







汉语拼音:jīn dé






  1. 五德之一。谓以金而德王。古代阴阳学家以五行相生相克和终而复始的循环变化,说明王朝兴替的原因,称为“五德终始”。

    《史记·封禅书》:“ 殷 得金德,银自山溢。”《魏书·礼志一》:“ 晋 承 魏 ,土生金,故 晋 为金德。”《医宗金鉴·运气要诀·五行德政合化灾变歌》:“金德清洁政劲切,其化紧歛令露膏。其变肃杀霜早降,其灾苍乾草木凋。”参见“ 五德 ”。



  1. Hannover's president, Martin Kind, said the goalkeeper had been "unstable" recently but that it had not been publicly noticed.


  2. As Rifkind rightly said, "The U. S. , Britain and France would not go to war with [Russia] to force South Ossetia back into Georgia. "


  3. Bob Woodward, Ron Suskind and I recently debated on Slate the issue of how much we really know about Bush's biggest decision.


  4. He deserves credit for grasping the industry's problems quickly and then trying to tackle them.


  5. "Good bosses would be very open to having that conversation, " said Gail Ginder, a leadership coach in Healdsburg, California.


  6. Sir Halford Mackinder, it appears, was quite right about Kashmir, which lies at the nexus of these great events.


  7. Among them, former British Foreign Minister Malcolm Rifkind neatly laid out the biggest contrasts in an editorial in the Times of London.


  8. In 1996, Claus Wedekind, a zoologist at Bern University in Switzerland, conducted what's become known as the stinky T-shirt study.


  9. " Freedom Tower " is formally known as the World Trade Center One building, the designer for the Polish designer Liebeskind.


  1. 拉斯金德的助理也会来,高兴吧

    Raskind's assistant will be there. I know!

  2. 目前, 唯一要与足协协商的是金德俱乐部。

    At present, only in consultation with the Football Association's club is Kim.

  3. 目前,唯一要与足协协商得是金德俱乐部。

    At present, only in consultation with the Football Association's club is Kim.

  4. 英国前外交大臣里夫金德反驳了这种看法。

    Former British Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind rejects that notion.

  5. 不过, 阻拦陈涛转会的并非状态, 而是他的东家金德俱乐部。

    However, Chen Tao block the transfer is not a state, but his club boss Kim.

  6. 另外在对桑德罗的处罚上,金德对足协的做法也很不满。

    In addition to the punishment of Sandro, the Football Association of Kim's approach is also very dissatisfied.

  7. 申花上一轮没能在客场拿下长沙金德,冠军梦因此渐行渐远。

    Shenhua last round failed to win away in Changsha Jinde, Therefore Dream champion lopsided.


  1. 问:金德拼音怎么拼?金德的读音是什么?金德翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德的读音是jīndé,金德翻译成英文是 Kim Tok

  2. 问:金德中拼音怎么拼?金德中的读音是什么?金德中翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德中的读音是Jīn Dézhōng,金德中翻译成英文是 Kim Tok-chung

  3. 问:金德伦拼音怎么拼?金德伦的读音是什么?金德伦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德伦的读音是Jīndélún,金德伦翻译成英文是 Gendron

  4. 问:金德兰拼音怎么拼?金德兰的读音是什么?金德兰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德兰的读音是Jīndélán,金德兰翻译成英文是 Kindelan

  5. 问:金德勒拼音怎么拼?金德勒的读音是什么?金德勒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德勒的读音是Jīndélè,金德勒翻译成英文是 Kindler

  6. 问:金德圭拼音怎么拼?金德圭的读音是什么?金德圭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德圭的读音是Jīn Déguī,金德圭翻译成英文是 Kim Tok-kyu

  7. 问:金德培拼音怎么拼?金德培的读音是什么?金德培翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德培的读音是Jīndépéi,金德培翻译成英文是 Kim Deok Bae

  8. 问:金德奥拼音怎么拼?金德奥的读音是什么?金德奥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德奥的读音是Jīndé'ào,金德奥翻译成英文是 Guindeo

  9. 问:金德姆拼音怎么拼?金德姆的读音是什么?金德姆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德姆的读音是Jīndémǔ,金德姆翻译成英文是 Kingdom

  10. 问:金德尔拼音怎么拼?金德尔的读音是什么?金德尔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德尔的读音是Jīndé'ěr,金德尔翻译成英文是 Kiendl; Kindel; Kindl

  11. 问:金德恩拼音怎么拼?金德恩的读音是什么?金德恩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德恩的读音是JīnDé'ēn,金德恩翻译成英文是 Jadu, a Korean pop artist

  12. 问:金德拉拼音怎么拼?金德拉的读音是什么?金德拉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德拉的读音是Jīndélā,金德拉翻译成英文是 Quindera

  13. 问:金德文拼音怎么拼?金德文的读音是什么?金德文翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德文的读音是,金德文翻译成英文是 Randall Duk Kim

  14. 问:金德曼拼音怎么拼?金德曼的读音是什么?金德曼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德曼的读音是Jīndémàn,金德曼翻译成英文是 Kindermann

  15. 问:金德林拼音怎么拼?金德林的读音是什么?金德林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德林的读音是Jīndélín,金德林翻译成英文是 Gindlin; Kindling

  16. 问:金德柱拼音怎么拼?金德柱的读音是什么?金德柱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德柱的读音是Jīn Dézhù,金德柱翻译成英文是 Kim Tok-chu

  17. 问:金德根拼音怎么拼?金德根的读音是什么?金德根翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德根的读音是Jīndégēn,金德根翻译成英文是 Kuendgen; Kündgen

  18. 问:金德特拼音怎么拼?金德特的读音是什么?金德特翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德特的读音是Jīndétè,金德特翻译成英文是 Gindert; Gündert

  19. 问:金德芳拼音怎么拼?金德芳的读音是什么?金德芳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德芳的读音是Jīndéfāng,金德芳翻译成英文是 Dreyer, June Teufel

  20. 问:金德雷拼音怎么拼?金德雷的读音是什么?金德雷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:金德雷的读音是Jīndéléi,金德雷翻译成英文是 Quinderé