


丢:遗~。坐~良机。收复~地。流离~所。违背:~约。~信。找不着:迷~方向。没有掌握住:~言。~职。~调(tiáo )。没有达到:~望。~意。错误:~误。~策。过~。~之毫厘,谬以千里。改变常态:惊慌~色。……


1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……



汉语拼音:shī hé








  1. 不和。

    晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·顺宗纪二》:“ 商 疾边吏失和,使 羌 戎 不静。” 宋 叶梦得 《石林家训》:“吾观近世兄弟间失和,事虽不一,然其大有二:溺妻妾之私,以口语相谍;较货物之入,以增减相夺。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四七回:“前年 中 法 失和时,他守着 长门 炮台。”



  1. It's just that the state of nature that's how the biology would seem to fall out. You want to go on?


  2. Over the years, Col Gaddafi had fallen out with both his neighbours and the West, although he had bankrolled many African leaders.


  3. Old Mrs. Lee had been afraid that family misunderstandings might deprive her of her yearly visit to Alexandra.


  4. Results Dentigerous cyst is one of the main causes of embedded teeth, only second to retained deciduous teeth, dental crowding.


  5. And yet every American president is implored upon entering office to bring the quarrel swiftly to an end.


  6. North Korea had long grown dependent on food handouts from its estranged brother, South Korea, and from the United States.


  7. THE smiles were forced, but the message was clear: after a period of growing estrangement, Russia and Belarus have kissed and made up.


  8. It's also a sign of the borderless online whistleblower's increasing estrangement from traditional media outlets.


  9. Only additives essential for filtration control and cuttings carrying are present in a drill-in fluid.


  1. 嫉妒于女孩子们失和。

    Jealousy divided the girls.

  2. 这使得他们父子终身失和。

    It caused a lifelong breach with his father.

  3. 降低雨水流失和地表径流。

    The grass panels will reduce storm water runoff.

  4. 弟兄俩失和已有几月。

    The brothers have been estranged for months.

  5. 他们的争吵使两个朋友失和。

    Their quarrel estranged the two friends.

  6. 恶毒的流言于两位老友失和。

    Spiteful gossip separated the two old friends.

  7. 恶毒的流言使两位老友失和。

    Eg Spiteful gossip separated the two old friends.

  8. 弟兄俩失和有好几个月了。

    The brothers have been estranged for months.

  9. 请别让这样的小事使我们失和。

    Please don't let such small matter divide us.

  10. 请别让这样得小事使我们失和。

    Please don't let such small matter divide us.

  11. 所以她才会和家人失和, 因为这些规则。

    The rift with her family, that's what it's about? These rules.

  12. 请不要让这点小事使我们失和。

    Please do not let such bagatelle divide us.

  13. 人与自然的失和, 即有客观原因也有主观原因。

    Man and nature are objective reasons.

  14. 约翰和杰克都想当队长, 因而失和。

    John and Jack both wanted to be elected captain of the team and there was no love lost between them.

  15. 重新确立关系中的距离可能引起营业失和。

    Reestablishing that distance in the relationship can lead to a business rift.

  16. 是根据以往货物灭失和破损的统计数字订的。

    The premium rates are fixed on the basis of the past statistical loss figures.

  17. 是根据以往货物灭失和破损得统计数字订得。

    The premium rates are fixed on the basis of the past statistical loss figures.

  18. 关于遗产继承的争执是他们兄妹失和之根。

    The dispute about inheriting estate formed an apple of discord between the children.

  19. 在计算的过程中要考虑滤失和裂缝表皮伤害的影响。

    In the process of computing, should take filtration and fracture skin into consideration.

  20. 内皮细胞的脱失和功能障碍是心血管疾病中的突出特征。

    Endothelial dysfunction and cell loss are prominent features of cardiovascular disease.

  21. 泥浆侵入储层的过程可分为喷射、滤失和动平衡等过程。

    The process drilling mud invading the reservoirs can be divided into injection, filter and dynamic balance processes.

  22. 但几个欧洲国家由于担心与俄罗斯失和而对此表示反对。

    But several European states oppose the move amid fears of a rift with Russia.

  23. 保险费率是根据以往货物灭失和破损的统计数字来制定的。

    The premium rate is fix on the basis of the past statistical loss figures.


  1. 问:失和拼音怎么拼?失和的读音是什么?失和翻译成英文是什么?

    答:失和的读音是shīhé,失和翻译成英文是 become estranged




【读音】shī hé


【出处】晋·袁宏《后汉纪·顺宗纪二》:“ 商疾边吏失和,使羌戎不静。” 宋·叶梦得《石林家训》:“吾观近世兄弟间失和,事虽不一,然其大有二:溺妻妾之私,以口语相谍;较货物之入,以增减相夺。”
