




1. 卷 [juàn]2. 卷 [juǎn]卷 [juàn]可以舒展和弯转成圆筒形的书画:长~。画~。手~。书籍的册本或篇章:上~。第一~。藏书十万~。~帙(书卷成束,用布裹或布囊装起来称“帙”,即书套。现一般指书籍)。考试用的纸:试~。机……



汉语拼音:chūn juǎn






  1. 即春卷。参见“ 春卷 ”。

  2. 食品名。用薄面皮裹馅,卷成圆筒形,放在油里炸熟。

    老舍 《二马》第四段六:“她用叉子把春卷断成两段,非常小心的咬了一口。” 沈从文 《从文自传·我读一本小书同时又读一本大书》:“我还记得我同我那弟弟两人当时皆用竹簟卷好,同春卷一样,竖立在屋中阴凉处。”



  1. Customer: I'd like to have tofu, a spring roll and a fried dumpling. How much is the total?


  2. We were surprised to see such a variety of rolls offered on the menu.


  3. Study of spring roll skin to did not sleep all night, in the morning to remember, I also quite silly.


  4. "We got noodles and broccoli, " she said. "And an egg roll, " Liam added.


  5. Bruce Lyon, a physical trainer, is in great shape. But when spring rolls around each year, he feels all his strength and energy melt away.


  6. Americans love Italian pizza, Mexican tacos and Chinese spring rolls. But the American version doesn't taste quite like the original!


  7. Americans adore European pizza, Mexican tacos and Asiatic egg coils. But the American version doesn't taste very like the original!


  8. If you invest in the US, it is possible to fail even though you set up a spring-roll factory.


  9. D: Let me check whether we have enough stock? I'm sorry, we are out of Vegan Spring Rolls.


  1. 我要吃春卷。

    I want to eat.

  2. 银芽肉丝春卷

    Fried spring rolls with green bean sprouts and shredded pork

  3. 春卷如小枕头一般

    A Spring Roll as Big as a Small Pillow

  4. 妈咪, 我要吃春卷。

    Mum, I want spring rolls.

  5. 妈咪,我要吃春卷。

    Mum,I want spring rolls.

  6. 春卷京味鸭沙拉

    Beijing duck salad with a Crispy spring roll and Chinese dressing

  7. 让我们吃一些春卷吧。

    Let's have some spring rolls.

  8. 春卷皮用英语怎么说?

    Spring Roll Wrapper , Spring Roll Skin , Spring Roll pastry.

  9. 什锦冬瓜粒泡饭蔬菜春卷

    Spring Rolls Stuffed with Vegetable Noodle with Vegetables

  10. 速冻春卷工艺技术的推广

    Development of processing technology of deepfreezing spring roll

  11. 微波春卷浸湿原因的探讨

    The Causes of the Soggy Spring Roll During Microwave Pre fried Process

  12. 越南冷冻春卷被检出致病菌

    Disease detected in frozen spring rolls from Vietnam

  13. 我们可以再点一些素菜春卷吗

    Can we also order some vegetable spring rolls

  14. 我们还可以点一些蔬菜春卷吗?

    Can we also order some vegetable spring rolls?

  15. 请给我们五个春卷作头盘。

    Please give ue five spring rolls as appetizer.

  16. 这是有关寿司和春卷的问题!

    It's a question of Sushi or Spring rolls!

  17. 在中菜里, 蛋卷与春卷不同。

    In Chinese cuisine, egg rolls differ from the spring roll.

  18. 微波加热对春卷物理特性的影响

    The Effects of Microwave Heating on the Physical Properties of Spring Roll

  19. 我建议你来份馄饨来一份春卷吧。

    I suggest you take a dumpling soup and a portion of spring rolls?

  20. 为什么不试一下春卷呢,它很好吃。

    Why not try our spring roll? It's delicious.

  21. 相信我的话, 这是我吃的最好的春卷。

    Believe you me, this is the best spring roll I've ever eaten.

  22. 咱们来共享一份春卷和撒拉吧。

    How about sharing a plate of spring rolls and salad.

  23. 正如你看到的,越南春卷,蔬菜的陷料。

    As you can see, It is Vietnamese spring rolls with vegetables stuffing.

  24. 中午,我的父母及祖父母会做春卷吃。

    At noon, my parents and grandparents usually make spring rolls to eat.

  25. 我就用一般包春卷的方法包的长条形。

    I just use the usual way to make a egg roll shape.

  26. 午餐和晚饭有各式面条, 饺子, 春卷等等。

    We have different kinds of noodles, dumplings, spring rolls and so on.

  27. 午餐和晚餐有各式面条、饺子、春卷等。

    And different kinds of noodles, dumplings, spring rolls and so on for lunch and supper.

  28. 我要两个春卷和一份广式肉粥。

    I'll have two spring rolls and a portion of congee.

  29. 这位老兄应该考虑以炸春卷为职业了。

    This guy should consider a career in spring roll.

  30. 我们打算送你一个春卷, 以表示我们的歉意。

    We want to give you a spring roll to express our appologize.


  1. 问:春卷拼音怎么拼?春卷的读音是什么?春卷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:春卷的读音是chūnjuǎn,春卷翻译成英文是 spring roll

  2. 问:春卷拼音怎么拼?春卷的读音是什么?春卷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:春卷的读音是chūnjuǎn,春卷翻译成英文是 Chinese Spring Rolls


