


1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……


居住的地方:故~。返~(回老家)。街坊(古代五家为邻,五邻为里):~弄(lòng )。中国市制长度单位:一~(等于五百米)。~程牌。衣物的内层:被~。内部,与“外”相对,并引申为一定范围以内:~外。心~。这~。那~。姓。……



汉语拼音:jiā li








  1. 家中。

    宋 黄庭坚 《新喻道中寄元明用觞字韵》:“但知家里俱无恙,不用书来细作行。”《水浒传》第四五回:“头陀道:‘他还在他家里睡着。’”

  2. 指内部。

    毛泽东 《在省市自治区党委书记会议上的讲话》:“有一种问题是我们自己家里出的。比如,现在有些干部争名夺利,唯利是图。”

  3. 犹言内人。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十四:“ 于得水 道:‘此冤仇实与我无干,如何缠扰着我家里。’” 张英 《老年突击队》四:“ 老吴 知道她是 武大炮 的家里,忙又解说:‘大妈,现在厂里日班没上工,夜班刚要放工,厂里没有人。’”

  4. 方言。指妻。

    宋 姚宽 《西溪丛语》卷下:“《南史·张彪传》呼妻为乡里。云:‘我不忍令乡里落他处。’今 会稽 人言家里,其意同也。” 明 张萱 《疑耀》卷六:“ 白乐天 诗:‘还家问乡里,詎堪持作夫。’乡里,谓妻也。《南史·张彪传》呼妻为乡里,‘今我不忍令乡里落他处。’今人言家里,本此。”



  1. Promising to help her return home, the clerk brought her to the government office who found her lodging in a civilian's house.


  2. Soon I would go back to the place I'd left a few months earlier, but I knew well what was going on at home.


  3. If it is a casual office, it might be a good idea to leave your three-piece suit at home and wear some fashionable pants instead.


  4. Objective assessments of the nearby park opportunities were also linked to how much time children spent in sedentary behaviors.


  5. He gave his daughter an ultimatum: unless she stopped taking drugs he would throw her out of the house.


  6. I was glad not to be lodge-bound, but it was harder than I expected: I couldn't catch my breath and my knees felt like glass.


  7. At night the indirect lighting reflected off the curved ceiling, which added light and made it comfortable to work at home.


  8. I went to my apartment hoping that he might be there. No one had called. I went round to my solicitor's. There was no one there either!


  9. There was a lady of rare beauty in the lodge, who had great influence over him, though she did not bear his name.


  1. 家里没人。

    Nobody's home.

  2. 待在家里。

    To stay at home.

  3. 在家里用餐

    eat in

  4. 从家里出发

    to set out from home

  5. 在家里祈祷

    Do Your Prayers At Home.

  6. 家里来客了。

    We have a guest at home.

  7. 咱们家里见

    and I guess I'll see you at home?

  8. 家里有些积蓄。

    Well,we have some savings.

  9. 家里有些积蓄。

    Well, we have some savings.

  10. 家里凌乱不堪

    You house is in a terrible state.

  11. 接待家庭家里。

    I will stay in the host family.

  12. 你在家里了

    You are home.

  13. 家里有人吗

    Anybody home?

  14. 家里入不敷出吧。

    That's gotta be tough.

  15. 在安吉洛家里

    From Angelo's place.

  16. 是的,在家里。

    Yes,in the home.

  17. 是的,在家里。

    Yes, in the home.

  18. 家里有酒吗

    Isnt there any drink in the house

  19. 住进家里来

    Regina and Adrianna into her home.

  20. 家里也听得到

    It's in my house.

  21. 到某人的家里

    to somebody's place

  22. 在某人的家里

    at somebody's place

  23. 因为家里有你

    Because you're there.

  24. 在家里生闷气

    stayed home in a sulk

  25. 也在这个家里。

    And in this family.

  26. 我们留在家里

    We are remaining at home.

  27. 在家里干杂活

    to do odd jobs around the house.

  28. 家里来客人了。

    Um,actually,we have a guest.

  29. 家里有没有吸管

    Do we have any straws?

  30. 家里现在乱七八糟。

    Everything is at sixes and sevens in the house.


  1. 问:家里拼音怎么拼?家里的读音是什么?家里翻译成英文是什么?

    答:家里的读音是jiālǐ,家里翻译成英文是 at home; home

  2. 问:家里的拼音怎么拼?家里的的读音是什么?家里的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:家里的的读音是,家里的翻译成英文是 domestic

  3. 问:家里的危险地方拼音怎么拼?家里的危险地方的读音是什么?家里的危险地方翻译成英文是什么?

    答:家里的危险地方的读音是JiālǐdewēixiǎnDìfāng,家里的危险地方翻译成英文是 dangerous areas in the home