


1. 委 [wěi]2. 委 [wēi]委 [wěi]任,派,把事交给人办:~托。~派。~任。~员。~以重任。抛弃,舍弃:~弃。~之于地。推托,卸:推~。~罪。曲折,弯转:~曲。~婉。~屈。积聚:~积。末、尾:原~。穷源意~(追究事物本原及……


1. 派 [pài]派 [pài]水的支流:九~(指长江支流之多)。一个系统的分支:~系。~别。~性。党~。作风,风度:正~。气~。~势。~头。分配,指定:~赴。~驻。~遣。委~。指摘:~不是。量词(a.用于派别,如“两~的意见争论不休”;……



汉语拼音:wěi pài








  1. 委托安排。

    《儿女英雄传》第十一回:“这个断不敢领,一则呢,是 十三妹 姑娘的委派;再我们头领也有话在头里。”

  2. 委任派遣。

    《官场现形记》第二十回:“他却有一件好处,这些差缺并不安置自己的私人,先检着正途出身人员,按照次序委派。” 老舍 《四世同堂》五一:“ 日本 军部已委派许多 日本 的经济学家研究战时的经济。”



  1. Upon reflection Nixon and I decided to appoint David K. E. Bruce, one of our ablest ambassadors and most distinguished public figures.


  2. But just when James starts to question his role and decides to wash out, Burke taps him for a special assignment to root out a mole.


  3. Your security settings do not allow you to specify whether or not this account is to be trusted for delegation.


  4. Each appointment or removal of a director shall be submitted to the Board for ratification at the next regular or interim Board meeting.


  5. Until mid-March, Ed Ou was on assignment for The Times in Benghazi, shooting primarily feature photographs in and around the eastern city.


  6. The president of the company delegated her to draft the contract.


  7. The long - awaited time for me to debut my greatness and deposit what I have been assigned to do by my master has come.


  8. Dawson says it shows you are unable to delegate, to say no or to keep up.


  9. The key to delegating is recognizing that your ability to do things perfectly isn't as highly valued as you think it is.


  1. 我委派别人了

    I'm delegating.

  2. 委派一个秘书

    to appoint a secretary

  3. 委派他任上尉。

    He was gazetted captain.

  4. 委派, 委托委派给别人委派

    To assign to another delegate.

  5. 第一,会委派工作。

    Firstly, at assigning tasks.

  6. 我们委派他为经理。

    We appointed him manager.

  7. 他们委派他为代表。

    They appointed him as their representative.

  8. 选定要委派的权限。

    Select the permissions you want to delegate.

  9. 隔离并委派普通任务

    Segregate and delegate the munda

  10. 该职位由首相委派。

    The post lies in the gift of the Prime Minister.

  11. 会计委派制势在必行

    The System of the Appointment of Accountants Must Be Built Up under the Current Situation

  12. 他无法强迫主教委派他。

    He could not force the bishop to appoint him.

  13. 董事由合营各方委派。

    The directors shall be appointed by the parties to the venture.

  14. 他被委派填补那空缺。

    He was appointed to the vacant post.

  15. 我们委派谁担任主席呢?

    Who shall we appoint as chairperson?

  16. 委派他赴一新团任职。

    He was gazetted to a new regiment.

  17. 可以为资源邮箱配置委派。

    You can configure delegates for a resource mailbox.

  18. 他不能委派代表来指挥。

    He can't delegate command.

  19. 她委派他作自己的助手。

    She made him her assistant.

  20. 强化委派会计的管理功能

    Strengthen the Administrative Function of Appointed Accountant

  21. 委派任命司令官或舰长

    To appoint to a naval or military command.

  22. 公司总裁委派她起草合同。

    The president of the company delegated her to draft the contract.

  23. 他乐于委派和接受指令。

    He was thoroughly impeccable and also checkable, happy to delegate and receive instruction.

  24. 我已经委派他为我的代表。

    I have delegated him to serve in my place.

  25. 主教没有委派一个继任人。

    The bishop had appointed no successor to him.

  26. 我们已委派比尔参加会议。

    We have delegated Bill to attend the meeting.

  27. 他们委派她照顾那位老人。

    They appointed her to take care of that old man.

  28. 请指出要委派的任务范围。

    Indicate the scope of the task you want to delegate.

  29. 木兰得祖先们委派了谁帮助木兰?

    Who did the ancestors send to help Mulan?

  30. 木兰的祖先们委派了谁帮助木兰?

    Who did the ancestors send to help Mulan ?


  1. 问:委派拼音怎么拼?委派的读音是什么?委派翻译成英文是什么?

    答:委派的读音是wěipài,委派翻译成英文是 appoint

  2. 问:委派津贴拼音怎么拼?委派津贴的读音是什么?委派津贴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:委派津贴的读音是wěi pài jīn tiē,委派津贴翻译成英文是 assignment allowance

  3. 问:委派指令代字拼音怎么拼?委派指令代字的读音是什么?委派指令代字翻译成英文是什么?

    答:委派指令代字的读音是wěi pài zhǐ lìng dài zì,委派指令代字翻译成英文是 Assignment Instruction Codes