


1. 勾 [gōu]2. 勾 [gòu]勾 [gōu]用笔画出符号,表示删除或截取:~销。~乙(在报刊书籍的某些词句两端画上像“乙”的记号,表示作为资料)。画出形象的轮廓,描画:~画。~勒。用灰、水泥等涂抹建筑物的缝(fèng ):~缝。调……





汉语拼音:gōu qǐ





2.引起。曹靖华《素笺寄深情》:“偶读《鲁迅日记》,见有‘复 靖华 信,附 文它 笺’,或‘复 靖华 书,附 唯宁 笺’等记载,不禁勾起无限回想。”



  1. 征调。


  2. 引起。

    曹靖华 《素笺寄深情》:“偶读《鲁迅日记》,见有‘复 靖华 信,附 文它 笺’,或‘复 靖华 书,附 唯宁 笺’等记载,不禁勾起无限回想。”



  1. A few adroit words, one or two knowing tender glances of the eyes, and his heart was inflamed again and his doubts and suspicions forgotten.


  2. What apps have caught your eye recently? Let me know what you think of the apps above.


  3. If he's laughing at me, it's because of something I've said, or some memory I made him think of. It isn't malicious.


  4. Everything around him was full of her presence, continually reopening the wound. So he decided to emigrate.


  5. The letter from her mother set off an attack of homesickness.


  6. He said the Washington State scientist's paper piqued his interest.


  7. And of course I was immediately intrigued. I saw photographs of her, and I thought I wanted to go.


  8. and I had a glimpse of a fine large tree, with a bench round it, which put me so exactly in mind!


  9. Sometimes the man sang songs from Peiping operas and Li cried as he thought of his home in the north.


  1. 勾起一腔愁思

    arouse great sorrow.

  2. 这音乐勾起往事。

    This music brings back memories.

  3. 勾起了你的回忆。

    Maybe that triggered something.

  4. 勾起了你的回忆。

    Maybe that triggered something.

  5. 他向内勾起手指。

    He crooked his finger to himself.

  6. 勾起对往事的回忆

    evoke memories of the past

  7. 勾起对往事的回忆

    evoke memories of the past

  8. 不经意勾起我淡淡忧伤

    I run into sadness carelessly

  9. 这句话勾起许多联想。

    The rememtrance roused a whole train of association.

  10. 那是勾起我无限遐思的

    That make me many reverie

  11. 这一切勾起了我的回忆。

    How this brings it all back to me.

  12. 这立刻勾起我强烈的好奇

    And of course I was immediately intrigued.

  13. 勾起美国人食欲也有风险。

    There are risks to whetting Americas appetite.

  14. 他们勾起她痛苦回忆的往事。

    They were distressful memories to her.

  15. 那样的话勾起了痛苦的回忆。

    Remarks like that brought back painful memories.

  16. 这件事勾起了他的回忆。

    This incident called forth his reminiscences.

  17. 这件事勾起了他得回忆。

    This incident called forth his reminiscences.

  18. 拜访一位老友, 勾起美好回忆。

    Visiting an old friend of yours and remembering great memories.

  19. 他的信勾起她对往事的回忆。

    His letters still invoked her past.

  20. 勾起我忆起那远方光亮的家。

    Reminding me of my faraway but glorious Home.

  21. 用你律动的音符勾起我的回忆。

    You took my memory with your ahd rhyme.

  22. 我只是想勾起你的美好回忆。

    I just wanted to put a nice memory in your head.

  23. 那封信又勾起了往日得恐惧。

    The letter awoke old fears.

  24. 那封信又勾起了往日的恐惧。

    The letter awoke old fears.

  25. 大海的气息勾起了她童年的回忆。

    The smell of the sea carried her back to her childhood.

  26. 老这么谈吃的勾起我的食欲了。

    All this talk of foood is making me hungry.

  27. 此情景勾起了我对童年的回忆。

    The scene reminded me of my childhood.

  28. 有些歌也会勾起我的一些记忆。

    Certain songs bring back memories to me, too.

  29. 能勾起最没胃口的人食欲的大餐

    magnificent meals to tempt the most jaded appetites

  30. 这乐曲勾起她对青年时期得回忆。

    The music evoked memories of her youth.



【拼音】gōu qǐ

【注音】ㄍㄡ ㄑㄧˇ


【引证解释】 1. 征调。《元典章·兵部一·正军》:“若病死者,亦以存恤半年限外,勾起户下其次丁补役。” 2. 引起。

曹靖华 《素笺寄深情》:“偶读《鲁迅日记》,见有‘复 靖华 信,附 文它 笺’,或‘复 靖华 书,附 唯宁 笺’等记载,不禁勾起无限回想。”