




1. 期 [qī]2. 期 [jī]期 [qī]规定的时间,或一段时间:定~。限~。~限。学~。量词,用于刊物或其他分期的事物:第五~。盼望,希望:~望。~冀。~盼。~待。限度:“征敛无~求索无度”。必,决定:“~死,非勇也”。〔~颐〕指人……



汉语拼音:rú qī








  1. 按照约定的期限;至期。

    《孙子·用间》:“因是而知之,故生间可使如期。” 张预 注:“故生间可往復如期也。”《后汉书·方术传上·谢夷吾》:“豫剋死日,如期果卒。” 茅盾 《锻炼》三:“ 周工程师 ,拆卸工作能够如期完成么?”



  1. Another example could be that a check you need may be late, and try as you may, you may not be able to shake it free.


  2. The Wall Street Journal said the Apple chief executive would be returning to his job on schedule, but may initially work part-time.


  3. But, in a recent poll, a majority of New Yorkers said they did not believe the project would be completed on time.


  4. The meeting duly took place, but Mr Aso was gone within a few months, leaving many Washington insiders wondering what it had all been for.


  5. If they do, the cost of capital will go down and bring down the cost of electricity from nuclear plants, he said.


  6. The match against the Andriy Shevchenko-led opposition went well, even if a debut goal proved just a little too much to ask.


  7. Current assets are less than current liabilities, which means the company may not be able to pay its debt on time.


  8. There was hope that this year the rains would not fail, and that somehow they would come through.


  9. From today, had no agreement been reached, the US government would have had to stop meeting some of its obligations.


  1. 拍摄如期开始。

    Filming began on schedule.

  2. 派对如期举行。

    We're still having the party.

  3. 她没有如期付款。

    She fell down on her payment.

  4. 他未能如期付款。

    He was behind in his payments.

  5. 外债没有如期偿还。

    Foreign debts were defaulted.

  6. 任务已如期完成。

    The task has been accomplished according to schedule.

  7. 请你方如期付款。

    Kindly honor it on presentation.

  8. 好的,比赛如期进行

    Okay, game will proceed as planned.

  9. 我不可能如期完成。

    I cant possibly meet that deadline.

  10. 他总是如期地休假。

    He is always scrupulous in taking his holidays.

  11. 大赛能不能如期举行

    Whether the com petition can be held on schedule.

  12. 我将如期还你钱。

    I shall duly pay you back.

  13. 摊位的搭建如期完成。

    Construction of the stand was well up to schedule.

  14. 这些计划将如期实现。

    These plans will come to fruition according to schedule.

  15. 我们未能如期交付租金。

    We are behind time in paying the rent.

  16. 你的船会如期到达的。

    Your shipment will arrive as planned.

  17. 你的船会如期到达的。

    Your shipment will arrive as planned.

  18. 买主要求该货如期装运。

    The buyer demanded punctual shipment of the goods.

  19. 你不想婚礼如期举行吗

    Don't you want it to happen?

  20. 人生如期, 多思者能胜。

    In life, as in chess, forethought wins.

  21. 工人们如期完成了生产指标。

    The workers achieved their production target on time.

  22. 工人们如期完成了生产指标。

    The workers achieved their production target on time.

  23. 我可能不能如期完成了。

    I can't possibly meet that deadline.

  24. 他莫名其妙地没有如期露面。

    For some obscure reason, he failed to turn up.

  25. 你不想婚礼如期举行吗,不想

    Don't you want it to happen? No.

  26. 责成有关部门如期完成任务

    instruct the departments concerned to fulfill their tasks according to schedule

  27. 恰好13天后,展示会如期举行。

    And, exactly 13 days later,right on time,the showing took place.

  28. 他们通知她会议将如期召开。

    They informed her that the meeting will be held as scheduled.

  29. 如期收到您昨日发来的信。

    We duly received your letter of yesterday.

  30. 欢庆活动在倾盆大雨下如期举行。

    Festivities were undeterred by the heavy downpour.


  1. 问:如期拼音怎么拼?如期的读音是什么?如期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:如期的读音是rúqī,如期翻译成英文是 on time

  2. 问:如期拼音怎么拼?如期的读音是什么?如期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:如期的读音是rúqī,如期翻译成英文是 with the proper time

  3. 问:如期偿付拼音怎么拼?如期偿付的读音是什么?如期偿付翻译成英文是什么?

    答:如期偿付的读音是rú qī cháng fù,如期偿付翻译成英文是 meet





【拼音】rú qī



【示例】 会议将如期召开。
