面飘起了密密的雨丝。

    Sky gradually dim, empty river Piaoqi the thick strands of rain drift.

  26. 痛苦的密密在于有闲工夫但心自己是幸福。

    The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bather about whether you are happy or not.

  27. 人们躺在首尾相连,密密排在一起的日光浴床上。

    The people sleep on sun loungers packed tight, end to end.

  28. 群集,聚集密密地挤成一团或一群,如人或动物

    A densely packed group or crowd, as of people or animals.

  29. 数字证书的最简单形式就是不对称加密密钥。

    In its simplest form, a digital certificate is an asymmetric cryptography key.

  30. 穿过密密层层的人群挪向厕所简直是困难之极。

    It is impossible in the dense crowd to push through to the washroom.


  1. 问:密密麻麻拼音怎么拼?密密麻麻的读音是什么?密密麻麻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:密密麻麻的读音是mìmimámá,密密麻麻翻译成英文是 crammed

  2. 问:密密层层拼音怎么拼?密密层层的读音是什么?密密层层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:密密层层的读音是mìmicéngcéng,密密层层翻译成英文是 packed closely layer upon layer; dense

  3. 问:密密拼音怎么拼?密密的读音是什么?密密翻译成英文是什么?

    答:密密的读音是mìmì,密密翻译成英文是 dense.; solid.

  4. 问:密密匝匝拼音怎么拼?密密匝匝的读音是什么?密密匝匝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:密密匝匝的读音是mìmìzāzā,密密匝匝翻译成英文是 thick; dense



“密密”是个多义词,它可以指密密(手机应用), 密密(辽宁卫视主持人陈密)。