







汉语拼音:bīn kè








  1. 客人的总称。

    《诗·小雅·吉日》:“发彼小豝,殪此大兕,以御宾客,且以酌醴。” 唐 姚合 《晦日宴刘值录事宅》诗:“花落鶯飞深院静,满堂宾客尽诗人。” 明 唐顺之 《吏部郎中林东城墓志铭》:“锁门谢宾客,虽亲故人不往拜,示自尊重。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“在 曾 家家运旺盛的时代,宾客盈门。”

  2. 指以宾客之礼相待。

    宋 王安石 《伤仲永》:“邑人奇之,稍稍宾客其父。”

  3. 春秋 、 战国 时多用称他国派来的使者。

    《论语·公冶长》:“ 赤 也,束带立於朝,可使与宾客言也。” 邢昺 疏:“可使与邻国之大宾小客言语应对也。”《史记·屈原贾生列传》:“﹝ 屈原 ﹞入则与王图议国事,以出号令;出则接遇宾客,应对诸侯。” 刘师培 《<文章学史>序》:“今考《周礼·秋官》,凡奉使典謁之职,主於大小行人、司仪、象胥诸官,皆典謁四方之宾客者也。”

  4. 指贵族的门客、策士等。

    《史记·淮南衡山列传》:“ 淮南王 大喜,厚遗 武安侯 金财物,阴结宾客,拊循百姓,为畔逆事。” 司马贞 索隐:“《淮南·要略》云 安 养士数千,高才者八人。”

  5. 东汉 以后对依附世家豪族人口的一种称谓。

    《后汉书·马援传》:“ 援 以 三辅 地旷土沃,而所将宾客猥多,乃上书求屯田 上林苑 中,帝许之。”《三国志·魏志·李典传》:“ 典 从父 乾 ,有雄气,合宾客数千家在 乘氏 。” 郭沫若 《中国史稿》第三编第六章第二节:“随着豪强地主势力的发展,依附农民的数量不断增加。 东汉 的徒附、附从、义从、客、家客、宾客、部曲等等,都是依附农民的不同称呼。”原注:“ 东汉 豪强地主的‘宾客’,不完全是依附农民,但有时依附农民也称为‘宾客’。”

  6. 官名。太子宾客的省称。

    唐 代始置, 明 代以后废。 唐 元稹 《唐故越州刺史兼御史中丞河东薛公神道碑文铭》:“刑部五男, 乂 终郎, 丹 终宾客, 拥 终御史,公实刑部府君第某子。” 唐 无名氏 《玉泉子》:“ 崔 出为宾客分司。”《资治通鉴·唐太宗贞观十七年》:“己丑,詔以 长孙无忌 为太子太师……諫议大夫 褚遂良 为宾客。” 胡三省 注:“太子宾客,正三品,古无此官 唐 始置。掌侍从规諫,赞相礼仪。”



  1. Just as we have expected, the formidable connoisseur of vintages did not disappoint all the guests.


  2. The introductions were made. Most of the guests were Japanese, and it was difficult for me to ask them just why we were gathered here.


  3. But the guest said in the last year or two he began talking more about Islam and "lost his way" in a struggle with financial problems.


  4. but after a while he took an egg from a dish and said to the guests, "Who among you, gentlemen, can make this egg stand on end? "


  5. With a lobby designed so guests can socialize with new friends or old, at Sheraton, you know you belong.


  6. With the doctor's assistance, both al-Nubi and his mother were awakened and soon were celebrating with guests.


  7. My mother wilted like a piece of limp lettuce, bid them goodbye and never had another dinner party, I mean never, for the rest of her life.


  8. The guest list is still being drawn up and could change, but as things stand it's right (to say Mr Obama will not be invited).


  9. Instead of schmoozing the doorman or checking to see if he's on the guest list, he whips out his wallet and flashes a mysterious card.


  1. 宾客阗门。

    The house is full of guests.

  2. 宾客盈门。

    Quite a lot of people came round to the house.

  3. 宾客如云。

    Visitors come in flocks.

  4. 留宿的宾客

    house guest.

  5. 宾客们兴高采烈。

    The guests were in high spirits.

  6. 请宾客进来

    to invite visitors in.

  7. 主人宴请宾客。

    The host regaled the honored guests with a feast.

  8. 我去接宾客。

    I go and pick up the guest.

  9. 对宾客的招待

    the entertainment of guests.

  10. 宾客,我的上帝!

    Um,guests?Oh,my God!

  11. 宾客,我的上帝!

    Um, guests? Oh, my God!

  12. 应邀赴宴的宾客。

    Guests bidden tothe feast

  13. 舞厅里满堂宾客。

    The ballroom was peopled with guests.

  14. 乐队奏乐迎接宾客。

    The band played the guests in.

  15. 我们欢迎四方宾客。

    We welcome guests from anywhere.

  16. 邀请宾客们参加聚会

    to bid guests to attend the party

  17. 宾客饮宴直至深夜。

    The guests banqueted until midnight.

  18. 宾客姓名姓名联系方式。

    Guest Name Surname First Name Contact No.

  19. 热情友好, 宾客至上。

    Warm and friendly, put guests above everything else.

  20. 热情友好,宾客至上。

    Warm and friendly, put guests above everything else.

  21. 他对宾客殷勤有礼。

    He is courteous to his guests.

  22. 他周旋于宾客当中。

    He circulated among his guests.

  23. 演奏风琴迎进宾客。

    The guests were played in on the organ.

  24. 演奏风琴送走宾客。

    The guests were played off on the organ.

  25. 宾客对食物交口称赞。

    The guests went into rhapsodies over the food.

  26. 女主人周旋于宾客之间。

    The hostess circulated among her guests.

  27. 讯息服务中心宾客服务主任

    Communication Center Guest Service Officer

  28. 有着众多宾客的房子。

    A house overflowing with guests.

  29. 所有宾客都成双成对。

    Everywhere people were standing in twos.

  30. 他们将以盛宴款待宾客。

    They will regale the guests with a feast.


  1. 问:宾客拼音怎么拼?宾客的读音是什么?宾客翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宾客的读音是bīnkè,宾客翻译成英文是 guest

  2. 问:宾客双壁藻拼音怎么拼?宾客双壁藻的读音是什么?宾客双壁藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宾客双壁藻的读音是bīnkèshuāngbìzǎo,宾客双壁藻翻译成英文是 Diploneis hospes



“宾客”是个多义词,它可以指宾客(基本意思), 宾客(引证解释), 宾客(官名)。