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1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……
汉语拼音:tóu xián
宋 范成大 《客中呈幼度》诗:“手板头衔意已慵,墨池书枕兴无穷。” 元 洪希文 《朱千户自京归》诗:“紆朱喜换头衔旧,衣锦荣归鬢髮新。”参见“ 衔头 ”。参阅 唐 封演 《封氏闻见记·官衔》。
According to Thomson this man was a sixth-grade mandarin official and a man of letters who possessed two degrees in imperial examinations.
据汤姆逊所说,照片中的男人,是一位六品官,在科举考试中曾取得过举人头衔。violators of this anti - fraud policy will be treated equally regardless of their position , title or years of service with the company.
违反反欺诈政策的员工,无论其职位、头衔和工龄将受到同等处罚。To annex(a lesser state) to a greater state as a means of permitting the ruler of the lesser state to retain title and partial authority.
使…归并并(小国家)于另一较大的国家,以此使较小国家的统治者能保持自己的头衔及部分权力。I forgot the official title of this VP, but basically he was responsible for some of the biggest contracts the company ever sold.
我忘了这名副主席头衔是什么了,但是最起码他负责这家公司曾做成的几笔最大的买卖。And I will always be honored to carry a title that means more to me than any other: citizen of the United States of America.
我将永远为这个对我意味着更多的头衔而感到骄傲:美利坚合众国公民。If it appears on the next line, dispense with the comma, as you see in the second example.
如果头衔写在下一行,则不用加逗号,就像第二例。Until a boss tells you to call him "John" instead of "Mr. Leland, " stick with the title, especially if you're young and newly hired.
在老板让你称呼他“约翰”而不是“利兰先生”之前,一定要用头衔称呼,特别当你是一位年轻人又是初来乍到时。He said that he did not expect his critics to let him off any easier because of his new accolade, though .
然而,克鲁格曼并不认为他的批评者们会因为这个新的头衔便对他有丝毫的松口。An announcer described him as he took the court for his final national championship victory, in 1975, in his final game.