







汉语拼音:jiù shì







  1. 趁机;顺便。

    元 白朴 《梧桐雨》第三折:“寡人呵,万里烟尘你也合嗟讶,就势儿把吾当諕。”《金瓶梅词话》第一回:“ 武松 寻思:我就势把这大虫拖下岗子去。” 沙汀 《淘金记》十:“他伸直腰,拍拍桌子,就势挨近 彭胖 坐下。”



  1. Miss Lin kicked him away and reclined sideways on the bed, with her head hidden behind her mother's back.


  2. Then Jeff pulled her up. He was standing, holding onto a tree that grew against the wall.


  3. Since 2005, my Government attaches great importance to carry out the micro-loan companies.


  4. This astonishing change of fortune raises two big questions. Is it durable enough to make Mr Cameron prime minister?


  5. One big mottled arm shot out and caught Toad by a fore- leg, while the other - gripped him fast by a hind - leg.


  6. He leaning back, as he was, on Jesus' breast saith unto him, Lord, who is it?


  7. Leaning back against Jesus, he asked him, "Lord, who is it? "


  8. He then lying on Jesus' breast saith unto him, Lord, who is it?


  9. Jn. 13: 25 Then he, while reclining thus on Jesus' breast, said to Him, Lord, who is it?


  1. 水柔如丝,可随形就势。

    Water like silk, it can follow any figures.

  2. 他们的观点从一开始就势不两立。

    Their views had been irreconcilable from the beginning.

  3. 对手扑过来, 我就势把他摔倒在地。

    As my opponent threw himself at me, I used his momentum to fling him to the ground.

  4. 狗扑过来,我就势把它摁住不放。

    As the dog sprang on me, I made use of its momentum to press it down and hold it there.

  5. 他站在那儿,就势抓住了靠墙生长的一棵树。

    He was standing, holding onto a tree that grew against the wall.

  6. 那门徒便就势靠着耶稣的胸膛,问他说,主阿,是谁呢。

    He then lying on Jesus'breast saith unto him, Lord, who is it?

  7. 势如破竹,这个势就是心理能量的积累。

    The power which can carry everything before it, the power indicates the accumulation of mental capacity.

  8. 有钱就有势。

    Who ever holds the purse rules the house.

  9. 臭婊子,不要以为你有钱有势就能在我这摆谱!

    Lascivious woman, don't think that you are wealthy to have power ability at I this puts a chart!

  10. 我不愿掌管财权,尽管我知道有钱就有势。

    I don't want to hold the purse strings though I see who holds the purse rules the house.

  11. 相反得情况下,双底就是一个上升势得坚实基础。

    The opposite happens, there is a stark contrast between two solid foundation.

  12. 谁有钱有势,他就向谁卖好。

    He would fawn on anyone of wealth and position.

  13. 谁有钱有势,他就向谁卖好儿。

    He will fawn on anyone with wealth and position.

  14. 如果那个国家的叛徒集团一得势, 人民就要遭殃。

    If the renegade clique of that country were in power, it would have meant serious disaster for the people.

  15. 祥子进去, 把铺盖放在地上, 就势儿坐在上面, 又没了话。

    Xiangzi went in, put his bedding on the floor and plumped himself down on it, all without a word.

  16. 裁判一看他的招势就知道他有基本功。

    With one glance of his movement, the judge knew that he had a solid mastery of basic skills.

  17. 裁判一看他的招势就知道他有基本功。

    With one glance of his movement, the judge knew that he had a solid mastery of basic skills.

  18. 不是你的强势就能让人心服口服的,而是要以德服人。

    Is not your strong can let the person to take orally, but to virtue.

  19. 如果理财人员势孤力弱, 公司就会挥霍到破产为止。

    If the bean counters are too weak, the company will spend itself into bankruptcy.

  20. 我们知道了怎样从化学势, 得到分压, 就写在这儿。

    But we know now how to go from chemical potentials to partial pressures. It's written right here.

  21. 一有弱势,他们就会反咬一口。

    They will turn on us at the first sign of weakness.

  22. 小势就是个人的能力、性格、特长。

    Small potential is a personal capacity, character, talent.

  23. 这就告诉了我这里的势应该是什么。

    So, that tells me what the potential should be here.

  24. 在这种情况下,势位能就转化成动能。

    In the circumstances the potential energy turns to kinetic energy.

  25. 她打手势表示他就要转到左面去了。

    She signalled that he was about to turn left.

  26. 既然势成骑虎,我就一不做二不休。

    As I am in for it, I must proceed.

  27. 如果趋势就是信号, 那么逆势的波动就是噪音。

    If the trend is the signal, then the counter trend motion is the noise.

  28. 自从去年10月份以来,暴力活动就有愈演愈烈之势。

    Violence has flared elsewhere in the north Caucasus since October.

  29. 她说她还是镇定下来了, 打手势叫他就座。

    She said she collected her wits somehow and gestured him to a chair.

  30. 该误差电压就是所谓的接触电势或偏移电压。

    This error voltage is known as contact potential or offset voltage.


  1. 问:就势拼音怎么拼?就势的读音是什么?就势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就势的读音是jiùshì,就势翻译成英文是 to make use of momentum; to take the opportun...




拼音:jiùshì 基本解释 [making use of momentum] 趁势;顺势,即顺着动作上便利的形势 对手扑过来,我就势把他摔倒在地 详细解释 趁机;顺便。 元 白朴 《梧桐雨》第三折:“寡人呵,万里烟尘你也合嗟讶,就势儿把吾当諕。”《金瓶梅词话》第一回:“ 武松 寻思:我就势把这大虫拖下岗子去。” 沙汀 《淘金记》十:“他伸直腰,拍拍桌子,就势挨近 彭胖 坐下。”