








1. 石 [shí]2. 石 [dàn]石 [shí]构成地壳的矿物质硬块:~破天惊(喻文章议论新奇惊人)。指石刻:金~。指古代用来治病的针:药~。药~之言(喻规劝别人的话)。中国古代乐器八音之一。姓。石 [dàn]中国市制容量单位,十斗为……



汉语拼音:xuán tuó jiù shí







  • 【解释】:比喻用力多,得益少。
  • 【出自】:《法苑珠林》卷六六记载:有人得到一匹死骆驼,剥皮嫌刀钝。楼上有块磨刀石,于是上楼磨刀,下楼剥皮,上下往返,十分费事。


  1. na.
  2. put the trivial above the important;put the cart before the horse;put the incidental before the fundamental;reverse the order of importance

  1. 他只用三年就掌握了石建筑的艺术。

    He learnt the art of stone masonry in just three years.

  2. 门槛,橱柜台面,室外地面就适合使用花岗石。

    The mesa of doorsill, ambry, ground outdoor suits to use granite.

  3. 钻过飞来穴和月牙亭,人们就到了磕头石。

    Crossing the cave and then the crescent pavilion, one finds the head knocking rock.

  4. 有些就被成为了铁矿石。

    A breath that's fossilized now as iron.

  5. 九寨沟就像一颗绿宝石。

    Jiuzhaigou is just like an emerald.

  6. 她就象是一块吸铁石似的。

    She seems to be the magnet.

  7. 這塊巨石就會滾下山,那他就得再來一次。

    the rock would roll over, and he would have to start again.

  8. 惊讶间,还来不及等她反映,乔石就冲过来吻了她。

    Unfortunatley, Charlotte showed up just in time and dragged Lucy away.

  9. 只要你明天到老地方帮我背土背石就行了!

    It's OK to carry the stones and mud for me at the same place tomorrow.

  10. 魔石就满足了老石匠的第一个祈愿, 使他变成了一棵青松。

    Magic stone will satisfy the old masons first wish that he became a pine trees.

  11. 右手抓住一个圆形的, 光滑的锤石, 就像抓住一个棒球。

    In his right hand he grasps a round, smooth hammerstone as if it were a baseball.

  12. 其实就是蛇蟠石!

    Are actually these Shenpan stones!

  13. 其实就是蛇蟠石!

    Are actually these Shenpan stones!

  14. 就像不倒翁里的石块。

    Like a rock in a tumbler.

  15. 蛭石在短期内就会分解。

    Vermiculite tends to collapse in a short time.

  16. 我简直就是新时代的活化石。

    I am living fossil of new age.

  17. 所以人们就管它叫响石。

    So people call it the Sounding Stone.

  18. 铁矿石就是最显而易见的案例。

    Iron ore is the clearest example.

  19. 黑石发言人拒绝就此发表言论。

    Blackstone spokesman declined to say something.

  20. 这个著名的陨坑就叫做陨石坑

    so iconic that it is actually called Meteor Crater.

  21. 天长地久就变成了一把石剑。

    Over time, it turned into a rock sword.

  22. 渊源, 渊源, 你看, 那就是著名的碣石。

    Yuanyuan, look, thats the renowned Jieshi Cliff.

  23. 语言是文化的冠石 没有语言,就没有文化。

    Language is the keystone of culture. Without language, culture would not be possible.

  24. 就算是穷人家也有厚厚的石墙。

    Even the poorer had massive stone walls.

  25. 想戒烟就得去石南地上裸舞。

    The way to quit smoking is to dance naked in a field of heather.

  26. 地球吸引物体就好像磁铁石吸引针一样。

    The earth pull thing to it just as a magnet pull needle.

  27. 她的三个亲戚就被乱石砸死。

    Three of her relatives were killed by stoning.

  28. 小石城一位妇女挨饿就是我们在挨饿。

    The hunger of a woman in Little Rock, our hunger.

  29. 这就是蒋介石反动政权的经济基

    Such is the economic base of Chiang Kaisheks reactionary regime.

  30. 他们就拿砖当石头,又拿石漆当灰泥。

    So brick served as stone for them, but bitumen served mortar for them.

