


推广,伸张,放大,张大:~大。~展。~散(sàn )。~建。~张。~军。~充。……




用具的总称:~皿。~物。~械。木~。武~。~小易盈。生物体结构中具有某种独立生理机能的部分:~官。消化~。人的度量、才干:~度。~量(liàng )。~宇。~质。大~晚成。重视:~重。~敬。……



汉语拼音:kuò yīn qì








  1. 亦称“ 扩声器 ”。用来扩大音量的器具。亦以喻受人主使而发言的傀儡。

    郭沫若 《羽书集·忠告日本政治家》:“然而 近卫 却完完全全做了 日本 军部的‘罗波子’(傀儡),做了 日本 军部的扩声器,却也是出人意外的。”



  1. There is some unexplained shouting and the tinny, amplified voice of a woman who seems to be warning people to stay indoors.


  2. She stood before the microphone without fear. She sang as if she was high on a could where no storm or gale could touch her.


  3. Then, ten days into the shelling, an ultimatum was broadcast over loudspeakers: those who wished to leave had an hour to do so.


  4. He wants to tell her about the film he saw in health class about how the embryonic heart is too small to hear, even with amplification.


  5. A bull horn or other hailing device should be used to attempt to give direction to any conscious victim trapped within the structure.


  6. He said the car reached 94 mph before a trooper, calling out instructions from a megaphone, helped him slow down and turn off the engine.


  7. Thursday night, Bryant found a megaphone and delivered a final answer even Regis Philbin would not question.


  8. There was just one announcement over the megaphone, about 30 minutes before the ship tilted to its side.


  9. The woofer's magnet is at least twice as big as those used in ordinary active subwoofers.


  1. 晶体管扩音器

    transistor megaphone

  2. 喇叭筒, 扩音器

    speaking trumpet

  3. 直接插进扩音器吧

    Um, I'll just plug into the amp.

  4. 大播摇滚乐的扩音器

    loudspeakers pumping out rock music

  5. 二是把马桶当成扩音器。

    Second, a loudspeaker to the toilet.

  6. 请勿在馆内使用扩音器。

    Please do not use amplifier loudspeaker.

  7. 你们要横幅和扩音器吗?

    Would you like a streamer and amplifier?

  8. 不需要有听筒喇叭扩音器。

    Not with the handset speakerphone.

  9. 他们把吉他与扩音器相接。

    They plugged their guitars into amplifiers.

  10. 干什么,再来个扩音器吗

    What for? Another amp?

  11. 能够产生高频音的扩音器。

    a loudspeaker that reproduces higher audio frequency sounds.

  12. 我昨天买了一个扩音器。

    I bought an amplifier yesterday.

  13. 扩音器里在喊他得名字。

    His name was paged over the speakers.

  14. 扩音器里在喊他的名字。

    His name was paged over the speakers.

  15. 扩音器里在喊他的名字。

    His name was paged over the speakers.

  16. 人们常用扩音器来放大声音。

    People often use a loudspeaker to magnify the voice.

  17. 扩音器就是他们讨生活的本钱。

    Lives or dies by their amplifiers.

  18. 跟你另外八个扩音器相比

    Okay, so what does this amp do.

  19. 用锣鼓,扩音器和录音机帮忙。

    Use drums and gongs, megaphones and recorders to help.

  20. 他常用扩音器当着大众演说。

    He often speaks in public with a megaphone.

  21. 他的声音通过扩音器扩大了。

    His voice was amplified by means of an amplifier.

  22. 以便你想要第十个扩音器

    Here, in case you need a 8th amp.

  23. 扩音器中传来了她的声音。

    Came her voice over the loudspeakers.

  24. 请勿在博物馆范围内使用扩音器。

    Please do not use loudspeaker in the Museum.

  25. 这个实验室还为扩音器产品评级。

    The lab also produces ratings for loudspeakers.

  26. 官员们用扩音器呼吁大家保持冷静。

    Officials used loud hailers to call for calm.

  27. 扩音器发出一种奇怪的哨音。

    The microphone was making a strange whistling sound.

  28. 话筒和扩音器都准备就绪了吗?

    How about the microphone and speakers?

  29. 我没有在你桌子里暗藏扩音器。

    I haven't planted a microphone in your desk.

  30. 新扩音器由公司的扩音器部门加以制造。

    The company's Relay Division can manufacture the new relay.


  1. 问:扩音器拼音怎么拼?扩音器的读音是什么?扩音器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扩音器的读音是kuòyīnqì,扩音器翻译成英文是 microphone; audio amplifier; loud speaker

  2. 问:扩音器噪声拼音怎么拼?扩音器噪声的读音是什么?扩音器噪声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扩音器噪声的读音是kuò yīn qì zào shēng,扩音器噪声翻译成英文是 microphonic noise

  3. 问:扩音器电话装置拼音怎么拼?扩音器电话装置的读音是什么?扩音器电话装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扩音器电话装置的读音是kuò yīn qì diàn huà zhuāng zhì,扩音器电话装置翻译成英文是 loudspeaking telephone set