如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 增 [zēng]增 [zēng]加多,添:~加。~多。~添。~益。~生(a.同“增殖”;b.古代科举制度中生员名目之一)。~产。~长(zhǎng )。~援。~殖。~辉。~减。~删。……
1. 量 [liáng]2. 量 [liàng]量 [liáng]确定、计测东西的多少、长短、高低、深浅、远近等的器具:~具。~杯。~筒。~角器。用计测器具或其他作为标准的东西确定、计测:计~。测~。~度。~体温。估计,揣测:估~。思~。打……
汉语拼音:zēng liàng
A great deal of money is spent on new and bigger aircraft and airports to deal with the vast increase in passengers travelling by air .
很多金钱在新和更大的航空器和机场上花应付在移动的乘客的浩大的增量航空。Check whether or not implementing incremental indexing is possible.
检查实现增量索引是否可行。Developing an application in an iterative fashion is all about making incremental improvements based on user feedback.
以迭代方式开发应用程序就是根据用户反馈做出增量改进。Our word of advice for this task is (as we stated earlier in this article) summed up in two words: incremental releases.
我们对这项任务的建议(正如在本文的前面所述)可以概括为四个字:增量发布。Keeping incremental backups of the system's important (and user) files is an important way of preventing this sort of disaster.
保存系统中重要(以及用户)文件的增量备份是防止这种灾难出现的一种重要方法。TDD is an iterative process and requires you to run the test cases after small incremental changes to the code during code development.
TDD是一种迭代流程,需要您在代码开发中对代码做出细微增量式更改之后运行测试用例。Increased demand from the U. S will come at a time when manufacturing capacity is constrained by the high cost of credit.
每当制造能力受到高信贷成本的约束时,来自美国的增量需求都会如约而至。inflation : An increase in the general price level, resulting in a decline in the purchasing power of the monetary unit.
通货膨胀:在一般物价水平的增量,造成一种衰落在货币单位的购买力。The money supply was basically stable with the incrementaloutstanding loans and deposits declined slightly as compared with that a year ago.