







汉语拼音:shāng bīng






  1. 作战受伤的士兵。

    洪深 《香稻米》第一幕:“话还未完,只见一个身上穿着便服,下身仍着军裤,绷带吊着左手的伤兵,追至门口。” 茅盾 《子夜》二:“市面上的消息也许过甚其词。可是这次来的伤兵真不少!”



  1. A close friend of mine put the muzzle of his rifle between the German's still crying eyes and pulled the trigger.


  2. The wounded soldier could have been saved if he had not been left to bleed to death on the battlefield.


  3. A wounded soldier is on his way out of the chaos of battle, and headed for home. The pain arrives as good news.


  4. This afternoon Chiellini was added to the injury list, as he pulled up during the training session with a muscular problem.


  5. She had seen wounded men in the hospitals, wounded men on Aunt Pitty's lawn after the fighting at the creek, but never anything like this.


  6. I was holding my breath with every pitch but he did look good for being on the DL since the beginning of the season.


  7. General Lee permitted northern medical wagons to return to the battlefield. And they began to carry the wounded back to Centreville.


  8. Marleen was on her way to a nearby hospital to help nurse wounded soldiers.


  9. Mourinho has had to contend with a number of injuries this term, but he is refusing to use this as an excuse.


  1. 伤兵收容所

    collecting station for wounded soldiers.

  2. 伤兵又苏醒过来。

    The wounded soldier came to life again.

  3. 伤兵被运走了。

    The wounded soldiers were carried away.

  4. 把伤兵拉到后方

    move the wounded soldiers to the rear

  5. 伤兵痛得直翻腾。

    The wounded soldier thrashed about with pain.

  6. 伤兵现在脱离了危险。

    The wounded soldier is now out of danger.

  7. 伤兵一次又一次地跌倒。

    The wounded soldier toppled down time after time.

  8. 这名伤兵疼得直打滚。

    The wounded soldier lashed around in great pain.

  9. 那名伤兵因痛苦而翻滚著。

    The wounded soldier writhed in agony.

  10. 那名伤兵因痛苦而翻滚着。

    The wounded soldier writhed in agony.

  11. 伤兵被立即送上担架抬走。

    Wounded soldiers were quickly ridden on stretchers.

  12. 那伤兵一瘸一瘸地离开了战场。

    The wounded soldier limped off the battlefield.

  13. 那个伤兵跌跌撞撞地向前走去。

    The wounded soldier lurched forward.

  14. 他手下现在已经出现了54名伤兵。

    He was already encumbered with54 wounded.

  15. 第一次运动会只有两队伤兵参加。

    In the first games just two teams of injured soldiers took part.

  16. 医生知道那伤兵的生命已经无望。

    The doctor knew that the wounded soldier's life was despaired of.

  17. 军队医院将为任何伤兵配制假肢。

    The military hospital will fit any wounded soldier for a false leg.

  18. 陆军医院将为任何伤兵配制假肢。

    The military hospital will fit any wounded soldier for a false leg.

  19. 我们必须舍弃伤兵以防敌人赶上我们。

    We must abandon the invalid soldiers in case the enemy catches up with us.

  20. 我们必须舍弃伤兵以防敌人赶上我们。

    We must abandon the invalid soldiers in case the enemy catches up with us.

  21. 今年我们有老鸟在伤兵名单上。

    This year, we have veterans that are on the disabled list.

  22. 伤兵们拖着步子从我们身旁走过。

    The wounded soldiers trailed past us.

  23. 旧王朝可以遮掩脚手架和伤兵医疗站。

    The dynasty conceals the scaffolding and covers the ambulance.

  24. 医生用绷带把伤兵的手腕包了起来。

    The doctor lapped a bandage around the wounded soldiers wrist.

  25. 所有的卡车都被征用去运伤兵。

    All the trucks were coopted to carry the wounded soldiers.

  26. 伤兵用肘费劲地支起身子大声呼救。

    The wounded soldier levered himself up on his and shouted for help.

  27. 这位伤兵养好了伤,很快就归队了。

    The wounded soldier recovered and cut back to his unit.

  28. 那个伤兵用胳膊支起身子,大声呼救。

    The wounded soldier levered himself up on his elbow and shouted for help.

  29. 他看到一个伤兵在一瘸一拐地走着。

    He saw a wounded soldier lobbing along.

  30. 他于三月三十一日被放入伤兵名单中。

    He went on the disabled list on March 31.


  1. 问:伤兵拼音怎么拼?伤兵的读音是什么?伤兵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伤兵的读音是shāngbīng,伤兵翻译成英文是 wounded soldier; wounded

  2. 问:伤兵名单拼音怎么拼?伤兵名单的读音是什么?伤兵名单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伤兵名单的读音是shāngbīng míngdān,伤兵名单翻译成英文是 disabled list

  3. 问:伤兵救护国际委员会拼音怎么拼?伤兵救护国际委员会的读音是什么?伤兵救护国际委员会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伤兵救护国际委员会的读音是shāngbīng jiùhù guójì wěiyuánhuì,伤兵救护国际委员会翻译成英文是 International Committee for the Relief of Mili...



伤兵 汉语

拼音:shāng bīng 英文:wounded soldier 释义:战斗中身体受伤害的士兵。洪深 《香稻米》第一幕:“话还未完,只见一个身上穿着便服,下身仍着军裤,绷带吊着左手的伤兵,追至门口。” 茅盾 《子夜》二:“市面上的消息也许过甚其词。可是这次来的伤兵真不少!”